Tuesday sunny and hot

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Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby Birdie » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:12 am

Well up and at 'em ladies. Will be another really hot day here in the San Antonio, TX area. My car thermometer read 104 yesterday on my way back to the rig from working at my storage unit. It was blistering! But what a beautiful sunset we had. Looked like it really wanted to rain with the big cloud build up - but it just got our hopes up and then threw them back down!

So today, I am off to do some finish up things at the storage unit and yes I did get my unit size down from a 10 x 20 to a 10 x 10. Need to get this all wrapped up this week. I am trying to get all of the furniture out to Ft. Davis where they had those awful fires a couple of months ago. Folks lost about 20 houses of which about 10 were residents and the others were summer/winter homes. So they are needing some things for these folks. Having problems figuring out how to get it out there, so I'll be working that today. Getting setup to head off to Oklahoma next Sunday.

Hope everyone keeps safe first and most importantly, then keep cool or warm, dry or wet, but have fun no matter what.
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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby Irmi » Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:18 am

Good morning Birdie & everyone!

It's going to be warm on the eastern shore for the next few days with temperatures in the 90's.

I drove my parents around yesterday, starting at Hardee's for lunch, took a wrong turn to get the strawberries and had to back track about 15 miles to take the right road. The place they usually bought their strawberries was no longer there, so they settled for stopping at another produce stand. We also found a gardening stand along side the road and boughts lots of flowers. I potted lots of containers and hanging baskets for them. Then I took Dad for his PT appointment and Mom & I went & did some grocery shopping. Somehow during the shopping trip, their vehicle keys, which I had been holding in my right hand, were no longer there. I became so frazzled and started retracing our steps, talking to every person I saw telling them I had misplaced the keys. I young boy, maybe 12 - 14 years old, found the keys where I had ground the coffee beans, needing both hands, put the coffee in the cart and continued shopping. What a relief!

Today is "catch up" day after leaving work early yesterday to do the above.

Take care everyone!
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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby khenrie » Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:42 am

Good morning! Enjoying a peaceful morning after 4 days of extra bodies in the rv. Love the kiddos but glad to see them settled in their own place again.

Busy day ahead as usual so I better hop to it!

Choose to be happy!

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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jun 07, 2011 8:52 am

Good Morning Birdie and everyone. You be careful working in that heat.

I brought the dog to the vet yesterday after lunch and planned on going back to Wal-Mart but we had thunderstorms coming with predicted hail so thought I would wait a while. The good news is we got 2 inches of rain, the bad news is a tree went down across our road and we can't get out. I think the road crew is working on it now. There are more thunderstorms headed this way in the afternoon so need to get going as soon as they get the road cleared.

Irmi, glad you found your keys. Lost keys can be such a pain especially now that with some vehicles you can't get keys made just anywhere. In the past my DH was so bad about losing keys that when we would trade a truck I have had as many a 6 sets of keys. I try to always put my keys in my pocket when I'm shopping so I can find them and always put them in the same place when I get home. If I drop them in that suitcase I call a purse I can never find them.

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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby avalen » Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:06 am

good morning ladies
another beautiful day on the horizon today, only in the 90's. Getting really caught up on laundry, sons laundry too as I hate seeing it piled
around. The backyard is cleaned up, cement got cleaned and stuff put away. Things are looking pretty good around here, although considering
its the ghetto, its nothing to brag about. Planning on a trip to Home Depot today for some lumber to make a work station for son in the livingroom.
It doesn't take much, usually less than $20 and adds so much storage area up in the cathedral part of the ceiling, it would be silly to not do it.
He's been asking for it for quite some time, well, since he saw the storage shelves I built in my room, he just thought it was too cool.
Ok, off to check my email and son wants to use my aircard before he goes to work.
Ladies, have a great day.
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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby AlmostThere » Tue Jun 07, 2011 10:34 am


We are getting some light rain right now. Suppose to be cloudy/partly sunny for the next few days, with highs near 70. Sounds perfect to me. My rose bushes are loving the sun and have grown so much these past few days and I see tons of buds.

Ava, on Sunday mornings on CBS I record (because it comes on early), a show called Sunday Morning. Charles Kuralt use to MC it, now Charles Osgood. Anyway, last Sunday they did a blip all about bed bugs. They told how it's exploding all over the country. They also said that "do it yourself" removal of these little buggers is almost never going to work. They showed the bugs behind pictures on the walls, inside drawers, down in the cracks etc. Looks like they hide EVERYWHERE! And all it takes is one female full of eggs to come into your home and bam! She lays eggs and the mess begins. I do hope you got on it soon enough to be rid of them.

Nothing planned for today but to do my pilates and shower. Such is life.....

Diana, glad you make it home safely. Soos, bet you are busy reacquainting yourself with your homestead.
PA GTG will be revving up soon. Can't wait to hear/see all the fun!
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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:22 am

Good Morning All

Like so many others, we are well into our eleventh day of record breaking heat and there is no relief in the forecast over next seven days.

Since it is too hot to want to be outside I've started on some much needed inside work. Biggest project is in the garage area (my garage is partly underground so temp not too bad out there) with goal being organization and getting things out of cardboard boxes and into clear plastic bins so I can tell what's where plus getting some of it priced and out for sale. In addition to storing way too much of my stuff, the garage serves as warehouse for my now failing antiques business. Over time it has become a total mess. One small area is beginning to show progress. It is always an adventure to prowl thru stuff out there as I usually discover a hidden treasure or two among all the junk.

Lizzie was here from last Wednesday until yesterday as her hooman made a trip to Willimsburg. Nicky is resting up as she will return tomorrow when her hooman leaves for New Orleans. I'm building up dog sitting time for my next trip. The dogs are good company for each other but were hard on my new little patch of grass - they tear it up just running and rolling across it.

News report last night warned of a new problem across north central AL - urban coyotes. The coyotes are not new to area but their population is much higher than normal and they are attacking dogs and other small animals for food - even jumping fences to get in peoples back yards. Authorities are advising people not to leave dogs other pets or even small children out with supervision as the coyotes are getting very agressive.

I need to get back to work. Stay cool out there.
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Re: Tuesday sunny and hot

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:56 pm

We had such a bad time with coyotes after Hurricane Rita for 3 years. We could hardly keep a barn cat. The parish pays a trapper so I called him a couple of times. Don't know if he ever caught one. We fixed a stall so the cats couldn't get out and would feed late in the afternoon and shut them up all night. They didn't like being shut up and if one didn't get shut up there was a chance we would never see it again. I can still hear the coyotes in the woods at dark but we haven't missed a cat in about 3 months.

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