Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

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Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby JudyJB » Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:57 am

Even though it is a couple of years off, I am thinking about motorhomes and looking at floor plans for Class Cs. I'll be buying slightly used—can't afford new, I don't think. I also went to an RV show last Fall, but I have a couple of concerns I thought some of you can help me with. (Remember that I will mostly be traveling alone, but occasionally, I hope, be joined by my kids and their families.)

My problem is that I have a bad lower back. I thought my problem was muscular from carrying a grandaughter around DisneyWorld last winter, but have now been told that a CAT scan shows substantial arthritis. Luckily I don't have arthritis anywhere else. I am getting PT, but it is really important that I have a recliner of some sort so I can lean back a bit and put my feet up to take the pressure off my back. (I teach my online class in the evenings from my recliner. My office chair at work is horrible!)

At the RV show, I tried sitting in some of the dinette booths, but because I am also overweight and short, they were really uncomfortable, actually unusuable unless I changed the table top to make it lower and smaller. (Are there such things as comfortable booths?) The sofas were OK, although some were pretty stiff—not what I would want to cuddle up in with my Kindle!

The most comfortable were the new U-shaped dinettes, especially if I were to replace the table top with something smaller and lower, sort of like a coffee table. I know I would have to store the bigger top so it could be made into a bed occasionally. I can see adding a couple pillows and curling up in one of those.

I see a few units have what they call "barrel chairs" or "Euro Chairs." They look a little smaller than a recliner. So here are my questions:

1. I assume a "barrel" chair does not recline or have a footrest, right?? They look uncomfortable.
2. The Euro chairs seem to have a footstool, but do they recline?? They look more comfortable than the barrel chairs.
3. Can you replace either of these with a real recliner, especially a small one? Maybe one of the ones that stay away from the wall when you recline? Has anyone done this?

If I had a comfortable (cushy) U-shaped dinette/sofa and a small recliner, I think I could be very comfortable full-time in a motorhome. Without something good for my back, I am going to be miserable.


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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:10 am

The first thing I'd do if I got a rig with one of those barrel chairs is replace it. I'd probably put a small desk or storage there, but no reason you can't put a small recliner there. The places to be careful of changing are the dinettes or couches. First find out what is under them (easy to do). I, too, don't like the regular dinettes. Do like some of the u-shaped ones, tho. Love my couch. This summer, if all goes according to plan (when does that happen?) I'm hoping to replace my 12 year old sofa. I'm going to do it really basic, and probably have a new frame put in, then get a mattress for the bottom and a cushion for along the back. I'm hoping I can figure out a way to move the cushion to whatever depth I want (for example further up for sitting/eating - further back for reclining, etc. And a wedge cushion for the reclining If all goes well, I'll retain and possibly gain more storage space underneath.

As to replacing the table, you might just be able to change the pedastal on the existing table to make it a new height?

With my couch, I rarely use the table that can be put up, use a couple Walmart tray tables - like now for the computer. I have a storage container with dog stuff, shoes, etc, that I pull out and put a blanket over and use for my feet or as a coffee table, when I want one. There's lots of ways to make things work - just have to find the right ones for the rig you're in. And make sure the rig you buys has options to let you do them.
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby Pooker » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:34 am

Also, something to keep in mind: Many of the RV recliners don't actually recline. They just have a foot piece that comes up. We replaced a barrel chair in one of our rigs because we wanted a recliner. The RV recliners are attached to the floor to keep them from becoming missiles in case of an accident or panic stop, so we bought one at Camping World. Not much for comparison pricing - they are a bit expensive. But the most disappointing fact was that the recliner didn't actually lay back and recline! On the other hand, our driver and passenger chairs did have backs that laid back - but they don't have the foot rest. Perhaps a passenger seat and footstool would work. That's what we used most of the time. Anyway, regular furniture store recliners are usually too large and heavy to use in an RV and they don't secure for travel.

Like Beth, I chose to have a sofa instead of a dinette. I use a tv tray for a table and in the almost 4 years I've owned this rig I have never set up the table that came with it.

There are many solutions and variables. You'll just have to find the best one for you.

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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:50 am

I have had Class C's with both dinettes and sofas and I would take a sofa over the dinette any day. I haven't tried the U-shaped dinette so don't know how one would work as a sofa. My passenger seat swivels to face the back. It is comfortable to ride in but is low so don't know how it would be to sit in for very long and you can't see the TV from it. The barrel chairs are not comfortable. I have seen RV's with the recliners with the round bottom frame but haven't sat in one. I don't know how comfortable one of the new sofas that have an air mattress are but would probably be a pain to have to make every day if that was your only bed.

