Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Colliemom » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:31 am

A Good Morning to You All,

Was kind of stalling around here hoping that Soos would post first this morning. LIke she said yesterday, we both seem to have the same wake up and posting times and usually wind up with double posts or something :roll: Well, what can I say. I guess great minds are at work early :lol:

It's a clear morning out here and looks like it's going to be sunny. The clipper came through during the night as expected and dumped at least 2 inches of snow out there. So my waiting for it to pass by before getting out the snowblowers etc., was good planning. This morning I intend to do just that. There is supposed to be another front coming in late tonight with some snow ahead ofit, but will deal with that later. It's the advance of a warm front which is going to bring in mild air for next week.

Looks like it's going to be a great doggie walking day too. Yesterday we went over to the park and walked the campground road. Despite it being raked with the tractor, it was kind of rough walking in some places due to the high winds earlier this week, blowing and drifting the snow. When the warm air hits this week, it will settle it down and then when it gets raked, it should level it off. Ddn't know if it was going to be kept after or not since my boss is now gone, but our lead Ranger said she is going to keep after it. They don't have to do it. But they know there are some of us who like to walk our dogs in there, especially some of the neighbors around the park.

Nothing new as far as the replacement for boss is concerned. The position is state Civil Service, so kind of complicated to fill. They haven't decided which way they are going to do it yet. Either open it to transfers within the dept. or just post it as a job posting. Will just have to wait and see how it goes.

So, I guess it's time to get this day moving along. Got a few breakfast dishes to wash, bed to make ete. Be going out on snow removal duty in a while here. Then putter around the rest of the day. No spring cleaning till next week. Time for a break.
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Postby Nasoosie » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:32 am


Yes, it must be that great minds tend to work together! But, this mind sure did sleep in late this morning! It got up at about 5:30, and, as I had the heat off for the night, found it was only about 50 in here, so hopped back into bed with warm Molly and proceded to fall asleep while watching the morning news! Now it's bright and sunny out there, as is usual, for this season in Florida.

I accomplished a lot yesterday, from trimming the dead branches off my ancient orange tree in the back yard with my new combination pruning and hack saw, finished taking the old shelac off a counter in the kitchen by spraying it with OOPS and then using my thumbnails to scrape it off without harming the finish on the cutting-board counter top underneath, (yes----I have no thumbnails today!) washed the back bedroom windows and removed the old screens to measure and take apart to make usable new ones, and then made two new screens, frames and all, for that room. I am very proud of how they turned out! I also replaced sceening in the front door, and will replace the large remaining old panel of screening in the FL room today. I found a piece of screening the kids had here that will just fit perfectly, if I have enough of the splining. Those little spline wheel thingies are so essential to the screening jobs, and I love doing it.

Then I will do another load of laundry, take a hot bath and wash my hair, and maybe head over to the trailer for some camping time, as next week is forecast to be very summery-like weather. Or, perhaps I will stay around here one more day and make sure it will be warm at night down there. We shall see----having no schedule is a wonderful thing, I am discovering!

Winter Carnival Parade will be going on back home, and I regret not being there. Maybe soaking in the jacuzzi at the clubhouse might take the edge off my regrets! I will put some pictures I took yesterday of this house and its environs in the general room, to show the progress I am making to get this place habitable and comfy. If I can find a picture of our ice palace back home, I will include that, too.

By the way, you are all invited to come stay with me any time you are in this area, or wish to fly here and spend some time looking around! I have enough stuff here now to allow for it's being a very comfy visit. Just wish there were some place to park an RV, but hey----I guess I can't have everything!

Have a fun Saturday, everybody!
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Postby Birdie » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:38 am

Morning Sue, (and Soos you snuck in while I was writing) Is a nice clear morning here at St. Joseph Penisula State Park. White sand beaches with a wind that is quite variable. Last night it did blow all night, normal for the penisula, this morning it is less than 5 and up to 10 at times. Will go make a last walk on the beach and then come back and pack the rig and hit the road. Headed for another state park, Ochlockonee. Will spend the night there and then head to Silver River Sunday. Should be in the 60's here in the panhandle of the state.

I had lots of good birding Friday at St. Mark's NWR and a pleasant drive over and back. RV parks have lots of folks in them, but they aren't full and the same is true with this state park. But some of these sites aren't very accommodating. Lots of folks walking around bundle up against the wind as it is a cold cutting wind.

Coffed is again, French Vanilla, and the breakfast today was cheerios. Hopefully this post will make it thru. Yesterday's left the computer said it was posted, but not there. Go figure.

If you are on the road, be safe. If you are sitting in a camp spot (or home) have fun, and then do it again.
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Postby dayspring39 » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:49 am

Good Morning Sue and Soos... it is cool here 35 but not for long will be in the low 60s later... the sun is shining and the sky is very blue... will be a beautiful day...
Art (park owner) came to pull the water heater and he by chance saw a drip coming from one of the fittings... he said do you want an easy fix or do you want me to pull it and check it all out... I said easy naturally... I have a fan under the sink to see if I can dry out the cardboard that is around the body of the water heater... will know if it is working maybe by monday...
When it dries off outside I will scrape my steps... they are in bad need of painting and they are quite dirty inside... they are the wooden steps my son in law built for me last year... it is so good to have the grab bar fixed also it makes it so easy to come in and go out...
Sarah arrived in Georgia after her stop here to visit for a while... we had such a nice visit... sure do enjoy company!
That is about it for my day... what does yours hold?
Kathleen or Kathy

