PC vs. Apple

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PC vs. Apple

Postby Forestgal » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:06 pm

Okay, I know it's been talked about before. But for those of you who have switched from a PC to an Apple, can you please tell me how your experience has been in moving from one system to another? I'm thinking of getting a MacBook Pro & need to hear from non-sales people about the pros and cons before I make a decision.

Thanks all!

Now it's time for a nap. ;)


Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Feb 21, 2011 5:16 pm

Okay, once you get past the part that they are more expensive and I haven't found a way to run my favorite "steets and trips" on them.....I like my apples best. I am on my second. The 1st iBook lasted 6 years. I love the service from the Genius Bar and that they did NOT try to sell me a new computer when I took my iBook in b/c it was running so slow and crashing. Instead they noticed that for less than $70 I could upgrade the current O system that I had at that time and keep running what I had. I got an additional 1 and 1/2 year before i felt the need to shell out the big bucks for a new laptop. The majority of the viruses are not out there to attack apple products. Most go after the PC world. The mac world will feel different until you get used to it and then the world of windows will seem strange. I have had far less problems in the past 7 years than I had with any of my desk or laptop PCs.
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby Liz » Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:47 pm

Yep, what Tina said. Won't go back to a PC. And you can, if you really feel you must, get a program to run Windows on your Mac.
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:24 pm

My son has a MAC desktop and loves it. I considered replacing my PC laptop with a MAC when my laptop went belly up last summer, but the closest Apple store is in Portland and driving in that city just isn't an option for me.
Seems there was someone on the forum that was wanting to sell her MAC as she didn't care for it. Anyone remember that?
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby Paulette » Mon Feb 21, 2011 7:28 pm

What Tina and LIz said! I have a mini-mac and love the simplicity. It truly is plug and play. Period. Of course, I also still have a lifebook PC too. Both worlds are pretty similar, in my opinion.
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby Rufflesgurl » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:02 pm

Have only owned Apple computers. Have had a Mac Book Pro for about 3 years - no problems with it. Wouldn't own a PC - seems like they are more complicated.

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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby dayspring39 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:48 pm

I have owned pc's since the early 80s... last year I got an iMac it is great... it has not had the usual viruses that are common to pc's... I would recommend Apple...
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby Redetotry » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:54 pm

I'm the one who doesn't like my Macbook because I've had to send it back 4 times for various problems and the keyboard still doesn't work right. But...I bought an iMac desktop a few months ago and so far, no problems. I debated a long time on what to replace my aging Dell computer with and the deciding factors were, I'd have to learn to use Windows 7, the virus problems with a PC and the wonderful customer service that I received on my Macbook. Do I like the Mac better, not really...but maybe it is because I had always worked on a PC. If I could have bought a new PC with Windows XP I would have bought another Dell.

I forgot to add, I bought online from the Apple site, well actually I called but picked out what I wanted on their site. BE SURE to get the educational discount!! I don't know if you even have to be in education, just put your zip code in and pick the university that comes up. Also all of my friends who are instructors buy the refurbished, they have the same warranty and will not have any dents or marks. But, you don't get the discount on the computer but you do for any additional software etc AND the service contract Buy the service contract, then you also get an almost immediate access by phone for any problems. I've never waited more than a couple of minutes, and it sure paid off for the MacBook! If you have any questions on how to get to the education discount let me know.
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Feb 22, 2011 2:04 pm

Another devoted Apple fan here. And yes, you do pay a little more up front when you buy a Mac but over the past 20 + years of owning Macs, I've found them to be cheaper in the long run as they rarely have problems.
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby pattyk » Tue Feb 22, 2011 8:03 pm

My son has been trying to get me to buy a Mac. I was in the job that required a PC (doing taxes professionally). Mac programs were not available.

My son has had just about every Mac since the beginning and he doesn't get rid of them. At one time he had them all connected together. In their newer home he does not have room to do that. He has about 13 of them, I think. While he worked at Lockheed several years ago, he got his group to switch to Macs. He now works on both PCs and Macs at work.
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Feb 23, 2011 11:43 am

...and if you haven't noticed, individuals in the Mac world are brand loyal! It has been like that for years.... :)
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Re: PC vs. Apple

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:52 pm

BirdbyBird wrote:...and if you haven't noticed, individuals in the Mac world are brand loyal! It has been like that for years.... :)

And that's the truth. I would have switched to a Mac years ago - but needed programs for work that I couldn't use on one then. In fact, one of our other motel mgrs is one of the only people I know who switched back from a Mac because of that. To this date, because of some programs I use, it's easier to not "go Mac" - but maybe one day I'll have both :)
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