Herschel is now sitting on my bed resting here at the Horse Park just north of Lexington. I had to make a last minute run down to my step mother's appt this morning to confirm with her over some family issues. With her hearing I don't like to have improtant discussions over the phone. As it is she will forget some of the info but over all she remembers that I explain things to her and she feels respected....even if she forgets the details.
Anyway it kept getting later and later but I promised Herschel we would get out of town. I was just so ready. And all I can say is ACK ACK ACK.....it tried to rain around Cincinnati and I couldn't tell if it was windy of just the traffic and the different feel of towing the Honda ....but I kept my big girl panties on and kept thinking of Soos' towing terrors and everyone else that has to do something for the first time. All I could think of was how much money the system costs and how easily if would be to get something not hooked up right.......There goes the new Honda So I think I got the hook up and the unhooking part. I am still a little concerned about the switch I had put in to keep it simple...but I have an emergency PM in to Birdie for help with that, since she has a similar system......because when I unhooked at the PArk to drive to my sight, the Honda would not start, sigh. There was a plan in driving here. Plenty of people and support till I figure the details out.
Oh, yes and as I was driving down I 75 my daughter calls to tell me the her in laws had not written down the camping weekend dates and they won't be able to come that second weekend in July. Well, and she is trying to decide whether to try to reschedule for the following weekend, forget the whole thing or just have me stop by Charlotte and go to the WHitewater Center where she works part time........ I told her to get back with me, so those jello plans for the week after next are up in the air again. Then again, it opens up all new possibilities.
Well, I am off to get ready for bed. I went to college in Lexington and plan to drive in tomorrow morning and maybe go over to the horse park tomorrow afternoon. Herschel, Remi and I got to watch some polo players earlier this afternoon. When I think about expensive hobbies...supporting a string of nice polo ponies and the trailer and and truck to haul them with would be right up there! They were pretty though....