Great pics Diana. Remember my battery went, too. But some of the shots I thought I might have gotten, I didn't, and a couple I thought wouldn't get I did.
Here are the Motley Crue.....Colleen, Diana, Vickie (Longdog2, Mtngal, Yakn1)
Okay, so I will go ahead and add one more, Vickie, Diana, Birdie and Colleen.
Vickie says this is a good climbing tree. It is a Cedar Cypress or water Cedar, or a tree of some kind.
The boat at the dock.
A turtle, forget what kind, but it isn't a red-eared slider or a snapping turtle.
This is a bass or crappie, or gar, or fish lady tell us what it is. Actually it is a bass.
Here are the springs with the water blowing out near the white tube and bubbling up thru the sandy bottom. Really, really cool.
A baby red-eared slider in the aquarium.
Here is a 3fer butt shot. Okay it is only kind of a butt shot.
On our way home, look what we saw. Basecamp Airstream by Thor.
Wonder who was out of the truck first????
We had a great time even though there were four (4) buses of unruly children (I use the term loosely) attending on an outing. We have planned not only for the glass bottom kayak trip, but we are gonna do a kayak trip a ways down the San Marcos River also. We won't do the big trip because you have to portage and all that stuff. We just want to sedately paddle down the river. We have that set for the fall, too. We have lots of things lined up for when Diana gets back to Austin in November. So you ladies need to be thinking about heading west this fall. We will get something setup on the GTG thread later. We will need some more of the TX ladies to be showing up too.
I hope I don't have this all messed up...words and pics.