by Nasoosie » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:06 am
Laura, you and Jed had quite the exciting weekend! I don't like storms of any kind, no matter where I am, but I think the tornado warning we had in Ocala during the GTG there made me really nervous! I left the cabin we had gathered in for dinner to go get Molly from the trailer and head for the bath-house (where Pegy and her friend were laying low) but, when I got back to the trailer, I heard the warning had passed, thank heavens! I watched the radar on the free, over-the-air TV that I was able to get, and breathed a sigh of relief when they canceled the warning for our area. Torrential rains with some wind for a short while was all we got, and, believe me, all I wanted! Glad to hear you are safe and sound!
Life is about learning to dance in the rainHappy travels!