Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Colliemom » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:09 am

Good Morning,

Yes, some of you are probably wondering what's with the Winter Storm Watch for today, when this is spring. Well, this is typical spring in Michigan. We go through the thaw and freeze cycle and then just when we get down to bare ground, mom nature throws one more punch. I call it winter's "last hurrah". We usually get dumped with snow and get put right back where we started from. As of last night they said we could get 6-12 inches but they have since revised that and it looks like 3-6. Seems the storm may be staying a bit more south. As is, this county is on the edge of the thing. Who knows. We shall see what is going on out there in the morning and deal wilth it. This time of year, it is very heavy wet snow, so usually doesn't hang around long. As long as Friday is good, I don't care as I plan to go to a small RV show about 60 miles from here.

Been a busy week here and it's only the second day. Sunday I went down to Roscommon, about 35 miles from here to visit a friend for awhie. We have been friends for a long time and can yak about anything and everything. Enjoyed it. Wished we lived closer. She and the significant other she lives with (or whatever the current term is for seniors who live togethr but not mrried for financial reasons etc.) , have a 5er and are planning on selling it this spring to downsize to a smaller one. So they are waiting for the weather to cooperate so they can get it uncovered and get their stuff out of it and ready it up for sale. They don't camp a lot, but have some friends they meet a few times a year. Hopefully I will be able to join them sometime. They usually go on weekends though cause their friends work and I work weekends.

Yesterday I took Sassy out to the groomers for a bath and trim. From here on out, I will do both of them mysefl as it's going to be warm enough for them to be wet outside if they want. That's 15 miles from here one way. Then from there it was 10 miles out to Meijer's (a store like WalMart) to pick up a few things. Going back through Gaylord on the way home I stopped to check out stoves at a few places. Debate is whether to get one with the elements or a flat top. Both have their pros and cons. My current one is 23 years old and starting to wear out. Then made another stop at the other grocery store for some meats and a few other things before heading home. Of course later in the afternoon I went back to pick up Sassy, came home, changed into a few warmer duds, gathered up Tessa and we went over to the park for a walk. I wanted to give them some run time as I needed to gather the "necessary sample" :roll: to take to the vet today for their heartworm checks. Got it. So back home we came. And this morning both are heading for the vet for their annual checkups and to get started back on the seasonal heartworm meds again. Colliemom has been rolling up the miles these days. But as Soos understands, when you live in a rural area, you do those things.

Carol, I'll bet you are going to miss the Mexico weather. But the rains at home mean spring is here, the flowers will be blooming, grass greening, trees coming out etc.

Liz, sorry your house sale got put off a bit. Sure hope the probate comes thruogh. Those things take time unfortunately. In a way she probably shouldn't have bought the house till she had the money. Your Azalas are beautiful. I always looked forward to our spring trips south to see them.

Irmi, glad your dad is out of the hospital and doing better. And hope your mom feels better too. It is work having older parents, but yours sound pretty independent as much as they can be yet. And having a loving, caring family helps greatly.

Barbara, sound like Lola is starting to become a "house cat" again. Now is Sophie will come around, you will be all set.

Soos, that new pool at the kids will be so nice. Now you have two places to kick back and enjoy. Gosh, how much better can it get.

Kimberly, before you know it, it will be time to hit the road and enjoy the sights and your new MH

BJ - I had a feeling that your Winnie had a bladder infection as Tessa has been through them too. Glad she is doing better.

So time to get rolling around here. We have to leave a bit before 9:30 and I am still lin my jammies, finishing up Poached eggs and sausage for breakfast. Bowl of strawberries coming up. Want to run a brush over Tessa and brush their teeth before we go. So had better get with it here. Have a great day all.
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Postby dayspring39 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:04 am

Good Morning everyone... checking in from sunny Florida... may go look at the other park with Molly today...
Hope everyone has a very good day...
Kathleen or Kathy

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Postby Irmi » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:09 am

Good morning Sue & everyone!

Sue, it's so good that are used to winter lingering and having the last hurrah. But being in the area of the country where you are, you get cold early and stay cold late. An aquaintance of mine who lives in the Great Lakes region said that when the temperatures get to -20 or so, you can take a glass of water outside, throw it up in the air and it will come down as snow. But I supposed everyone gets used to the weather where they live. Even though the temperatures are comparatively mild here now, it's still too cold for my likings. I look forward to wearing short sleeved tops and opening windows in the house.

I bought a new crockpot and a basket for the motorhome and put them where they belong yesterday. We have a shelf above the drivers seat in front of the entertainment system where we tend to lay "stuff" to get it out of the way, when not in use, such as Teddy's leash. So the basket will be the home for these small items to keep the shelf area looking neater. The crockpot just replaced the old crockpot, which bit the dust last year.

Dad's first physical therapy session for his left hand went well yesterday and it looks like he will go twice a week for the next month. Hubby will be taking him to his regular doctor today for an appointment.

Please take care of yourself and enjoy the day.
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Postby Nasoosie » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:12 am


The new pool is nearly full today, and I can't wait to turn on the pump system, get into my bathing suit, and hop in!

