Top of the Morning Tuesday

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Birdie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:43 am

Well, it is a windy day in SE Oklahoma. Wind blew like crazy last night, all of the night. But no storms....yet. That is on the schedule for this afternoon and tonight. Had made a plan to leave Wednesday morning, then changed that to after Mom's services today, then changed my mind again and decided to sit the weather out here and then start off with sunny weather in the morning. So you know what? Haven't decided yet. Temperatures are in the 50's and the wind chill at that temp is still showing in the 50's.

I do need to break down and store things that I have pulled out and that will make movement much quicker no matter what I decide to do. The wild plum trees, the pear trees, some apple trees are silly enough to be in bloom. The henbit is a bloom all over. Spring is on it's way, but I think they aren't thru with the last freeze of the year. My sister has her brocolli, cauliflower, onion sets, and winter onions, and garlic and dill in the garden. Most of those items are pretty hardy. The dill isn't up and probably won't be up until April - if then. A few warm days after the bitter winter they had here, makes folks want to start gardening.

Well pull up a chair and have a cup of Chocolate Macadamia Nut coffee, some blueberry pancakes with fresh blueberries, a couple pieces of bacon and enjoy your breakfast. I will sit the sugar free syrup out for is such uninteresting stuff.

If you are on the road, be safe, in a campground have fun. Then do it all over again. Life is too short to not enjoy yourself.
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Nasoosie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:02 am


I think you should hunker down and take some time where you are, Birdie, and make sure the weather decides to calm down a bit before you take to the roads again. It has been another very stormy weekend all over the country.

I am back in Orlando after a weekend at St. Cloud, when the kids called me and found me sobbing about not finding any truck campers I can afford----they insisted I go there and spend some time with them. It did help, actually. I have pretty much decided to just fix up my truck topper as best I can for the trips back and forth, and to camp in at home. When I get to a place where I know I will stay for a while, I will also set up my tent that attaches to the truck to make more space. I will leave my trailer down here for next winter. I also have my old trailer which I love back at home, and perhaps I can scrape up enough money to get that road-ready for local camping sessions and Bluegrass festivals.

Liz, congratulations on getting your house sold, your 'stuff' sold or taken by your kids, and your affairs in line for a life on the road! You have made a tough decision, and I really think you can make your traveling life work for you! I love your rig, and, if you can find the space for everything you will need, you will have it made! I hope to see you in the north country sometime this summer!

Alice, you have that beautiful house-on-wheels almost finished now, and modified to suit you perfectly! You can't toss in the towel now, especially since you feel so good about it when you get behind the wheel! (Of course, it helps when it runs and functions properly!) I think of you every time I use your little "doggie poop coffee-container" back in St. Cloud at the trailer! I hope to see you once more this winter before I head back----perhaps I will find the gumption to haul once more to Silver River. I love it there, although expensive.

Now it's off to face the day, and, if it warms up enough, hit the pool this afternoon. I talked to my daughter at home last night, and they got over 3 feet of snow on the weekend! Schools were closed, some had power out, trees were down, rivers are at flood level as it rained before it changed to snow, and it went to below zero last night. My thermometer on my task bar says it's still 14 below F. this morning. So, although I think I have decisions and problems to solve down here, those pale next to what I would be facing at home!

My friend's car back home yesterday morning!

Happy Tuesday!
Last edited by Nasoosie on Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Colliemom » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:19 am

Good Morning Birdie, Soos and Happy packi day to you all,

Checked to see if anybody had started post for Morning Coffee and nope. So started this and posted only to find that Birdie had gotten hers up. Guess we were both doing it at the same time :) So I move mine here and delete the other one.

Birdie, I'm glad to hear that you made it home for your mother's services. And please stay where you are till this storm goes by. From what I have been hearing, it sounds like a wicked one espcially in the plains and for the Northeast who will be getting it next.

Today is of course known by many names, Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, Mardie Gras day among others, the day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Here in Michigan it's also known as Paczki Day. Pronoumned poonch-key, it's a very fattening and yummy Polish pastry, filled with all kinds of different fillings. Think jelly dount to a point but way bigger and much more rich. They are sold by the thousands all over the state, One of our locaal stores is having a Paczki eating contest this morning. I will pick up a couple for me later on here.

Cloudy at the 45th this morning, but is supposed to be a nice day in a while here. Highs in mid 30's. The sun has gotten so warm that even in the 20's, it's melting things. Had just a little light snow last night but will be gone by day's end. Storm coming in tomorrow again. Another one of those snow/rain/freezing rain things. Snow for the U.P. Gonna be a messy day and into Thursday morning too. Will have to watch Thursday morning as Tessa is scheduled for groomer, but if roads are too icy or somethng, will cancel that out till later.

