Friday July 1st

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Friday July 1st

Postby Redetotry » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:31 am

Good morning everyone,
Winnie and I are having scrambled eggs for breakfast and there is plenty for all so help yourselves. It is going to be a hot weekend here so I have no plans other than staying in where it is cool.
No word yet as to when my van will be ready so I am amusing myself by trying to decide where to go. I love the pictures of the Great Lakes Seaway Trail where Liz and Nan are, I have never been out east.

Everyone have a great weekend!

They just called wondering why I didn't pick my van up YESTERDAY!! I told them I understood them to say they would call as they weren't sure which day it would be ready. So now I have to wait as it's just too hot and humid for me to go plus I have to arrange for someone to drive my vehicle back. I'm hoping this heat wave passes by next Tuesday.
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Re: Friday July 1st

Postby avalen » Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:51 am

good morning ladies
scrambled eggs for breakfast sounds good to me, thank you and I'll add a little toast on the side.
Nothing extra planned today other than work this evening. Another hot day on the weather front but
it'll be ok, swamp cooler is working good and the car has ac.
Have a great day and be safe.
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Re: Friday July 1st

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:39 am


I can't believe I forgot RABBITS again! Shame on me!

BJ, what a shame to think you could have been sitting in your new rig this morning! Dang!

Ava's breakfast got me drooling a bit here, so maybe I will go find something to munch on.

Cloudy, warm day here on this first day of July----White-Throated-Sparrows calling with their "Old Sam Peabody Peabody Peabody" beautiful songs----intermittent sunshine.....what a beautiful morning! I also hear some meadow larks with their pennywhistle voices, down toward the woods.

Not much left to do here but throw the chili together, clean out my truck to make room for luggage and people and groceries, vacuum out the old trailer and shake the rugs in there. Then perhaps Molly and I will take a walk to the pond. Yesterday Wiley and Joe and I got the water pump working, the generator, storage batteries, and electrical system all hooked up, so now they are set with running water (both hot and cold) and electricity at the cabin. Mema has her Direct TV service all up and running down there, so the pond cabin is like a luxurious hotel now.

Hope you all will be having the start to a wonderful celebratory 4th weekend. I will be absent from the chatroom tonight as I'll be at the airport, but I will try to get on the coffee room in the mornings. Happy Friday to all!
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Re: Friday July 1st

Postby Irmi » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:46 am

Good morning ladies!

BJ, your RV is waiting on you and they didn't call to tell you? I hope you find someone to bring your vehicle back so you can start getting in some camping trips!

Ava, enjoy your day and try to stay cool.

The long 4th of July weekend begins for me in 1-1/2 hours. Another couple will be meeting us at a state park that we can get to using all back roads to stay off the highways with all the traffic going to the ocean. It will be a very laid back weekend, which is what I need right now.

My sister was moved into a nursing home yesterday evening because she can't do anything for herself with her foot/leg still being in traction. My father was in a lot of pain when my mother & I left the hospital yesterday evening. It looks like he'll be in the hospital another 5 days or so and may have to be moved into a rehab before he can go home. I've spent the last 2 nights at my Mom's house since she is legally blind and can't do much for herself. Tonight & tomorrow my brother will be staying with her and Sunday a sister is flying in from FL to stay for the better part of the week. Maybe by then, we'll have our parents settled in a rehab somewhere.

Have a good weekend everyone.
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Re: Friday July 1st

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:23 am

Good Morning Ladies... I have coffee but no breakfast yet... I had scrambled eggs the other night for dinner...
I have the air back on as it is suppose to be extra hot with heat index in the triple digits not good... so glad for air conditioning...
I finally got a monitor to keep track of my blood pressure... the doctor wants me to take it twice a week... that would cost $10 so it will pay for itself in a short time... have not had a monitor for years and years...
Hopefully this weekend I will begin getting things by the door for re packing Bright Hope...
Irmi your life is quite up and down... I hope things settle down soon... you are all in my prayers...
Have a good day everyone...
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Re: Friday July 1st

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:01 pm

double post :x
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Re: Friday July 1st

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Jul 01, 2011 12:02 pm

I'll have a cup of coffee but will hold off on any food for a bit yet.

For the past couple days the temps have been hovering around 60 :shock: My furnace is still running! They say starting today we are to warm up considerably (80s), so we'll see. Will be nice to have a warm 4th.

My neighbors moved out a few days ago and my new neighbor has already moved in. :o The family with the dad that has colon cancer has moved up to the Seattle area. Her mother lives up there and if/when something happens to David she will be already settled. I will miss them, but not their 4 yapping dogs (the black pug is PG again by the Pom ;) )

Anyway, the new neighbor was leaving yesterday when I was out front so I introduced myself. He's young (40ish), and said his name is Santino. Seems very nice. He's also a friend of another neighbor so I got some of the scoop. He's a single Dad with two teenagers and a 5 yr old. Not sure of the situation with the kids. I see so much of that type situation in the neighborhood. My heart aches for them all.

My SIL's MRI came back with a good diagnosis. Nothing to worry about with the liver spot. I forgot what the Dr called it. So thanks for the prayers. God heard and answered.

My SIL's mother is coming up from AZ. Wanted to come for the 4th but the flights are pretty full. Hopefully she can find a seat soon.

My DD is participating in either a marathon or triathlon this weekend. I hope to drive up and support her but not looking forward to driving the interstate during the holiday weekend.

Got a call from the estate lawyer. Keybank told us the repo'ed boat was sold, but that's not true. Keybank are so messed up that even their own collection lawyers have given up and have given my lawyer permission to deal directly with the bank!! My lawyer was also trying to get the IRS part going but was on HOLD for so long he could no longer waste the time. What's the deal with all these agencies?! You try to do it their way and you still hit walls!

Irmi, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. So much going on. Please take care of yourself as carrying a load like that can take it's toll on you.
Safe travels for any of us who are on the road this weekend. Have fun is whatever activities you have planned!
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