Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby VickieP » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:42 am

jemek wrote:Thoughts and prayers to both of them.

I also did no know Zeee had a eyes caught the title when I saw Zeke. Our youngest son who is 14 is a Zeke. Not a name we happen on very often.

Kristy, Zeke is one of Zeee's much loved furbabies.
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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby carold » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:07 am

Also sending hugs ((( )))) and hope that all goes well with Barb and Zeke. Thanks for letting us know. carold
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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:36 am

Big hugs from me to Zeeee and Zeke, and healing licks from Molly. It's tough enough to have medical problems of your own, but when our fur babies are suffering too, it's about all we can take. Will be thinking of you, Barbzee, and sending you strength and healing vibes.
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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:51 am

Soos, said it , when our furbabies are hurting, everything else is really bad too. (((((((((((((((Hugs from N.C.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Prayers for you and Zeke, Barbzeee. I was soooo sorry to hear this. Please keep us posted.

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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Paulette » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:02 pm


Had an e-mail from Zeee this morning. Zeke has Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, which can be treated and cured even. Amen. They will treat with meds and then he will be neutered (for the cure). Was so glad to hear it. Zeee has enough problems without her furbabies getting sick!

Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Irmi » Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:21 pm

Thanks for the update, Paulette. Prayers are continuing.
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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Echo » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:36 pm

My heart just dropped when I saw the the subject title for this!!! Haven't been here in more than a couple of days and haven't bothered really checking my email as usually i just get junk, jokes and only a few emails.

Much love is being sent to Barbz, her husband and furbabies!! Prayers too and a couple of candles also!!! {{{{{{{{{{HUGS & pupper kisses from Shade}}}}}}}}}}
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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:34 pm

Echo, I noticed you had not been on, glad to see you here today. You can't just drop out like that, I was about to sound the alarm :o :roll: :)

Thanks Paulette for the update on Zeke. Poor babies in for it for awhile it sounds like. I hope Zeee will take care of herself, prayers going that way.

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Re: Prayers for Zeee and Zeke

Postby Barbzeee » Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:00 pm

Paulette, Thank you so much for posting and caring...and for all of you that have kept Zeke and Me in your prayers..

I'm forever grateful... The test results are not in yet and won't be until Monday...So I'm doing the waiting game..As most of you
know with our Critters it is really very they can't tell you ..but you know they are hurting..

Zeke is being taken care of by the Florida Vet Specialties and Cancer Center in Tampa..and thank goodness they have an Annex
here in the Villages...The Good Lord shown down on us...cause I was able to get him in quick and only 10min from the house.

They were fantastic with him and so was the local vet Dr Tim Porter...We certainly had enough prayers going for us..

The Dr at the Cancer center felt it looked Benign but wouldn't committ untill all the tests and biosy were completed so as
soon as I know something I will post..

Again I can't thank all of you enough and Paulette, Lori and Beth {{{{hugs}}}} to you all for keeping my sanity..

God Bless and Loves ya all


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