new doggie foster mom (photos added)

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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:26 pm

mitch5252 wrote:
Rufflesgurl wrote:...My daughter was always stopping for dogs running loose on roadways.

This was my friend's boyfriend.
He was 38.



That is a chance I am willing to take. I can't just do nothing. I am very careful tho and take the risks into serious consideration.

I will be keeping this dog for a little while longer... This morning I took him over to the animal hospital down the street to check for a microchip. They did find one and gave me the number to call. I came home and called. The chip was never registered to anyone. So back on the road. Went back to Perris to where I found him and drove all over the neighborhoods around there. The only signs I saw posted were for yard sales. Then I went to the strip mall on the corner where I found him and saw there was an animal hospital there so after waiting an hour for their lunch time, I went in and got in line with 8 other people who had been waiting outside too. I asked if they had anyone reporting a lost dog and they directed me to a wall of LOST PETS. He wasn't on there. So I left some information about him with my name and phone number in case someone came in looking for him. I am thinking that he may have gotten out of someone's parked car there on Saturday while they were shopping (Walmart there too).
From there, I went to the animal shelter near my place and there were signs there warning that because of overcrowding, that any pet brought in would most likely be euthanized. I wasn't about to leave him there and have that happen, but I spoke with the gal there and she said I should bring him to the animal control shelter in Perris since that is where I found him. (It is a new place and it didn't come up when I looked on the internet so I didn't even know there was one there.) She gave me the directions to get there.
By that time I was very tired and frustrated so I decided to stop back home for a quick break. Well, I fell asleep and woke up at 4pm. I called the place to see how late they are open. They closed at 4pm. :roll:

I will have to try to take him there sometime this week when I have time. I work every day and that place isn't open on Fri, Sat, or Sundays. The gal I talked to said the woman there is a real b&%#ch. Great! :roll:

While I was out driving around, I saw a beautiful husky dog that had been hit and killed, on the side of the road. I stopped to see if it had a collar on but it didn't. Too bad. I don't understand why people are not more responsible with their pets. If they are going to let them outside, at least put a collar and tag on them! I will keep checking lost and found ads in the local papers too.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby flick4411 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:49 pm

You get the Animal Hero award Barb! I think you are a super star Image !!!

If pet owners would spend the few dollars it costs to get their animals microchipped (and get the darned things registered--I didn't know you could chip an animal and not register it!), then it would be so much easier to get pets back home. I wasn't able to bring BiBi home without a chip; and initially, I was told the chip was an international one that couldn't be read in the States. Turned out that wasn't true. My vet read (and registered) her chip immediately. Does anyone know if animals from rescue places are already chipped? That would be a good idea too!

I hope you find his home; he's just too cute!

Mitch, your story was terribly sad. This sounds like something I would do. But how horrible to die doing somethig so honorable.

I was on the local Army Post the other day and thought I saw a lone duckling on the side of the road. The other side of the road had a ditch, so I assumed the little guy didn't make it across the street to the ditch. So I pulled in the parking lot all ready to convince the little duck to cross the street--I was thinking about enlisting a couple of Army folk I saw on the street to help me stop traffic. Thankfully, I went to the duckling first--only to find out it was some little brown non-descript who was standing in grass. Sure didn't look like a duckling up close! Sure glad I didn't hollar at the troops before I checked out the bird. :oops:

Do let us know the "Paul Harvey," Barb, WRT this little guy! How's Sophie doing with him in the house? :shock:

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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:11 pm

flick4411 wrote:You get the Animal Hero award Barb! I think you are a super star Image !!!

Does anyone know if animals from rescue places are already chipped? That would be a good idea too!

I hope you find his home; he's just too cute!

Do let us know the "Paul Harvey," Barb, WRT this little guy! How's Sophie doing with him in the house? :shock:

Thanks! Most, if not all, shelters do microchip the animals they adopt out.
Lola (Sophie was the other kitty who went back to her previous owner) is not a happy kitty. I have her locked up in the bedroom for now. Since I will probably have the dog for a few more days, I may try to re-introduce them and see what happens.

I have been looking up no-kill shelters in the area. There are a couple of them I will call tomorrow. Some are very picky about what they will take in. I know that "animal control" places are more likely to put down animals, than "humane societies" are, so I am worried about taking him to the one in Perris, altho that is where an owner would most likely look for him. I have never met an animal control officer with much compassion for animals. They consider them more of a "pest" than a "pet". I will call them tomorrow, too, to see if anyone has called them looking for a dog like this.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:05 pm

Did you find out what company made the chip? Even if the owner didn't register it maybe the company could tell you what vet it was sold to. Maybe the company would be more helpful than the shelters. My vet sent the paper work in when he put the chip in one of my cats. The company keeps my information even if I don't send the $15 every year that they would like to have.

Here one of our news anchors is really into getting pets adopted and finding lost pets. You can send them information and they put it on their web site. Maybe one of your TV stations has something like that.

I saw a young guy stop on the Baton Rouge I-10 bridge over the Mississippi in the pouring rain to pick up a kitten that was against the cement on the side of the lane. How he didn't get killed I don't know.

I have taken in so many cats over the years that DH has a fit if a new one shows up. I have to sneak one in and hope he doesn't notice since we have about 25 barn cats. It took a month to get the last one cleared to stay. He kind of stood out because he only had half a tail. lol

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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:17 pm

The company is Home Again. They said there was a little bit of info but she wouldn't give it to me. She said a shelter could call them and get that info. Not sure what that would consist of, probably just where it was originally registered. She did say it was registered in Moreno Valley which is a little ways north of Perris.

I feel bad for the little guy. He is a good dog, but he looks sad. I am sure he is confused and missing his owners too.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby bluepinecones » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:51 pm

Nicky has a Home Again chip and I know they have a rescue service of some sort (not sure what happens if owner has not registered but do know they can trace at least to name/location of vet who implanted chip; in turn the vet might be able to locate owner). Anyway the following is from the Home Again public web site. Hope it helps.

Found a lost pet?
Call 1 888 HOME AGAIN (1 888 466 3242)

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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:48 am

I thought Home Again would be more helpful. If you read the stories they put on the web site you think they are great. If people would just put the rabies tag on the collar it would help. I know in our parish we have been able to track down an owner of several dogs using the rabies tag.

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Re: new doggie foster mom (photos added)

Postby OutandAbout » Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:24 pm

I've also been able to track down the owner of a few dogs through the rabies tag. I also asked the vet's office for the name of the dog, which was supplied. I thought it would calm the dog down using it's name. Hate to state the obvious Barbie, but the longer you keep him, the more attached you will get. Lola might have a brother. :D Linda
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