Yes, I am at Stone Creek for 2 nights. Think my water pump is having internal congestion (new word for that gizmo). So will have the RV guys look at it either Thursday p.m. or Friday.
Karen, get your savings out of the bank, you can buy me a beer Friday night.
Vickie and Colleen I have PMd you guys to see if you want to have coffee or salad tomorrow. Included TGallagher...and let me extend that to any other sistahs here in the San Antonio area.
Liz, go ahead, make your reservations for the LA GTG.
Lenora, I used to be a Storm Tracker when I lived in Dallas. I tracked there for about 5 years. They are scary, but if you can position yourself it is fairly safe to track them. Having said that, I really freaked out when Rayne, LA had that tornado while I was just down the road. The position I had was "ON THE BASIN BRIDGE"
No place to go, but UP!
Ali, hope to meet up with you and Ron at the cg sometime next week.