Good Morning Everyone,
It is 6:35 a.m and -10 here at the 45th. The big winter storm is now history. But it left a big mess behind. Most areas up here, including here, got dumped with at least 12 inches of snow. And with winds gusting up to 25 mph, that snow also got whipped into drifts. Needless to say, in some areas and maybe here too, some businesses didn't open yesterday. Our county bussing system was even closed. 135 school systems were also closed and a number of them remain so today. Some areas in the west central part of the state saw a mix of freezing rain/sleet and snow and have as much as an inch or more of ice accumulation.
So out came the blowers, plows and shovels and we went to work. There was a little lull about mid mornng, so I went and blew out my drive and the "girls" potty area as they were wallowing up to their tummies trying to take care of business. Also cleared off my deck of all but one deep drift, so they can at least get out the door. The private plow drivers cleared drives all day, the county put the big wing plows back on and went to work trying to keep the main roads open despite the drifting snow. By mid afternoon, it looks like we were getting a handle on it, at least aroound here. The main roads were not the greatest, they were plowed and sanded, but with the snow coming down, they were getting kind of slushy in a way. I did go to my meeting with my financial advisor and there wasn't a lot of traffic out. But that's what I hav e4 wheel drive for and he is only 6 miles up the road here. On my way home there was a bit more traffic, so people were starting to move around.
Meanwhile I noticed the country plow was starting to work the side roads and by the time I got back home, my road was all plowed. So today is business as usual up here. Schools are in session and all's well except for mop up operations. I will haul out my blowers again this morning and go over everything one more time as we did get about 2 or 3 inches of snow after I did the drive yesterday morning. And I need to get my neighbor cleared out as she's snowed in pretty much. So much for the last big snowstorm of winter. Not unusual for March. Has happened before. We can still get a little snow in April, but not like this. Maybe an inch or so or just wet snow that doesn't amount to anything, but winter is over. Going to start warming up next week again, so will melt this away eventually. The poor robins are going to be hard pressed to find food right now.
Sounds like everybody's keeping busy, making plans to go camping or dreaming about it. I know I am. Starting to pick up some staples for the TT as things go on sale at the stores. Will take the cover off when it warms up next month and start getting things ready to roll again.
LJ, been enjoying reading your blog. You certainly are having some adventures and enjoying every minute of it.
Kimberly, good luck with your business. Hopefully some offers wlll come your way today.
Laura, you will do fine with your "teenage boarder". Take her on a camping trip. She would probaby love it. Different environment.
For those of you along the east coats, looks like this storm is moving that way, but you might wind up with rain instead. But I wish you luck anyway.
Well, I am going to check on posts here and catch up. Eventually I will head outsdie and get busy on the snow again. Girls will be happy as the road is plowed, so that measn't walk today. This storm just took care of our walks anyplace else but the road for now. Rats. Oh well.