Name this bird?

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Name this bird?

Postby Bethers » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:16 pm

I've been having fun here taking pics of the birds up here - and not getting pics of them. When I got here there were geese and mallards on the lake. I never got pictures of the mallards - didn't realize they are only stopping on their way elsewhere. Maybe others will stop. Then the other day I saw the following bird - didn't have my camera with - was a very dreary day and raining. Today, again raining all day - but it took a break and even saw the sun briefly - so when I walked Peaches I took the camera and found a pair - large birds. Must be some type of hawk? Anyone know for sure? Birdie?



I never saw a great blue heron here 4 years ago, but did today. I'm enjoying watching several types of birds at my birdfeeder - from cardinals to chickadees and several others. Robins everywhere. Bluebirds who haven't let me get a picture yet. Even saw a couple deer in one area Peaches and I walked - we'll walk there more when (if) it ever dries out. Took Peaches there today to let her off leash (manager told me about the area in the woods just outside the cg and gave me permission to take her there) and she got to be a dirty mess - but was so happy.

I hope to do a blog post tomorrow with lots of pictures - but would love an answer on the above bird. I've gone through both my bird books and just am not sure.
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Re: Name this bird?

Postby Birdie » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:25 pm

Looks like an Osprey to me Beth. A little different markings, but the mark thru the eye and the white underneath with the brown markings and the habitat looks like it might be near water. They are the "fish hawk" of old names. We had a beautiful White-tailed hawk when we were out driving today. Then a few minutes later, we had an osprey fly over us. Will try to get to you blow and look at the other pics tomorrow.
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Re: Name this bird?

Postby Bethers » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:33 pm

Birdie wrote:Looks like an Osprey to me Beth. A little different markings, but the mark thru the eye and the white underneath with the brown markings and the habitat looks like it might be near water. They are the "fish hawk" of old names. We had a beautiful White-tailed hawk when we were out driving today. Then a few minutes later, we had an osprey fly over us. Will try to get to you blow and look at the other pics tomorrow.

Thanks, Birdie! I told Liz in chat yesterday that I thought I saw an osprey here - but I couldn't believe it - so figured it was another type of hawk - it doesn't look just like the ones in FL - but as you say, somewhat different markings.

I would love to see the white-tailed hawk.

Funny - I used to just look at birds - now I LOOK at birds. You might even convince me to get binoculars one day. But then, of course, I'd want ones I can't afford - hahaha.
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Re: Name this bird?

Postby Birdie » Tue Apr 05, 2011 10:38 pm

Lots of White-tailed Hawks down in the Port Aransas area. You probably saw them when you were there that lifetime, a lifetime ago. Many all the way from Aransas Wildlife Refuge all the way around to Corpus Christi.

Just did a list for Liz on Binocs as possibles. I'll send it to you when I can find it. You just need to make sure you look thru the glass type/brand you want to buy so that you know they will fit the eye requirement for you. then you can internet purchase based on price.
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Re: Name this bird?

Postby PeggyinCT » Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:20 pm


I would be interested in your list of binoculars as well. Maybe others are too. All the bird photos are generating enthusiasm for birding. It is something that has always interested me, but I never could find the time.

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Re: Name this bird?

Postby Birdie » Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:09 pm

Peggy, I will go find that list of binocs and my comments and make a new thread in the General section. I'll also, do one a little later on good books to use, based on level of need. My take on books is "you can never have too many bird books". I have a bookcase (5 shelves) of various books (alas not with me). When one get's updated and if I think it warrants the expenditure I'll buy the new and most times I recycle to friends the older version. They normally don't care if it is used and older edition because they aren't anal about the bird classification like some of us are. I am currently looking for Crossley ID Guide which shows pics (he is a prof photog) at different stages of the bird life. But I'll put some things together for those who are interested.
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