
Re: Tires

Postby khenrie » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:50 pm

Bethers wrote:
khenrie wrote:We just ordered our tires from Big O - the 50k mile tires. Apparently the tires on the RV currently are E rated, so they quoted us E rated. Good thing, cuz we didn't know any better until just now - reading this thread. Spent $1100 for 6 tires. ugh. Will get them installed next Saturday.

Actually, if you ordered from Big O I'm guessing they're installing them also? Not a bad price for everything. I should have another year or two on my tires - going to have to look up the date I replaced these and double-check all that this summer. I will do what I did last time - find a tire place I like, and have them quote me a price to order the ones I want, and then install, take my old, etc. This time, I'll have to get 7 tires, probably - unless we think one of the ones on now can be saved as a spare (hoping - that's what I did last time).

Yep, they are installing. We wondered whether we should order a spare or not..... can't figure out if we have a spare already - don't see one anywhere.
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Re: Tires

Postby Bethers » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:39 am

If you don't have a spare, please make sure to find a place to put one. Some are under the rig, some on the back - some in a storage compartment. Many times ones of the existing tires can be used as a spare. Get it on, then get someplace to get the other tire fixed or replaced. The "free" service to come out with a flat most RV ERS plans have - is only if you have a spare. If not, they will charge you for a tire - more than you'd have to pay if you bought one yourself. Much more.
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Re: Tires

Postby khenrie » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:14 am

We are still looking for that spare. Buying one will mean buying a rim too. expensive. We'll see what happens. Randy has been through the manuals and he poked around the RV for a second time yesterday. We will keep looking AND we did have Big O order an extra tire, just in case. We won't have to buy it unless we need it.
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Re: Tires

Postby OutandAbout » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:31 pm

[quote="khenrie"]We are still looking for that spare. Buying one will mean buying a rim too. expensive.

Are there any RV salvage yards near you? You could get the rim there and discard the tire if it's no good. Maybe even a regular salvage yard would have a rim that you could use. Just a thought. Linda
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Re: Tires

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:23 am

I agree with Beth, find a place to carry a spare. Two of my class c's had it mounted up under the rear end. It has been my experience that the road service will show up with some used tire that you don't want. The chances of finding a tire to match what you have in a timely manner on the road are slim.

I don't remember if you have signed up with a road service but don't leave home without one. Be sure the one you get covers RV's. The first problem you have will more than pay for it.

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