My sister has been in and out of hospital several times this year. Mostly brief stays and doctors not finding serious problems other than severe malnutrition and dehydration along with near total loss of muscles. She had been doing reasonably well since her release last week.
Today she was in car with me and we were on the way for her first follow-up doctor appointment from last weeks hospitalization when she had what I thought was a stroke. Almost wrecked car trying to pull over and call 911. After another battery of tests and hours in ER and ruling out heart attack or stroke, they were in process of releasing her when it happened again. Thankfully, this time the medical staff at hospital saw it first hand. They said it was a major seizure, but don't know what caused it as she has no history of that problem. They quickly canceled the release orders and admitted her for more tests and observation at least over night.
Would appreciate prayers that this time doctors can figure out what is wrong so it can be treated and get her on road to recovery.