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Postby Acadianmom » Sat Apr 16, 2011 6:05 pm

Lenora, I had to laugh at your shoe situation. I use to wear the SAS loafers and I had a pair of black and navy blue. I spent a day at work with one of each on several times. I finally started leaving one pair in my vehicle so that I could find a matching pair.

My sister had a bout with shingle not long ago. I ask about the shot at the doctor my DH goes to and they didn't know anything about it. I ask at the walk in clinic and they told me it was too expensive so they don't give it. All I can find on the internet is that it depends what kind of insurance plan you have if they will pay for it. I guess I need to ask at the pharmacy and see if they know anything.

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Postby Nasoosie » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:13 am

Li, I'm so sorry to hear about your attack of Shingles----I have always dreaded getting that, and I guess I need to ask my doc back about getting a vaccination to prevent it. I did have chicken pox when I was small, so know I am a candidate to have that virus that lurks there for a lifetime decide to attack me again. Glad to hear of some improvement, and am very glad you got to the doc pronto!
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Postby flick4411 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:11 pm

For all of you at or near 60, go get the shot! For those of you under 60, just pray that this doesn't strike before you're old enough to get the shot. Cuz this is just plain miserable. I did get to the eye doc eye involvement, thank heavens. But despite taking the meds pretty early, I am still having more breakouts. Pain level is controlled with Vicodin at night and Motrin during the day. My eyelid, both top and bottom, is fluid filled and slightly yellow. I look like I've been in a bar fight. It's the pits... I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. :twisted: :twisted:

However, I learned an interesting thing today... The reason the docs worry about the eye is that there are nerves that can be impacted. Specifically, the doc on Saturday said she remembered someting about breakouts on the tip of the nose. So I asked the opthamologist about that today. He agreed saying that the optic nerve actually has a branch thta goes to the tip of your nose. If the shingles gets on the tip of the nose, the virus can travel back up to the optic nerve! Who knew??? Thankfully, I don't have that problem. Just pain and bar-fight eyes! :roll: :roll:

enough about me; I'm sorry to vent here, but being home alone leaves me with no one to talk to except the cats, and they don't seem to care much! :(

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Postby Liz » Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:41 pm

flick4411 wrote:For all of you at or near 60, go get the shot! :(

Li, Hope this passes quickly. And when it's better, ask the doc about you getting the shot. I had a mild (caught right away) case of shingles while undergoing chemo....had to delay a treatment until it was over. I learned that you can get them have since gotten the shot.
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Postby mitch5252 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:33 pm


Man, Flick, I'm really sorry this happened.
I've heard it is really painful.
Even YOU don't deserve that.
Didn't know there was a shot.

Heal fast so I can be mean to you again. :o


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Postby flick4411 » Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:56 pm

mitch5252 wrote:..

Man, Flick, I'm really sorry this happened.
I've heard it is really painful.
Even YOU don't deserve that.
Didn't know there was a shot.

Heal fast so I can be mean to you again. :o



ahhhhh you are so sweet Mitchy! I feel the love... I'd love to be healed...and will let you know when the "meanies" can commence again!!! ;)

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Postby HorizonSeeker » Tue Apr 19, 2011 8:39 pm

Li, I am sending lots of positive wishes your way that the shingles are gone quickly. It's bad when you'd rather be at work. My DH suffered with shingles while going through his radiation and his resistance was low. He did get some relief from frozen peas. Yes, it seems that someone told us cold would stop the itching and pain and it did seem to help, so we just kept bags of frozen peas in the house at all times. Also tried the mint milk of magnesia cure too. Whatever would make him comfortable. Had to tie socks on his hands to keep him from clawing in his sleep. Wow. I hope I am safe from this awful monster and that none of you have them ever. Have a speedy recovery Li.
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