Cost of detailing MH

Cost of detailing MH

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:13 pm

Ok, I have yet to wash and wax Little Missy and I know I won't be able to do it myself. I have gone online and found a moble detailing business but I'm not sure what is a fair price. Their quote for a 21-25 Ft RV is $299 plus they charge 1.00 a mile which would make my total $328. Does this sound like allot or is it a fair price?
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:22 pm


Neighborhood kid?

Ouch on the $328.

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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby Bethers » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:07 pm

The only time I paid a high price was when I was where I am now - in the fall after all the trees did a number on me. There is no way I'd pay that out there. I know Karen, in OR, pays a rediculously low $35 or something to get her big Class A washed (and I had many offer to do mine in parks out there very inexpensively. I would look for a neighborhood kid to do it also. Especially if they are asking that high of a price. Your rig should be easy to do.

For an easy wash - see if you have a Blue Beacon truck wash near and drive it there. They do a good job washing - but don't do the roof. That's how I keep mine washed on the road. I paid in TX $3 a foot - at 22 feet you can do the math for a wash. It was more to add waxing - I can't remember what - but if doubled, not what you're being quoted.

I suggest you call some rv parks and ask if they know anyone who washes and waxes rv's - you should be able to find someone better - at least you'd be able to compare. Maybe in your area things are going way up - but that just seems way too high to me. They're getting $12 a foot - wow.
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby sharon » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:21 pm

Way way to high!! Tell them you just want a wash and wax not a raping along with it! :o I paid less than that last year, I think around 290 to have mine detailed. I'm 35ft and 12.5 high. I know you're not near that big!
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:44 pm

:lol: Ok, I'll keep checking. Beth, my closest Blue Beacon is 40 mi. away in Portland just off interstate I-5. One town I try staying out of.

OK, found two other places not far from me. I googled one nearest and it looks like a dump and had one very bad review.

The other quoted between $15-20 a ft.
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:19 pm

Thanks for bring up the topic. I have run mine through the truck wash nearby but need to take it in somewhere for a wash and wax......
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby Bethers » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:49 pm

AlmostThere wrote::lol: Ok, I'll keep checking. Beth, my closest Blue Beacon is 40 mi. away in Portland just off interstate I-5. One town I try staying out of.

OK, found two other places not far from me. I googled one nearest and it looks like a dump and had one very bad review.

The other quoted between $15-20 a ft.

I really would call some rv parks and see if they have anyone that comes to their park that does it. Most of the big parks do - and the people have good rates to get all the long term campers. Many times they stay there. You might make a weekend of it - even if it isn't the type of place you normally stay :) I'd at least give it a check.
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby Excel » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:51 pm

I agree with everyone else, that price is pretty steep IMHO. When I had my RV done last year it cost me $300, but that was for a wash, wax & polish with (one of those buffers...that's what they use if the fiberglass has that powdery dull look to it)....and mine is about 26-1/2 ft long. A wash & a wax alone on mine would be a whole bunch cheaper....I would think in this economy especially, you could find a price a whole lot cheaper too for what you want to have done....Have you tried Craigs List ?????
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:05 pm

Darn, lost my last post.. :x

Got two more just as pricey, the other the guy said they just raised their prices and he wasn't sure of the new price, but it was $15 a foot.
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Re: Cost of detailing MH

Postby Rufflesgurl » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:56 am

Lenora - Have paid $2/ft for wash (roof included) and I think he charges $300 for wash & wax. I'm with Sharon - my MH 35'5" long and 12'8" high. Have not had it waxed professionally - we waxed it when it was relatively new and it still looks great.

Good luck,
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