looking Back

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looking Back

Postby retiredhappy » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:05 am

It was eight years ago this month that I bought my rig. OMG how time flies. It was three years ago this month that I went fulltime and after hanging on to my house by renting it out, I'm now trying to sell. I might have to hang on longer because the housing market stinks right now. I don't miss my "stuff" at all and actually don't remember what I have in storage at my daughter's altho I do notice that more and more of my furniture is working its way into her house. Sometimes when I'm watching HGTV I do miss being able to redecorate once in a while but just think of all the money it saves me not being able to repaint, retile, refloor, etc, etc. The only redecorating I can do in my rig (I already painted all the cabinets and removed the carpet) is to buy a new bedspread and that's even limited because I have two black dogs and one white dog, all of whom shed like crazy. I was okay with just the two black dogs - I had black sheets and dark brown/black bedspreads. Then Sophie, who is white, joined me. Now I have white dog hair on my black sheets. I'm thinking Zebra sheets? Would like to travel more than I do but I'm also okay with living in my rig in an RV park. I have a laundry, pool and when the grass needs mowing, I call the office.
Karen West
Baxter, Sophie, & Bailey


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Re: looking Back

Postby Bethers » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:15 am

Time sure does fly, doesn't it? It'll be 6 years next month that I bought my rig! Good luck selling the house. I'd love to see that no longer have to be a worry for you.
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Re: looking Back

Postby kdmac » Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:45 pm

I watch HGTV remodel shows and "House Hunters" and then rememeber that I concluded that my lovely things and expressions of great taste where driven by "what?" a desire to show off my great taste and savoir faire? to whom, for what reason? Although the living space was pretty, what did it all really mean? I don't miss any of it, I quit needing it long before I left it. I did some serous soul-searching and realized that the greatest joys in my life were being outdoors, smelling the mountain air, laying back in my kayak in floating in the sun, traveling down the road to the next favulous place...I intend to die that way, they will have to drag me out from behind the drivers seat and take me away hollering and screaming, .....I look out my window right now and two hawks are doing their mating ritual up in the tree, he is fanning his tail and their heads are bobbing....rather see that then a Chihuly chandelier any day.
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