Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Colliemom » Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:32 am

Good Morning All,

Thanks for starting the coffee yesterday Ava. Always nice to see somebody up and going in the morning. I was up but washing my hair and getting ready for church. So didn't take time to make coffee yesterday.

Cloudy and mild here this morning at the 45th. Had some llght rain during the night which then turned into a mix as temps are dropping. Not going to be really cold, but enough to freeze things up again. Schools here are closed due to icy roads. The hilly areas can get very slick when spring thaws start moving in. I was surprised to see how much of my drive has thawed down this morning.
Our weather for the week is continued warming with possible heavy rain and maybe even some thunderstorms by late week. Course that is causing a concern along the rivers for ice dams and flooding from rapidly melting snows.

So, since it's going to be windy and a litle chilly later on today, I am going back to my spring cleaning. With luck, I might get my computer room, hallway and living room done. Have some other things to do this week, so won't be working inside as much. But winter isn't over yet, so I'm not worried about that. House work will always be here :lol:

Otherwise, nothing new around here. Same old, same old. But coffe's on, so grab a chair and come have some. Bring some Valentine's Day chocolate along too. I know it's early morning, but any time is good for Chocolate :lol: Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
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Postby Nasoosie » Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:13 am


Dawn is sunny, cool, but with the promise of nice warm temperatures later in the day. Molly and I will go for a walk along the St. Cloud lake trail today, and enjoy the sunshine right here at the trailer as well. My SS money will arrive in two days, and I desperately need some gasoline for my truck in order to remain mobil. Guess I can get a few gallons today and then fill up on Wednesday. If I stay here, I can avoid the chore of replacing more screening on the doors back in Orlando! I need a refresher course from my son so I can mow his lawn while they are at work.....the grass is really coming up strong now.

My day selected for my February swim, so I can say I have been swimming every month I have been down here, will be this weekend when the temps are predicted to get into the 80s! I will either go into this pond here, or go back to Orlando's pool. It can't be any colder than it was in December or January!

By the way, the nutritious value of dark chocolate, already known, has received an even stronger validation this week, and they now believe that cocoa and dark chocolate are as good for the body as any food known to man! Sooooo........grab yourself a dark chocolate heart for Valentine's Day to enjoy with your morning coffee!
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Postby Paulette » Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:34 am

G'morning ladies. We are having a heat wave here in MD today. It felt very Spring-like when I took GD to the bus stop this morning and they are calling for a high of 62! Of course, the wind is supposed to come in this afternoon and there are wind warnings in place, but still, 62!

My ex brought me a box of candy yesterday and I have realized that I have NO CONTROL! Not when it comes to chocolate. So, I'll be glad when the candy is gone! Of course, we all know exactly where it is going! Straight to my hips!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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Postby Acadianmom » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:19 am

I would like to make a cream cheese chocolate cake I saw on-line but since we have no self control when it comes to cake I won't. I made a cherry crisp using Sheila's(Snowball) recipe yesterday and there is very little of that left.

Yesterday I mowed the side yard just to see if the mower would start. The grass hasn't started growing but the clover is getting deep and the rye grass that made it into the yard in a few places. Then I went fishing at the pond. The temperature was in the 60's but the wind was blowing pretty good. I only caught one small perch and the nosy cows kept bugging me. Three cats had followed me and they kept trying to get to me and the cows would chase them back under the fence. They finally gave up and sat on the stand by the arena complaining.

I finally remembered to plant some Daffodil bulbs that should have been planted several months ago. This is the third time I have planted some. The first 2 times they didn't come up. It doesn't help that I buy them and forget to plant them. Need to prune the rose bushes too.

Happy Valentine's Day

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Postby Carolinagal » Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:25 am

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone !!! Its beautiful outside here, supposed to be in the 60's most of the week. I plan to get out in the yard and start some much needed cleaning up out there, the latter part of the week. Decided today will be clean up and do some laundry inside today, plus wash my hair etc. Have test tomorrow at the hospital and then some shopping, so I figure early Wed. morning, Maggie and I, will be outside enjoying ourselves.

I think we will be outside for quite a few walks too today, just set outside later on, sounds wonderful to me. As long as the wind doesn't get higher.

I started out catching up on all of the morning posts, didn't realize I was so far behind, Wow, time does fly by. Once I set down here though, seems its early morning, then all of a sudden its early afternoon. I'm oblivious to time passing. I so enjoy reading of everyone's doings on here, but my goodness its so hard keeping up with you all, what a bunch of busy people. :o ;) :D

Have a great day everyone,
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Postby jemek » Mon Feb 14, 2011 11:09 am

IT is another rainy day here with high wind has not started yet, but is expected to arrive anytime. We are due to get 2 plus inches of rain over the next 48 hours....HELLO MOTHER NATURE....we have had enough rain this winter...please share it elsewhere.

