Tomorrow morning I am headed west, final destination will be Colorado. My grandson, however is in a rodeo, next Fri. in Hays, Kansas so that is my first real stop. I haven't checked our map to see if anyone lives between here or there yet, so if so, let me know, would love to meet more of my Sistahs on here. I am taking my time, used to make it in a few days, but not doing as much mileage each day as I used to do. Want to really enjoy the trip, plus the r.v. and I , both have aged since then, so slower is better
I haven't been on the forum lately, so many things to do, as this opportunity just popped up and I have been really moving it around here Of course, you can't tell how excited I am, can you? I'm sorry I don't really know the news from the rest of you, maybe this evening I will have time to catch up some of it, I hope. I should have the r.v. and all here ready for me to leave. Will not hurry back, but have no idea how long I will be gone.
I will try to check in from time to time, so you know I still exist Liz, gave me her old laptop some time ago, so will try to find Wifi somewhere.
Breaks over, several more things on the list to do and they're saying rain this evening, so have to get the lead out.
Soos, your GTG is soon isn't it? Hope you all have a great time, I will be thinking of you.
Hope you all are well and for those on the road, stay safe,
I hope our afternoon storm doesn't last as long today, as usual, so I can catch up on some of you.
Take Care,