The kids met for lunch at the Orlando house, watered my plants and roses there, (said they looked great, in full bloom) brought me my package from Amazon-----the solar powered squirrel chaser-awayer and my new Coby MP3 player. This player even plays radio stations, movies, and much more! It's 4 gigs, has a very large screen, and costs only 23.00----free shipping!

So I am now going back to the trailer and take a couple more pics of the pool so I can download them onto here later, before I am swimming in it!

This weather sis spoiling the heck out of me! Two large fox squirrels, rare, I am told by the kids, are living in one ot the huge trees here in the yard near the trailer. I will not try out the squirrel chaser on those two! Molly thinks they are there for her entertainment and exercise!

I haven't read Liz's story on her house yet, but will try to find it. Sorry that the money isn't available yet, if that's the case, Liz.

Have a great Tuesday, all.
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Postby khenrie » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:26 am

Good morning all!

Had another good night's sleep in the new home :-) Randy's alarm went off this morning, he hit snooze once and then got up and took the alarm (his cell phone) with him into the house..... so I overslept! It was so hard to get out of that warm snuggly bed, but alas, I did. Then grabbed a cup of home-brewed Starbucks and hit the hot tub. Couldn't help it -woke up to snow on the ground and that just calls for a dip in the outdoor hot tub.

Dressed and ready for the day. Have meetings with at least two potential buyers for our business today. Teach two classes and the usual business of running two businesses.

Renters STILL are not here. lol They brought a truckload of stuff up yesterday and put it in our garage. Were supposed to be back last night with the rest, then decided to stay in their old place one more night. on what I don't know, because their beds are here! We'll see if they move in today.

You all have a lovely day!
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Postby AlmostThere » Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:37 am

I think I need to invest in some scuba gear! :shock: Rain, rain go away!

Well, yesterday started out good and then went down hill. I got an email from my sister that my aunt's will was read and she and my uncle left all us nieces and nephews some $$. The sum will just about cover my eye surgery bill! Then as I was on the computer, the picture on my little (analog) TV that I watch while surfing, went to all snow. It's on cable so I checked all the connects, the other TV etc and nothing. I then went to refresh my coffee and my coffee pot, which has been acting up, bit the dust, too. Wouldn't turn on at all and I could smell something like hot plastic. So I unplugged that asap.

Later in the day I took the TV to the Salvation Army drop off. Even though it might not work, you sign a paper saying they can take it apart for any precious metals inside. I then went to the electronics dept at Fred Meyer and bought the smallest flatscreen TV they had. It's a Philips brand. Brought it home and noticed that when I set the TV onto it's stand there needs to be two screws to keep it affixed. No screws, anywhere. Hmph! Got it all connected to cable, turned it on, ran it through the channel scan and :shock: . Channel 2, then 2.1, then 2.2 all the same station but different sized picture coming thru. Then the channels I love are not there. I do get several Japenese stations! :lol: So I call my local Comcast. Have you seen the commercial where the guy calls in to his credit card co. and gets some guy named Peggy? Same guy! :shock:

Anyway, ended up I needed to "rent" another special box in order to get the channels I was familiar with on my analog. Always someone wanting in our pockets! The guy just left and all is well so far. Oh, and I also bought one of those 1 cup Kurig coffeemakers. So far I'm liking it. Seems I'll waste less coffee with it.
Last edited by AlmostThere on Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Echo » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:38 pm


Yeah, I know. Clock says 12:25pm, but what the heck it still feels like morning to me and I'm still working on my coffee!!

Finally getting some sunshine here after 3 days of gray overcast skies. Yesterday morning I woke to the ground covered in snow! And it spit, sputtered rain, sleet and snow all blasted day! YUCK!!! And to think just the other day I was doing a happy dance because I had 3 little "Dandylions" poked up between the rocks outside the door! Nasty snowy cold weather.

Getting closer and closer to the time to go back to work. I am so looking forward to May 5th and going back to the Lodge. It will be great to be back to work and busy!! I'm about bored out of my skull. So of course there is nothing to report from her except 'same old, same old'

Lenora!! OMG you really had a day of it. :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry for laughing but I just can't help it! Read your post to Kelly and she got to giggling too. By time that day had gotten done for me? I would have been ready to scream and pull my hair out! Especially when the coffee pot died!! :lol: :lol: :x Glad to see that things are all 'fixed' up to the good now.

Liz got my fingers crossed that the house sale and everything it involves gets a move on for ya!

Ok, need to go read and see what all ya'll have been up to. Hope everyone enjoys their day and stays safe!

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Postby mtngal » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:53 pm

Afternoon all! Yay it's finally a sunny day here, not for long though, that rain Lenora is dealing with is headed our way tomorrow.

Just wanted to check in to tell y'all that I'm going back to Texas tomorrow. IF my flight doesn't get canceled due to storm. I'll have to wait it out in the airport. My sister is driving me down and she sure won't be coming back to get me. :D

Almost all chores finished. Dump run this morning. Ashes cleaned out of fire place. Only a small carry on to pack. Dinner with sister, nephews, and auntie tonight.

See you from Texas!
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