by Redetotry » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:54 pm
I'm the one who doesn't like my Macbook because I've had to send it back 4 times for various problems and the keyboard still doesn't work right. But...I bought an iMac desktop a few months ago and so far, no problems. I debated a long time on what to replace my aging Dell computer with and the deciding factors were, I'd have to learn to use Windows 7, the virus problems with a PC and the wonderful customer service that I received on my Macbook. Do I like the Mac better, not really...but maybe it is because I had always worked on a PC. If I could have bought a new PC with Windows XP I would have bought another Dell.
I forgot to add, I bought online from the Apple site, well actually I called but picked out what I wanted on their site. BE SURE to get the educational discount!! I don't know if you even have to be in education, just put your zip code in and pick the university that comes up. Also all of my friends who are instructors buy the refurbished, they have the same warranty and will not have any dents or marks. But, you don't get the discount on the computer but you do for any additional software etc AND the service contract Buy the service contract, then you also get an almost immediate access by phone for any problems. I've never waited more than a couple of minutes, and it sure paid off for the MacBook! If you have any questions on how to get to the education discount let me know.
