My name is Tina Allen. I have a 22 foot BT touring Gulfstream, Class C. I like being able to turn around and park easily...not that I have ever gotten lost and need too, right! I usually travel with my dogs. I am not currently showing any of them but we have done some conformation and performance in the past. As I remind people, research now can show us how therapeutic animals are. Well, yes, and I have been self medicating for years. And it seems to require multiple animals in my case.
I met one of your members at the recent Gypsy Journal Rally and here I am. I retired from a thirty year career in education three and a half years ago. A year ago I took a job at a large Veteriary Clinic - to pay off some extra bills - but now I am planning to retired again at the end of October. I still don't quite have the cash flow to head out west like I want to but I am closer than I was.
I will probaby lurk for a while until I figure stuff out. But by the end of the month I should have more time....
It is nice to be here. Tina and the furry ones