First Camping Reservation

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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby dayspring39 » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:48 am

WOW I can feel the excitement... go easy on the bleach only a few drops... you could also use vinegar to sweeten the tank... I put to much bleach in the first time and it stayed no matter how many times I dumped the tank... but it eventually wore off...
Oh you can ask Caroline about first trips... her rig was new when she went to Silver River Last year... she is well seasoned and experienced now...
Wish we could all be there... enjoy and relax... call in sick and stay longer....
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby mtngal » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:15 am

WooHoo! So much fun is in store for you!!!! This is the beginning of a whole new world. I still get a silly grin on my face when I hop into the driver's seat to head out on an new trip. :D
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:59 pm

How exciting. We are waiting for your first report and lots of photos.
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby Echo » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:19 pm

Li, how awesome and exciting for you!!! :D

And yes! Don't care how busy you are pictures are a requirement!!! Better yet if someone else catches you screwing up at something! :lol: :lol: :lol:

So looking forward to your "first time, virgin" experiences with Foo Foo!!
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby PeggyinCT » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:53 pm

Hi Li, If VA were a little closer, I would come join you.(not that I know much about camping, but do know about happy hour) I'm sure you will have lots of fun in FooFoo and all the other campers will come around to watch you back in. Just keep smiling.
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:33 pm


Yeah, me, too - if VA was closer, I'd come and have a couple of good chuckles!

HAVE FUN!!! You're gonna love it, as will Habibikabob!

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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby cpatinjones » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:58 pm

You will have a great experience! I am excited for you. It is wise to camp out close to home for a few times. This gives you time to see if there are any problems and learn the ins and outs of your RV.

Looking forward to hearing about your maiden voyage and see the pics. :D
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby Colliemom » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:09 pm

Ah Li, I'm jealous. You are going to go camping on your first trip in March and I can't even get my tT uncovered yet :( But it's good that you are going close to home, just in case. But Birdie summed it up good :lol:

My first trip was only 3 miles from home, so maybe I get the prize for the closest first trip :) Uneventful, but I was able to see what I did or didn't need or do, with my coworkers around. As was, my awnng got screwed up the first time I put it out, but my coworker happened to come along and we had it fixed in a jiffy. Learned how to do that too.

Then the famous first trip to the dump station :roll: Actually a ppiece of cake. Doesn't bother me at all. Watchng a few others there, I learned a few tricks too.

Have fun and enjoy, and pictures please.
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby Forestgal » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:26 pm

Talking about first trips ... :oops:

I had a pop-up. I'd pulled it home from the dealer, about a 60 mi. trip, with no troubles whatsoever. My Explorer didn't even know it was behind me & I was truckin' down the freeway at 65mph feeling pretty smug. I took it out a couple of weeks later, heading up the coast to Ventura & McGrath State Beach. It was about 90 miles from home. A friend came with me and we were both looking forward to trying out all the gadgets and enjoying the luxury of being off the ground, having a "bathroom" in the trailer and being able to heat our food on my little 3-burner stove.

As we were driving through the San Fernando Valley doing about 65 mph in the 3 lane I looked behind me & see flashing lights. Thinking maybe there's something wrong with the trailer & a nice CHP was flagging me down I pulled over, only to be greeted by a full-of-himself cop telling me that I was exceeding the speed limit and in the wrong lane for towing a trailer. WHO KNEW??? Obviously not me. I didn't even try to weasel my way out of it because I honestly had NO idea that there were such restrictions on towing a trailer. Nobody at the dealer had mentioned it -- and they knew I'd never towed anything before. So Mr. Letter-of-the-Law said that he'd give me the lesser of the 2 tickets because he "had to write me up for something". So I got cited for something like unsafe lane -- a mere $300 ticket. I about pooped my pants when it came! So I paid the flippin' ticket, took the online driver's school to keep it off my record, and work like the dickens to keep my speed under 60 and stay out of everything but the 2 right lanes. It was an expensive lesson to learn. I'm just glad he didn't cite me for both violations. Humpf.

Wish my first boo-boo was something as "easy" as a dumping error. I'd take stinky shoes over a ticket any day!


Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby flick4411 » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:32 pm

Thanks for all the encouragement Ladies! I'm ready to get serious about getting ready now! But in the interim I have a question (don't I always???)!

