convection/microwave question

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convection/microwave question

Postby rvgal » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:19 am

I'm looking at a used RV that has no propane oven, just a convection/microwave. I've never used a convection/microwave so I know almost nothing about convection cooking. I enjoy baking, I frequently bake cookies. But if the turntable has to spin when you're using convection, there's no way I can use a regular size cookie sheet. In this convection/microwave, it looks like the biggest pan you can use would be a square 8x8 or maybe 9x9. I've never seen a 9x9 cookie sheet. So for those of you who know about convection ovens, what kind of sheet do you put the cookies on? This seems like a dumb question, but I do appreciate any advice!
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby longdog2 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:34 am

How about a pizza pan?
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby mitch5252 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:58 am


Bed Bath & Beyond used to sell (don't know about currently) smaller pans made specifically for toaster ovens. I take mine traveling because they fit fine in my micro/convection trailer oven.

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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:19 am

When I was looking for a pan that would fit in my convection oven I looked around and found a 12 inch cake pan in Wal-Mart where they sell cake decorating stuff. I also have a small pizza pan that is about 12 3/4 inches that will fit on my turntable. It came in a set with a large pan also from Wal-Mart. The only thing I have tried to bake are the frozen biscuits you can buy. They came out good but one side rises more and I can't remember if it's the outside or the inside. I don't do much cooking when I travel. The pizza pan has all the little holes in it but if you put foil on it you could probably bake cookies on it if you only use convection to cook them. A store like Michael's or Hobby Lobby that sells cake decorating stuff would also have larger cake pans.

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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:32 am

In the last 5th wheel we owned it had a convection/microwave in it and I didn't care for it. I know others love theirs but I never got the food to cook evenly, and then you always have to do the math to figure out the cooking times in a conventional oven vs the convection. Perhaps in the last couple years the manufacturers have figured out the bugs, but wanted to share my experience. Mine did come with one round pan for use.

Also the new range from Kitchenaid I have came with the convection oven. I've tried to like it but I think it dries out the food. JMHO again. ;)
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby avalen » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:19 am

funny you should ask, I just bought a convection oven! I did a ton of research, read reviews etc, cause the one I wanted was an
Oster, but the reviews were mostly bad. The one with the best reviews was Delonghi and thats the one I bought. So far I love it.
I had looked for convection/microwave and they were very hard to find but finally found a few at Best Buy. Decided they were
a bit pricey and just got the regular convection oven. A convection oven is nothing more than a glorified toaster oven. The fan
is what makes it glorified. It came with a bake/broiler pan and I just cover it with aluminum foil. (besides, foil makes for easy cleanup)
The one I bought also has a rotisserie in it, however I'm not sure a whole chicken would fit like the picture shows but I could
certainly do a small roast or something. Has a tray in the bottom that comes out for easy cleaning. I've never had a problem finding
those small bake pans, Walmart carries them and even my grocery store (Frys) carries them. I didn't have any issue with uneven baking when I made cinnamon rolls and biscuits. I haven't checked the accuracy of the temperature setting, will have to pick up a new oven thermometer and do that cause that would tell me where to make any temperature adjustment. (you know, if it runs too hot, set it lower or vice versa) Anyway, I'm very happy with mine and plan on doing some baking on my next day off.
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:22 pm

When my house microwave went out a couple of years ago I thought about getting a microwave/convection but they are proud of those things. My very first microwave was an Amana microwave/convection and this was probably 25 or 30 years ago. I loved it and it lasted 14 years. When I replaced it I couldn't find another one. It had a great cookbook that came with it which I lost in the flood. Wish I still had that book.

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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby mitch5252 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:44 pm

Acadianmom wrote:...but they are proud of those things.

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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:37 pm

I guess that's a local expression that means something costs a lot. I needed a microwave with a vent to go over my stove and one with convection was about $600. I didn't want one that bad.

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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby VickieP » Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:51 pm

mitch5252 wrote:
Acadianmom wrote:...but they are proud of those things.


Really??? You've never heard that expression? Martha, maybe it IS a local thing, I've heard that expression my whole life. Ladies?
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby mitch5252 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:04 pm

VickieP wrote:Really??? You've never heard that expression? Martha, maybe it IS a local thing, I've heard that expression my whole life. Ladies?

Never heard it before now.
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby sharon » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:19 pm

First of all, the oven should have a switch to turn off the turntable. Second, I just put foil down on the plate that comes in it and bake cookies or biscuits on that. If I'm doing a pie, there's a rack that elevates it and it comes out perfect. I don't worry about figuring out times or temperatures, just bake at whatever temp and time the recipe calls for...just keep an eye on it. I've made everything from cookies to biscuits to pies to bread to tri-tip roasts in mine and love it. You also have the option to use it like Liz's half time oven which is a combo of micro and convection. You do have to figure times for that, but if you have the book that comes with it, it's pretty simple. To be honest, I haven't tried that part of it, but plan to in the near future, as it would be nice when I make the pumpkin pies at Thanksgiving. (I always get that job) This is the first time I've been w/o a gas oven, I missed it at first, but now probably wouldn't even use it. The only downside that I've found so far is when I'm dry camping I do have to use the generator, and so far even that hasn't been a problem. I don't think it dries out the food, and at least it doesn't burn on the bottom like the gas oven did.
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby Readytogo » Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:28 pm

When my husband and I bought this motorhome, I didn't even notice it was "missing" an oven until our first trip! So don't ask me!
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jun 13, 2011 6:16 pm

An oven would imply real cooking :shock: :? Think I have shared my interest in real cooking before :lol: :lol: :lol: Do not miss a oven. i used that last one for storage only anyway....
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Re: convection/microwave question

Postby flick4411 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 7:06 pm

My Winne came with the conv/micro combo. Scared me to death until I talked with a friend who used to work in the resturant trade. Her words of wisdom were: if it would cook badly in a microwave, use the convection side; and if it would cook badly in an oven, use the microwave side. And find yourself two (yes, two) good pizza pans that fit (unfortunately, this is tried and true advice; I bought the best pizza pan I could find, only to find out it was too big for the rig's micro/conv oven!). Why two? Cuz with the shelves that you can put into the oven, you can cook two lots of cookies at the same time. I've not cooked meat yet, but my friend says that meat comes out fine--browned and juicy. The only thing that put me off was that I couldn't understand if I had to preheat the convection oven--it was sooooooooo loud, it made me nervous, bu in the end, yes, you need to let it preheat! I wouldn't change it; if I can't cook it in the oven either by convection or microwave, it will have to go on the grill or in the crockpot! LOL :D :lol:

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