This question is really for those of you who do NOT use highways or at least rarely use them. How do you go about planning your trips, especially if it is a new area that you will visit? I was playing around with Good Sam's trip router on their website. I put in Florida to Montana on scenic roads preferably. Their router was taking me across Florida on secondary roads, some highways in GA and SC, etc but it was a really roundabout route to Montana. When I removed the scenic roads filter, it took me right up I75 into GA, etc. I don't want to be highway warrior but don't mind using them when it is expeditious.
Part two of this question - Is there a particular trip that you have taken that you REALLY loved and why? This should relate to the scenic wonders, interesting places to see or things to do. Not that you went to see your new grandchild, although that would be a wonderful trip too. I have my guesses as to which of you are taking the kind of trips I am referring to from previous postings but would love to know how you find them, etc. Thanks.