Training Wheels?

Re: Training Wheels?

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:15 pm

Li, have you checked the forum on this? In a quick search I found this: ... m#24568034

I'm sure there are more topics on the subject...

And I did read where someone suggested sandbags in the really low areas of a drive. You might want to consider something like that - they use sandbags to level that part of the drop and they back in - which keeps the back end from going low. You say it doesn't matter whether you back in or go in forward, that surprises me - would think backing in would keep the backend from going down.
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Re: Training Wheels?

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:18 pm

DON'T TRUST ANYTHING THE 'DEALER' TELLS YOU, call the manufacturer direct. Often the dealers don't really know what they're talking about. My dealer is the one who sold me the wheels that the manufacturer told me NOT to install. Yes, those V=shaped thingies are the drag bars - mine are bent to hell from scraping. To see what we're talking about take a short ruler, hold it level then tip the front end up and see what happens to the back end. The longer the ruler, the more the back end dips. The drag bars are there to scrape - better them than the frame, muffler, etc. There just will be places you won't be able to get into. From the looks of your driveway even the drag bars won't help. The only solution would be to add a concrete ramp long enough to let you get in and out and I suspect the city would object if you started laying concrete in the road.
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Re: Training Wheels?

Postby flick4411 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:15 pm

Dearest Karen! Thank you so much again! I took Foo Foo up for the warranty work...will have to go back for the door lock issue as they have to order a new lock! :cry: The flashers that didn't work a week ago now work without the dealership doing anything. The touch up paint that didn't appear to match the rig is, in fact, the right stuff. The best thing about today...did more driving (always good) and I filled her up with gas (the first time since the delivery day when I crashed the side in). And it was a good day for driving practice as it was really windy and there was a lot of traffic heading north after the long weekend.

But while at the dealership, I asked them about the skid wheels, and they called Winnebago while I was there. You were right--sort of. But right enough that I'm not going to do the wheels. Winnebago said that adding the wheels will not, of itself, violate the warranty. However, if the wheels cause any damage, then the warranty is void. :cry: So after talking about other possibilities, there are no good options aside from building a bridge!!! ;) ;)

So I am just going to scrape along the street and the driveway. Sterling, my neighbor, had me cut as much of an angle as I could getting out yesterday; so I drove in on the same angle today. The scraping was still there, but less than usual. If I can replicate that each time, I should be basically able to handle this. As long as I don't go too fast or tap the generator exhaust pipe too hard, I guess we'll survive this. ;) My BP must be over 200 each time I enter or leave the driveway. That's got to stop!!!! :roll: :roll:

Going back to my OMG post last nite, Foo Foo was fine when I got out there this morning. We live in a relatiely crime-free (knock wood) neighborhood. Most folks don't even lock their doors (don't worry, I do...). I was mostly worried about someone running into her, but all was well. Being the nosey goose that I am, I am gonna google the 911 calls for last night and see what was up down the street. In the end, there was an ambulance, a fire truck, and two cop car! i think that was the sum total of our police and rescue guys for this tiny neighborhood.

Well, Ladies, again thank you for all your good thoughts. I'm gonna talk to Sterling about the sand bags...they would be much easier for me to move when needed as opposed to the 4X8X15 piece of wood that I can't move alone and didn't work anyway! Anyone need a large plank--it's weatherized? :lol: :lol:

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Re: Training Wheels?

Postby mitch5252 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:28 pm


I'm just full of dumb questions lately...would backing in make any difference?

I didn't know you could Google 911 calls???

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Re: Training Wheels?

Postby flick4411 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:32 pm

again, not dumb! Either front ways or back ways, I basically hit the same V bars and the same spots in the driveway/street. Maybe I'll put down a brass plate on the street when i leave next year...something like "These scrapes are dedicated by Li who had a near heart attack as each of these were dug out by her RV." :o :lol: :D

And in some counties, you can google 911 calls; however, I have no determined little Chesterfield County in Central VA is not one of those counties!!! :roll:

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Re: Training Wheels?

Postby Travelinana » Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:58 pm

Avoiding the chance of heart attack or stroke might make renting a spot for Foo Foo worth it. Are you on really good terms with any neighbors with a perfect little spot they might loan you for a short period. I assume you're not too far away from taking Foo Foo across the country then she will be gone more than home. Do you plan to sell your home or if you rent would it be worth the trouble and expense to move? I would have little fingernail ridges in the steering wheel and I admit this has bothered me from the time I read your post on this subject. I think my thoughts are really rediculous and they are thoughts more than suggestions. Necessity is the mother of might possibly come up with a solution that might make you a multi-millionaire, then Foo Foo will be replaced by a Newell or Prevost and a driver to boot. Let's put our thinking caps on. I would like to have the patent myself. My ex always told me 'You think too much'...Whatever :?
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Re: Training Wheels?

Postby flick4411 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:28 pm

Nancy--there's no such thing as too much thinking IMHO...

Unfortunately, I have about 14 months til I actually take Foo Foo out to the Left Coast. :roll: Wish it were closer, but it's not. I am thinking about moving Foo Foo to a storage place if I can find one close to the house. Too funny that you had the same thought I did; I actually drove around the neighborhood to see if anyone had a nice, level driveway with extra space. Unfortuntely, I am in Central VA where everyone has at least two vehicles and a ATV or large open trailer! Oh well... :o :o :shock:

Once i get the hang of the short angle entry/exit and the scrapes are minimal, then my heart will stop overbeating!!! :lol: And if I can find a place nearby to store her without paying a heap of money, I may consider that as well. For now, she's safely ensconsed in the driveway once again... ;)

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