Old driveway surface and repair started.
New painted area with patch area shown. Can you find it?
Now you can see the patch, but it's a lot better than it was when I first got down here.
Newly painted sidewalk and upper part of driveway. I even have an unopened gallon of paint left, and an almost full other gallon! It's a mixture, so they won't take it back, but I can paint the interior of the garage with what's left and still have some left over for patching later.
It was a good day to work-----sunny and not too hot, with a nice breeze. Only problem was that this was the day they picked to mow the lawns and trim and blow stuff! I had swept the driveway clean before I left for Lowes, and when I came back, the mowers had blown tons of stuff all over it! Soooo-----more sweeping![/b][/color]