Monday Monday

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Monday Monday

Postby avalen » Mon Jun 06, 2011 8:42 am

Good morning ladies
a day off today, and lots to do, coffee is ready and breakfast is your choice.
Stop in and share your plans;
Enjoy your day and be safe.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Irmi » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:00 am

Good morning Ava & everyone that follows!

Ava, enjoy your day off!

Gee, we had a busy weekend between having my parents over on Saturday and yesterday we had our BIL over for a crab feast. My sister wasn't up to coming so she stayed in bed and slept the entire. I just talked to her on the phone and she said her hubby had a good time with us. Hopefully she can make it the next time and spend some time with us.

Well, my day has changed. Dad has a physical therapy appointment this afternoon at 4:00 and neither Mike, my brother, nor his wife were able to take him due to prior obligations. I called Steve, my hubby, and he said he would take him, reluctantly. A short while after that, Dad called me and said he wanted to go to Federalsburg, which is about 45 minutes from their house, to get fresh strawberries and then he wanted to go to Lowe's to buy flowers for their yard. He wanted to know if Steve would take them there, then he could go home and go back to take him for his PT appointment. I explained to Dad that Steve has a long list of things he needs to get accomplished before we leave for our trip, including doing laundry, cleaning the house, cutting and trimming the grass, etc, etc. and I couldn't ask him to take the entire day to run him around. So I asked Mike if I could take off 11:00 this morning to run my parents around and he said yes. So I had to cancel my dentist appointment and I called my friend that I workout with to let her know I couldn't go to Curves today. Such is life.

I sure am looking forward to leaving Friday for the GTG in PA!

Have a good day everyone and take care.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby JoanE » Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:56 am

Mornin' all,

I am feeling grumpy today from not enough sleep. My home alarm went off at midnight and woke me up from a deep sleep. Had the police come over and walk through and around the house with me. Nothing unusual. Must be a malfunction in the alarm. Could not go back to sleep for two hours and then had to get up at 6am for my Echocardiogram. I'm tired and it's only 10:55am. Lots to do today and the rest of the week if I'm getting back on the road this weekend.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby carold » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:06 am

Well, we're here in Eureka. Yesterday was the first "sunny" day we've had for a while here on the northern CA coast, and how did we take advantage of it-went to the movies :lol: after setting up at the Fairgrounds. It's cloudy this am and thinking of going to the mall and wandering around-no tennis unless the courts dry up.
I remember when we use to "go camping" on vacations and wanted to use every second to see the sights. Now, after almost 6 years of being retired and fulltiming, we just use the days however we want. Think that whatever our future lifestyle turns out to be, that's the way we'll do things. Hope everyone has a good day. carold
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby Redetotry » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:34 am

Another hot one here and going to get warmer the next few days ACK I don't think I'll even go to yoga the humidity makes it so hard breath. I got my Macbook back from the Apple repair place, sent it out on Thursday and got it back on Saturday morning. Unfortunately it still isn't fixed, the keyboard just isn't working right, it types ok for awhile then the cursor will skip up to the line above or to the beginning of the line. They replaced my battery which was swollen and leaking guess I'm lucky it didn't explode, the internal speaker, and the top case. If it weren't for the virus thing I'd go buy a Dell, I had Dell computers for years and never had a problem, I just upgraded from time to time as they got too old. So far I haven't had any problems with my iMac just think I got a bad laptop. This time when I call Apple I'm going to really press for a MacBook Pro and pay the difference.

Irmi it's a shame your Dad wants to go so far to get strawberries when they must be available closer. My Granny used to do that to us, there was a grocery store next door to her but if she needed a loaf of bread she wanted someone to come and take her to the store on the other side of town, but you couldn't go on your lunch hour cause As the World Turns was on then.
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Re: Monday Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:49 pm

I'm turning into my mom! I go to bed around 1am and don't get up until noon the next day! I could never understand why she did that and missed out on so much of the day, but here I am doing the same thing. I think it is partly because I don't get home from work a lot of nights until around 9:30 or 10pm and then it takes awhile to wind down before I get sleepy enough to go to bed and now it has become a habit.

Lots of things to do today so need to get motivated! It is partly cloudy and 70 degrees today! It would be a great day for a hike but not sure I have time for that now. We'll see...

Have a good day!
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