Another thing to think about is whatever chair you buy would have to go through the door and the doors are not that wide. I think most recliners come apart so could be assembled inside.

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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:56 am

I don't see a need to get the rv recliner, either. You just need to make the chair stay when on the road. Bungee cords can work wonders if needed :)

As to the door, when they had to replace my fridge, they had to remove the door AND frame. RV's are made from the inside out - not always so good when you need to replace anything! At the shows now, you see many rv's with wider doors. Things are improving!
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby asirimarco » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:30 am

We took the sofa out of our Class C and put in a Lazy Boy rocker recliner and one of those tables from camping world that folds down when you're traveling - The Driver uses it for his laptop. some pictures of it here - can't do anything with the dinnette as it is all storage tanks etc. under the seats
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby kdmac » Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:29 pm

I just bought a new Zinger TT in December, it's a "light-weight" and I think everyone that has a lightweight will admit that compromises were made to accomplish less weight, such as the dinette cushions are not heavy and plush..when I sit there my big butt is actually sitting on the hard frame with very little cushion, not like the RV's of old days that really were made well. I am quite sure that the high-end MH's, C's and 5ers are where the real quality is, these lightweights really cut the luxury. But, that said, even those owners change out the furniture for more comfy stuff. it is easy enough to replace a few things to have it the way you want it. I have replaced my cute little "uncomfortable" couch with a wicker office desk and comfy chair. I replaced my pretty little lounge chair with a quality built recliner,that fit through the door and is light enough for me to move it out of the way without scratching the floor when the slide comes in. Because I can't lift it entirely I put a towel under it's two feeties and lift from the other side and carefully slide it across the vinyl floor toward the door. You'll notice that most of the recent models of RV have the wide AVA approved doors...but you still have to be sure your new chair will make it through.

I prefer the look of the free-standing dinettes but opted to get the storage available with the booth. The salesman told me they often take the booths out for people that want the free-standing....I figured there would be patches of carpet and frames to remove and he said, nope, it's all fully carpet under there (construction just aint what it used to be) that does provide the option.

The bottom-line is that no matter how expensive your RV is, it very likely will not have furniture or seating that completely pleases you and customizing once you determine the issues is a normal course of action. It's Fun!!!
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:36 pm


It's so funny about the cushions...I have a really light (and small) Fun Finder travel trailer. The bed (made from all the dinette cushions) is more comfortable than our regular bed at home. I LOVE our cushions.

But I have found a pretty inexpensive place to buy any kind of foam you might want. The site I had found before this last one was pretty pricey. If anyone cares to know this less expensive foam supplier, let me know. I'll go try and find the link.

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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby kdmac » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:31 pm

But I have found a pretty inexpensive place to buy any kind of foam you might want. The site I had found before this last one was pretty pricey. If anyone cares to know this less expensive foam supplier, let me know. I'll go try and find the link.


yes, I would like to check the foam supplier out...Thank you
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:34 pm

kdmac wrote:yes, I would like to check the foam supplier out...Thank you

I'll go try and track it down...I think it's a bookmark on m Chrome...

(Back in a flash (hopefully...)

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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:38 pm


Here you go...

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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:16 pm

Great site, Mitch - saving it. Might want to replace my mattress and topper - plus could use it for my sofa cushions if I get that project under way this summer. Prices are good - expected high shipping, but it's not. Wow. What'll get me is the cost of the fabric made to fit the cushions.
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:02 pm


This doesn't hurt, either.


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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby kdmac » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:37 pm

Thank you Mitch,
I just ordered my dinette cushions; now I hope I can get the new cushions into the old "wine skins", so to speak. It was good of you to add the BBB certification, that always gives a sense of confidence. I knew I needed to get those cushions replaced and just assumed it was going to cost me an arm and a leg to have someone do it for me...when the fabric finally gives out then I will have to contact you to help me figure that one out; I don't have a sewing machine anymore.

Thanks a whole bunch!
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Re: Sofas, Dinettes, and Chairs

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:49 pm


My pleasure. Please let us know how the service is and what you think of the foam.

What thickness did you order (my trailer's are 5")?

What firmness?

Gosh, I wish I could sew. I even bought a sewing machine last year...the couple things I've done are pretty funny!!
Vickie sure got a good laugh out of my pictures! You know how mean she is...

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