Going into Gaylord later on to get my Paczki as I said. Then think I will also go out to lunch today. May as well do Fat Tuesday right. Need to get some lumber to rebuild my dogs step box into my truck. I built a wood box about 8 inches high a couple of years ago to make it easier for the dogs to jump into my trucks. They can just jump on that and in they go. Easier than trying to jump from the ground. And just as easy coming out. Well, over time it's getting beat up, not to mention run over a couple of times So want to make a new one. This week's project as well as finish up the camping sign. Almost done with that too.

My nice neighbor came ove with his ladder yesterday and went up and removed the bulb from my security light on my garage. Now I have to find a new one. Easier said than done. Made a trip in yesterday to see if I could get one at Lowe's or Home Depot, but nope. None. Gonna check out on more place and and might have to order over the internet. Wish they would quit changing the light fixtures and bulbs at the places that sell them . It's only a year old, I'm not replacing a good fixture. Plus the bulb is cheaper. Want to get that light working again as it does throw light in my backyard and I can see the dogs without havng to turn on my coach lamps. Plus nice security around my TT in summer too. Not that we have any problems around here. A few of my neighbors have them too. Cause it can get pitch around here at night.

So my day will be fairly busy, at least the morning early afternoon will. And then of course it's dog walking time before we know it. Gotta walk off the Paczki. Might go back across the highway again today. Went to park yesterday, but road hasn't been graded, so was a bit tough walking. In fact, gave up on it. Tessa said no way. So we walked down to the day use area and around one the lake and the picnic area. Gave them some snoop time anyway. Then took a short one at home here.

Have a great day everyone, no matter how you celebrate it. And celebrate it. It's a fun day to just eat and be merry and enjoy ourselves
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Liz » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:57 am

Good morning, Birdie, et al,

Will be praying for you as you go to your mother's service today, Birdie. May the Holy Spirit be your guide. Then hope you can get away today or tomorrow to have some fun with your friends. But as others said, await safe travel conditions.

I'm off to an eye dr. appt. in a few minutes. She's watching a "bleed" she discovered in Nov. Hope all is well there...can't give up would really put a crimp in my new lifestyle!

Yesterday afternoon, instead of doing more cleaning in the stick house, I washed Silver Lining and put a good coat of marine grade wax on her. Wanted to do that while I still had a ladder. Giving the ladder to Joselyn so I can borrow it whenever I'm in FL.

Hope everyone has some fun today.
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby carold » Tue Mar 08, 2011 8:24 am

Top of the Morn to everyone. I'm just now getting over the "crud" I've had for the last week. Resisted taking antibiotics which everyone was pushing me to get. This has been going around the park twice now and I finally succumbed. It has certainly put a damper on enjoying this beautiful weather we have been having, so it's nice that I've been able to travel vicariously :D . We are finally finished with hauling past life items to Goodwill or giving them to friends. The "just can't give up" items ( 5 boxes as well as a few wall art) will be stored-either at my son's or a friends house. That will be a big savings. Don't even want to think about how much $$$ we've spent on storage over the last 5 years. Will be leaving our "winter home" at the end of the month. tGM is still working on our travel plans, but we will be going west this year. Enjoy the day, safe travels to those on the road. Birdie, I'll be thinking of you today. carold
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Bethers » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:11 am

Oh, Carol, isn't it a freeing feeling to get rid of that storage locker. I remember when I did so I couldn't believe all the "stuff" I thought I needed to save. Like you, I have a few things still, but they are at my sister's. Mainly all my paintings - couldn't just give them away and if I ever do have wall space again, will pick some of them to hang. My sis already hung one at her place - and was thinking about another :) I have a feeling those have found a new home.

I barely have an internet signal here - but do have one. My little heater is working, as I just was so cold yesterday. It's supposed to get to 70 or more today. If it does and I can warm up - it looks to be the best day of my week here - so might try to get the kayak out this afternoon. Hoping the temps keep going up - even if I only get out for a short time.

Meantime, I'm not seeing all the birds that are supposed to be here. Intend to keep looking. LOTS of cardinals tho -
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby khenrie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:41 am

Good morning!

I just topped off my coffee cup for the third time- I think that equals two cups. My breakfast, two wholesome, organic, yummy CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES. Don't tell on me.

Thinking of you today Birdie and think it's really great that you have schedule flexibility. No pressure to decide anything. Just be.

Nasoosie, our kids are amazing aren't they? Mine can always make me laugh and smile and help me put things in perspective. Of course, they also challenge me.... but that is to be expected.

hmmmm.... I'm suddenly craving a jelly donut.

carol- Randy finally got caught with that crud last week - after weeks of everyone we know passing it around. So far, I have been lucky. He is still hacking and coughing, etc. Also avoided antibiotics, but he is talking about caving in - that means it's really bad. We don't do meds here, as a rule.