I think I am still on RV brain overload....I had no idea RV shows were so exhausting... it was fun..but man I was so wiped and tired by the time we got home.
Did not really see anything I liked...we are having a harder time this time around. 4 years ago..we knew exactly what we wanted...the Quad bunkhouse with a solid door..that was the only real requirement we had. We had upgraded from a bare bones tent trailer.

Now trying to find something that meets the current needs it seems to be much harder. I love love the outdoor kitchens on some of the models...but as far as I could tell at the show..those were only in the 27ft and overs. Some of the 24-26 had the grill deck type thing. The only 2 drawbacks I could #1 the height of the counters and the little frig is only AC.

In part the hard part is finding what works in the size we want...we need double/triple bunks. Most of those are over 26 feet. The reality for us is we sleep and maybe watch a movie to settle Kodie down at night. We do not really "live" in our RV unless it is rainy out. So I guess we will keep on looking.

We are getting ready to put our current one up For Sale...any tips there would be greatly appreciated. I told DH we need to clean out some more of our stuff. But I do not want to strip it down completely, as we will use it until it sales, if sales right away..that would not be an issue, but just in case it doesn't not. Or maybe I should just get some rubbermaid bins and pack things in those, leave them in the trailer, they would be easier to remove if needed and there if we needed them.

The kids found their favorites...but somehow they missed the memo on SMALLER>>>>LOL ... el=31SQBWE

I will admit that these are nice rigs and such..but not what I was looking at...

This is closer to the layout we want...but about 2 ft shorter..I am trying to keep the overall length to under 27ft. We want to have the freedom to camp more places, we have lots of friends that still tent camp..we have noticed most state/national parks do not have room for the larger rigs. ... el=26BHSWE

Well I need to get going..we have to head out shortly.

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Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:48 pm

I like the bunks....can you access the bathroom with the slide in if you had to?
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Postby Ljpeterlin » Mon Feb 14, 2011 1:01 pm

Good Morning,

Having Mom with me has been good, but it is throwing me all off. I am used to being by myself so I am not getting things done like I would.
Another week and I will be by myself, so until then, chaos will still be the order of the day.

Staying at Daytona is fun, but I am having a hard time getting much done other than walking Wrigley a lot.
If I didn;t eat too much, I would lose a lot of weight while here!

I am walking the 2 miles to the post office today and then again to the Walgreens tomorrow, since they still will not let my scooter in and out.
It is just not worth the fight, and I need the exercise anyway.

Warmer today, think I will try to take the fishing pole out and head down to the lake after I get back from my trek.

Hope everyone is good.
LJ Peterlin

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Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:53 pm

Celebrated Valentines' Day this morning with a bowl of Double Fudge Brownie ice cream with marshmallow topping! Yum! But now I have a tummy ache :roll:

LJ, why can't you use your scooter?

I will have to look for local RV shows around here. I missed the one in Mpls last year. There are a ton of RV dealers around here that I could go to also, but the shows would be more fun, I think!

Sunny and mid 60's here right now, but going to start raining and cooling off by tomorrow, for the rest of the week. Supposed to get several inches of rain by Friday. Unfortunately, I have Wednesday and Thursday off, so won't be able to go out hiking then or any day trips, but will have to wait until the following week for that. Should get my new hiking boots today or tomorrow!

Have a sweet day today!
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Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 14, 2011 2:59 pm

Happy Valentine's Day

I'm also curious about the scooter rule - as I never had a problem when I had mine. Now, they have to be told that your scooter is a street legal, same as a motorcycle, in some cases. These days. lots of places consider scooters the ones you sit in and ride around stores, etc. There were some parks that didn't allow motorcycles (therefore not my scooter, either) but I just didn't stay at those.
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Postby OutandAbout » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:01 pm

Am enjoying the warmer weather. Will have to go on poop patrol now that the snow has mostly melted and the puppies can go in their usual area. It was hard for them to get around with 14" of snow and the drifts, being ankle bitters. :D The kids finally went back to school today. There is already a lot of talk about making up those snow days. Hope they don't have to go until mid June. Garbage pickup is back on as well. Will be nice to clear out the garage. They did get around between storms, but there were a number of dogs running loose that day, so didn't put any out. Didn't want to have to trapse (sp) all over picking it up either. Will get it done over the next week or so.

That's about all the exciting :lol: news from here. Take care all and drive safely. Linda
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Postby jemek » Mon Feb 14, 2011 3:17 pm

BirdbyBird wrote:I like the bunks....can you access the bathroom with the slide in if you had to?

I would say not...this one is longer then we want..and I did check my notes and found the other one we liked.

The one we have can't get in the bathroom either unless you open the slide about 8 inches. Things you don't think about??

I did post in the General Talk the Lance Trailer we like..and it smaller. Lance 2185.... (RV Show)
Kris aka Kristy
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