Oven or no Oven

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Oven or no Oven

Postby jemek » Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:55 pm

One of the things we are now considering is actually ordering the Lance, unless, we find another floorplan that fits the needs..with a good company.
So I think we are set on this model.
So our thought is ordering one (this will depend on when our current one sales).

I was thinking of getting it with the oven..I would assume you then have an additional cabinet for storage??
In the one we have now..I can count on one hand the number of times we actually cooked in the oven. At that it was things that we could cook in another matter. We used the oven because it was there and it was spring/fall camping seasons when it was cooler outside to begin with.
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby avalen » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:10 pm

I can't remember ever using my oven in the 4 years I lived in my fifth wheel. Now, if I had
a little toaster oven, I'd probably use it when I was hooked up to electricity. I do have a
propane camping oven that I hung onto over the years cause I just love it and used it all
the time up at my cabin (years ago) I would be more likely to use it on the camp table
than the oven under the stove.
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:18 pm

I tried my oven once (even have one of those pizza stones) didn't like the way it cooked so it now stores some pans. Wish I had a cabinet instead. I have a small toaster oven that I use all the time. If I can't cook it on the Foreman grill, the toaster oven or the microwave it doesn't need cooking.
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:23 pm

avalen wrote: Now, if I had a little toaster oven, I'd probably use it when I was hooked up to electricity. I

I thought you had a toaster oven??? Someone gave it to you...from the school????
Maybe my recollection is off (SHUT UP, VICKIE)...

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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby snowball » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:36 pm

I use my oven all the time! make cookies cake pies and rolls both cinnamon and dinner and even do meats....yes it has stuff stored in it as well...for me I hope to never be without an oven we spend to much time boon docking in the winter and I still bake large batches of cookies ect can't imagine having to bake just a few at a time..so for me oven
but you are the one that uses it if you haven't then you probably won't
and I put a stone in mine and it seems to help I think although never used it with out
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby jemek » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:47 pm

snowball wrote:I use my oven all the time! make cookies cake pies and rolls both cinnamon and dinner and even do meats....yes it has stuff stored in it as well...for me I hope to never be without an oven we spend to much time boon docking in the winter and I still bake large batches of cookies ect can't imagine having to bake just a few at a time..so for me oven
but you are the one that uses it if you haven't then you probably won't
and I put a stone in mine and it seems to help I think although never used it with out

If we were fulltiming I would keep the oven, but we seasonal and do most of the cooking outside. Cookies, cupcakes, etc. I bake before we leave and put in ziplock bags.

The thing is we used it the first season,,spring/fall. Then burnt a few things too. Then bought a stone for the next season and have never used it again.
Kris aka Kristy
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby Colliemom » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:40 am

I haven't used my oven in my TT yet either and probably won't. I rarely use the one in my house unless I have to. For just one person, it's a waste heating up all that oven space to cook just a chicken breast or small roast. I'm looking for the right toaster or convection oven and that will be my oven in my TT as well. Actually I haven't used the stove in my TT period. I cook outside in summer or on my Forman grill or reheat in the microwave. Like Karen said, If it doesn't cook in those medliums, it's doesn't need cooking.
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby Pooker » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:25 am

I'm like Karen. Had to have a full stove with oven when I went RV shopping. HAD to have an oven. It's going on 4 years since I bought Flitter and I have yet to light the oven! Toaster/oven/broiler; George; micro and crockpot do it for me, too. I have friends who love their micro/convection ovens, tho. Maybe that's a solution for you?

Of course, I don't full time! But actually, even when my hubby was alive and we did lots of traveling, I hardly ever used the oven. Now I figure if I want homemade food, I'll visit Sheila and Larry.

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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:29 am

I use my oven, occasionally. Would not be a deal breaker for me to not have one - but then I would require a micro/convection or micro/1/2 time oven. Which I would want no matter what now. Since I boondock a lot, my oven does get used then - but otherwise, I use the convection oven now.

It sounds like you already thought it out - and that as a cabinet will give you more storage space than using the oven for storage.
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby Birdie » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:44 am

I use my oven baking biscuits, making toast, baking lasagna, baked a pie, too. Haven't used it though since I had my microwave oven replaced with a microwave/convection/grill. However, I would want it for the dry camping times that I couldn't use the genny because of the hour of the day/night or environment. But I never liked the toaster ovens or toasters for that matter. Foreman does my grilling when I have electric unless it's hot then I have a small propane grill for the picnic table.

When I get my next rig I will want an oven.
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby Charlene » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:25 am

We have a Lance 835 for over 2 years now, and use the oven for storage, and never used it once!
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby kdmac » Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:17 pm

I have always used my RV ovens for storage only...probably because I am a horrible cook
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby avalen » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:08 pm

mitch5252 wrote:
avalen wrote: Now, if I had a little toaster oven, I'd probably use it when I was hooked up to electricity. I

I thought you had a toaster oven??? Someone gave it to you...from the school????
Maybe my recollection is off (SHUT UP, VICKIE)...


a memory like a steel trap :lol: the cord got too hot when I used it and threw it away, now the panini maker
I got at the same time is fabulous and currently resides in my daughters pantry and since I have the key its
easily accessible anytime I want to "borrow" my own panini maker :lol: And thats a good idea, maybe I should
plan on some panini sandwiches this saturday. Son hasn't had the pleasure of enjoying a good panini. :D
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby OutandAbout » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:09 pm

Never used my oven either. It's used for storage, need all I can get in the camper. Linda
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Re: Oven or no Oven

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Feb 16, 2011 2:47 pm

avalen wrote:
mitch5252 wrote:
avalen wrote: Now, if I had a little toaster oven, I'd probably use it when I was hooked up to electricity. I

I thought you had a toaster oven??? Someone gave it to you...from the school????
Maybe my recollection is off (SHUT UP, VICKIE)...


a memory like a steel trap :lol: the cord got too hot when I used it and threw it away, now the panini maker
I got at the same time is fabulous and currently resides in my daughters pantry and since I have the key its
easily accessible anytime I want to "borrow" my own panini maker :lol: And thats a good idea, maybe I should
plan on some panini sandwiches this saturday. Son hasn't had the pleasure of enjoying a good panini. :D

Good idea - introduce the son to a delicious sandwich...you know what I find adds some good creaminess and flavor - slather the italian bread with a wedge of laughing cow cheese. YUMMO!

Now, you're making me wanna pull mine out...
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