well, about time to just sit and relax before heading off to bed. I really had a busy
day so a hot toddy would be great and of course I have to stir the fire a little and
toss on a little more wood. Took the sofa apart and out the door. The mattress in it
was never used, had brand new bedding on it too. Put that part upstairs on top of
my other mattress and now my bed seems really huge, very comfy though. I have a
little corner desk out in storage I'm going to bring in for my sewing machine. Used
it many years ago at my old cabin and it was hand made by a dear friend long departed.
The empty space right now looks quite nice, so roomy
Then, with the left over laundry to do, its been a busy one in deed. At least I only have
one day to work and then its a holiday, and will go honor the vets.
The last 3 days of work for the week will be the longesttttttttttt. It always seems that
way when we have a holiday. So, next weekend I'll get my sewing corner set up.
Ok, one more hot toddy and I'm off to lala land.