It will just be me in the RV for three days. Probably won't use up a lot of black tank space. So the question becomes, do I fill it up with water and dump it then, or since it will be less than a quarter full, do I leave it a quarter full? I read it should be at least 1/2 full before dumping. that may be a lot of wasted water to fill it up just to dump it. But the idea of leaving it there isn't all that appealing either. And I don't know when I'll go out next after that March trip is over. So what' s your recommendation Ladies? I remember watching an old BF dump, and I think I can replicate what he did... Let's see, first thing...put on gloves!!!! Get the hose out of the plastic container it's in. Then open the proper outside door (for me that means opening nearly every outside door til I get to the right one--I'm about ready to label them all) that leads to the dump chutes. Then I open the plate on the bottom and thread the hose through and get the hooks on the exit valve (I'm sure I'm not using the right terms...). Give it a good twist to ensure all is connected. Then stretch out the hose to the dump site and ensure there's no big wrinkles in the hose. Then pull the black lever and out comes the yuckky stuff. When that's finished, close that lever and open the grey lever and let it go til done. Then unhook from the exit valve and walk the hose up to the dump site and remove it. Then if possible rinse the hose. And put it back into the box . So how'd i do??? :lol: :roll: :o

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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby snowball » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:42 pm

I'm impressed but then that is an outside chore therefor DH's :lol: and have not done it but by golly think I could if I followed those instructions :) unless you left something important out that is :roll:
Because you will be by yourself and not a lot of waste in either the gray or black water...and not knowing when the next trip out would I think I would had water to the black tank and take a shower so you have a bit in the gray water...and that should rinse out the hose as well
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby Carolinagal » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:04 pm

Li, I think I would dump. After 3 days, you should not have to add that much water to make half a tank or more. Not knowing how large a tank you have, hard to say. But I would not let such set in the tank for however long. After dumping the black tank, you could go in and flush your toilet several times, fill the bowl up 2 or 3 times and let it go down, this is before you dump the grey water and you still have the hose connected, of course. :) I usually do this if I am heading home and r.v. will be setting in my yard.

Sounds like you have the idea of how its done. I sure would like to be a little bug somewhere watching. :) I sure remember my first time, think everyone does :lol: :lol: It all went very well, even though I sure had doubts about myself doing anything right. I sure was proud of myself , proud over the fact, I dumped poop without getting any on myself. :o :roll: :lol:

Usually they have a water hose there to wash your hose out, before you disconnect it from the drain, so thats nice to use to. Thats where you have to take care you don't get splashed on, from wherever.

Good Luck, but you're going to do just fine. Enjoy your time in your R.V.
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby Forestgal » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:15 pm

Li, I was gone for 3 days this past weekend & dumped when I was done. Whenever I flushed I made sure I let the water run extra-long, and when I did dishes I did them in a pan & put the dishwater down the toilet. That served 2 purposes for me -- helped out the black tank & kept water out of the grey so I had enough room for my essential morning showers. ;)

If you don't have another trip planned for a while (longer than a couple of weeks) I'd hate to have all that black waste sitting in my tanks. I've never had trouble, but I also don't want to create any by leaving stuff in the tanks that could be easily dumped. In my book it's always better to empty your tanks if your rig is going to sit for longer than a week. And whenever possible rinsing your black tank is good, too. My trailer has it's own black tank rinsing hook-up that sprays the inside of the tank. Kind of nice! I don't use it every time, but when I've got full hook-ups I do.

If nothing else, it's good practice for a first trip. You can see if there are any leaks. ;)


Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby dpf » Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:12 pm

If you have to dump a might was well dump a full load! Fill er up and flush her out!
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Re: First Camping Reservation

Postby VickieP » Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:20 pm

I say dump, also. Just to make sure there's no problems. The manufacturers have been known to be careless sometimes, I've heard of them leaving the circle cutout in the tank and it stopping the flow, leaks, stuff like that, I'd rather you find any problems without having a completely full black tank and be stuck. Also after you dump the black tank, close the lever, flush a couple of bowls full of water down there or just hold the petal down and let the water flow for a bit and dump that again before dumping the gray tanks. Then I like to put some more water in the black tank, just so it isn't dry and will keep things from sticking to the bottom.
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