Also, our lives are changing already. Randy is working fewer and fewer hours at architecture. So he was home alone yesterday afternoon/evening and said he was going to go through some boxes and start weeding things out in anticipation of our own yard sale and paring down of life. I came home at 7:30 last night to what appeared to be an explosion of "stuff" in my living and dining room. LOL Still looking at piles of stuff this morning. Fortunately, he will have most of today to work on it. When the man decides, he decides. Yippeee - we really are moving forward!

Wishing you all a blessed day! Stay warm and safe.
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Irmi » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:17 am

Good morning everyone!

Birdie, you are in my thoughts. Be careful when you get back on the road.

It's a cool day on the eastern shore of MD, about 39 degrees right now and we're supposed to get into the low 50's later in the day. Tomorrow night we have heavy rains coming back into the area. We had heavy rains this past weekend and some roads were flooded because of the rain, so I hope there won't be any flooding.

Hubby took my father to a doctors appointment this morning. He had surgery for carpal tunnel over a week ago but it was done in the doctors office because his heart is very weak and they opted to not put him to sleep. The doctor isn't happy with the progress he's making, there is lots of swelling and he is in intense pain. So the doctor told Dad to go to the hospital to be admitted to have surgery this afternoon. So I'll find out later how things are going with him.

Today is Shrove Tuesday and we celebrate the occasion with pancakes & sausage for dinner. I make German pancakes. I separate the eggs and whip the egg whites into a meringue and fold that into the batter. The pancakes come out very fluffy and are delicious.

Whatever you're doing and wherever you are, be careful and have a good day.
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby JudyJB » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:32 am

Just scrounged around our office and found some Paczkis, so I swiped a Bavarian Creme filled one. Yum. Only do this once a year.
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:47 am

Good Morning Ladies... woke up to a cool morning here in Fl my neighbor said it was 40 for a low and we will get up to 80 ah ah ah I can take that...
yesterday my friend and I went to the RV store got a pair of stabilizers for the awning... Lowe's found the tape to put on my freshly painted steps and found the long pressure rod I needed for Bright Hope's living room window, Steak and Shake and the wonderful wal-mart store... I got a hair cut and some curtain rods for the bedroom windows (have enough of that lace material left to make panels for Bright Hope), groceries and lots of other stuff... I had shut off the frig and freezer and put towels in to soak up the moisture... worked out perfect as all I had to do was wipe it out and put things back in then it was ready for the new stuff!
I have pumpkin spice coffee and raisin toast this morning...
Not sure what the day will hold but it is good!
Glad you got home to OK Birdie... hope you can rest there a few days while the weather passes... wow Liz sounds like you got a lot of things done yesterday... one day we are going to have a motor home tt party here at the park and 3 of us will wash our mh tt... it may take 3 days as it may be enough to do one a day... always more fun with a group...
Take care everyone...
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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:07 am

Sue got me thinking about King cakes. I have managed to make the Mardi Gras season with just one and I gave half of it away. Today will be the end unless Wal-Mart has some leftovers and their cakes aren't as good as the ones made by the donut shops. There will be a party and/or parade in a lot of Louisiana's towns. Another good day to stay home. We are suppose to have bad weather again tonight and tomorrow. Sure hope they are wrong about tornadoes.

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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby Carolinagal » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:40 am

Good morning !!! Morning is almost over but Maggie and I, have been busy this morning, but wanted to put my "hi" in here before it comes to an end.

Birdie, my thoughts and prayers are with you today and do hope you will wait out the weather , instead of getting right back on the road. Just take care and know you have a lot of Sistahs, thinking of you, and we want you to be safe above all.

This is supposed to be a sunny day, it comes and goes. We just came in and felt good outside, but wind a wee strong out there. Maggie didn't care. The temp has climbed fast this morning, which I am glad for. 39 at 9;00 in the morning is not good to me, so am glad to see its already in the 50's. You see how exciting it is around here, the fact that the temp is getting warmer is such a Big Deal. :o :lol: :lol:

I hope you all have a great day !!! Liz, I hope your eye app. turns out with no problems. Irmi, hope your Dad is alright and that wrist gets fixed right this time, without any problems. All of those with the crud, or just getting over it, hope you're well on your way to being your ole self soon.

Stay well, and those on the road, please stay safe and in some areas, pay attention to the weather and hunker down.

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Re: Top of the Morning Tuesday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:48 pm

Well, it's a bit late on here for me, but took awhile to get caught up on posts.
Sunny and 67 with a high of 70 today and almost 80 tomorrow. Not bad! :D

The cats are slowly working things out (I hope! :roll: ). There are occasional fights but don't last long. Sophie has been the aggressor. Poor Lola :( I think she thought her catfight days were over!

Have a few errands to run today but need to do housework too. Not too motivated tho. Maybe once I get some fresh air outside, I will feel better.

Hope you all have a safe, warm, fun, relaxing day today!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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