I see we had two morning greetings yesterday - just remember ladies - we would rather have 2 or 3 even three of you do one at the same time than none at all. Yep, I could have put them together - if I'd seen them - but I was in Mexico for the day.
And I stopped at a bakery just this side of the border - got an entire bag of goodies for $3 - can you believe it? So, I'm putting them on the table for all the latecomers to enjoy
Mexico was fun. I went and had an evaluation at the dentist. He doesn't think I need to crown on of the teeth I was thinking needed it, but suggested I do 2 back ones I hadn't been thinking of. One of them is always a pain to get the food out of, so I agreed - we'll be doing 4 teeth- 2 on each side of the mouth. So, I'll be planning an overnight trip to south TX to get the prep work done on one side of my mouth the first day, and the other side the 2nd. That will give me all my temporary crowns, and I'll only need one other trip down a couple/few weeks later and will get all 4 of them that day. Gonna have to work it out with my schedule here - so it might be a month or so before I can get this started.
That said, I made a booboo yesterday- forgot to bring my cell phone, missed an important business call and it looks like I lost a big order on my pinata store because of it
I meant to turn the phone off for while actually in MX, but didn't mean to not take it for the ride down and back. My error - got to live with it - and with a very upset, disappointed customer. Dang. Sales are slow with the economy right now - can't afford to screw up the big ones.
That said - it's history now - and I can only learn from it and not forget my phone on the counter - for the future.
No big plans today - still chilly out - 63 right now - not sure what it was when Peaches and I walked through the park, probably not much less, but the sun shining now feels warmer. Will go to the beach later when it warms up a tad more.
Have a great day, all