Dear Abby,
From one furry forum sistah to another, we need to look out for each other.
It is obvious that competition for Handsome Herschel has increased tremendously since Suzy the hussy kitty has thrown her "assets" into the ring. Suzy should be aware that she is not the only other species after Handsome Herschel. The GHL's (gray haired lady) forum sistah's are constantly swooning over him and threatening to steal him, not to mention lil M and Lil V and the twins. Lil M and lil V and the twins all traveled with Herschel for extended periods of time. It seems no other females of any species had that honor. (The GHL does not count.)
Handsome Herschel is a "Traveling Man", making a lot of stops all over the east coast. He seems to have a girl in every port, I mean campground. This last fact is according to Remi. You have seen first hand what he is like with those "California Girls". I'm sure Dreamy Jed will have something to say about this if/when Handsome Herschel makes his way to the west coast.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my brothers. They are available.
This is Ozzy. He thinks this will be a good picture for Puppygirl magazine. He thinks Burt Reynolds should watch out. (Abby your mom can explain who he is)
This is Trent with our late sister Phoebe behind him. He is quite cute, too bad he's my brother.
Your hooman can fix the pictures if they don't show up. Mine always seems to do something wrong. She mumbles about being computer illiterate, but I would leave out "Computer". (Just saying) That's probably why she gave me a map and not a GPS when I threatened to leave home for TN.
So, what do you say Abby?
Your friend, Cooper