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Postby avalen » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:17 am

good morning ladies
up and ready to start the day, have alot of things on the agenda as this is the only day I
can get them done until the next Saturday, and lets face it, not everything can be put
off. Main thing on the agenda is to get my extra stuff from storage packed into the
car and taken over to the rv. Its in the way here and some of it could possibly "disappear"
into the unknown. (think questionable characters) Also want to bring over my lattice panels
to fence off the ends of the back yard so the girls can get a little sunshine now and then.
I feel bad that they have to stay cooped up in the bedroom but we have to do what we
have to do for the time being. I'm keeping in mind this isn't forever! Also have to get the
laundry done as I have NO clean uniforms to wear now for the next week. So thats a must.
Would love to bring my little washer over here but it would totally get abused and misused.
Will be content to use a laundrymat and have decided the best one is over at the rv park
where I used to live. Also hope to get time to meet up with Ali, I've got her # and if not
today, then maybe tomorrow after church before she leaves town. I do have to work today
at 4:30 but tomorrow I go in at 1:30 so Sundays I like to reserve for relaxation and not
be rushed to get things done before I go to work. I've scheduled 2 days off from the
school district towards the end of the month and it was approved so I have that to look
forward to. Maybe take one of those days to scout around a few close by mobile home/rv
parks and check out my options. Have to start developing a plan.
Second pot of coffee is brewing and I'm about ready to get dressed and get on with the
day. Time to feed the girls. You ladies have a great day and be safe. BTW, we're finally
getting some nice daytime temperatures here.
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Postby BirdbyBird » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:29 am

Well...Herschel the pups and I woke up north of Macon, GA this morning with 29 degrees. Just got back from a brief AM walk and got to watch one of the other campers with a hair dryer trying to unfreeze their white water hose..... We aren't in FL anymore ...said Herschel. I headed north yesterday also. I needed to get far enough so that I could land in Carol's driveway in NC by mid afternoon. She has been going through such gtg withdrawal..... :o :) :) ...and apparently I had forgotten that my tax appointment for the first time in 25 years had been moved off of President's day and was scheduled for this coming Tuesday. SO....I need to get home to find out how much $ I still have in my "travel and fun" budget after settling with the taxman.... :=) At least it is sunning here and Herschel made me stop at another beautiful GA state park rather than Walmart. He doesn't seem to mind spending money when it means he gets to walk through a beautiful treed state park. :lol: :lol: Hope everyone has a good day.... We got the first part right, We woke up and smiled at the morning..... :D
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Postby Irmi » Sat Feb 12, 2011 9:48 am

Good morning ladies! It's still morning here, not quite 10:00. It's so interesting to see what others are doing in different areas of the country.

I'm home from my weekly grocery shopping trip and groceries are put away. I have an Oven Stuffer Roaster in the oven baking and will at some point make mashed potatoes and a gravy with the drippings. Then I'll take the meaty carcass, after cutting off meat for another meal, and put together a pot of chicken noodle soup. My parents requested that and I'm trying to make whatever meals they want to make sure they have home cooked food in their refrigerator. My mom is legally blind plus she had her back operated on before Christmas and she isn't up to cooking yet. Dad just plain can't cook. That's about as nicely as I can put it and he's craving food besides sandwiches.

The woodstove is stoked and it's feeling pretty cozy in here right now. Our woodstove is our main source of heat and hubby spends most of his days cutting and splitting wood to keep us warm. But we're at the stage in our lives that we would like to keep the woodstove for taking the chill off in the mornings and evenings and spending time further south so he didn't have to do this everyday. We'll see how the rest of the year pans out and see if there is a chance that I can, at some point, give notice to live our dreams.

This evening we're going to the Amercan Legion to listen to a band playing Oldies and Goodies. There is supposed to be lots of finger food so it should be a fun evening.

Take care & enjoy your day!
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Postby bluepinecones » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:27 am

Good Morning after almost 3 weeks of computer withdrawal for me.
I have promised myself never again to travel without my computer.
Reluctantly left the awsome company of forum members in Fl yesterday morning. Have traded the cypress and palm trees of FL for the pecan groves and pine trees of sw GA. Will be staying in Albany, GA to visit with brother-in-law and his family before making the last long leg of my journey home tomorrow. Should reach Huntsville Sunday night.
It sure was tempting to follow Tina to NC to see Carolinagal but I have to get back. Three weeks is the longest I've been away in about 15 years. It was so great, already looking for way to do it again!
Soos - Sorry I missed seeing your house when passing thru Orlando; thought you were still at Blue Cypress last Monday.
Safe travels to all.
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Postby Bethers » Sat Feb 12, 2011 11:32 am

Peaches and I have been out and about all morning. Well most of it - as it's still morning and we're back. I discovered if I turned left out of this cg, in 1/2 a mile I'm at the road that travels along the water - all the way into Fort Pierce. Going to have to explore how far I can take it the other way either this afternoon or tomorrow. Sun is out, windy and still cool, but a beautiful day.

We went back to the Green Market as I wanted another loaf of bread. Don't know what all I'll do with the 2 1/2 loaves I bought! Gasp. LOL And I got a danish, too - which is long gone. I got a loaf of French bread, one cinammon raison, and 1/2 of a jalapeno cheddar. I screwed up - wanted the whole of jalapeno cheddar and 1/2 of cin/rasion, but hey, was my own mouth that said it wrong. I don't care for raisons in my bread - so pick them out. Was telling the people with this wonderful bread there and 2 others immediately said - that's why I don't buy that kind. Maybe they'll take the hint and make some without. Ha - like it'll do me any good? I'm gone on Monday :)

The main reason I went back is because there's a vendor in the crafts section with handmade canes. I have a friend who has MS (among other things) who has started making canes - so I wanted to get info and take pictures for her (did). Will get those off to her later, or maybe post about them - but would rather save a post with pictures of my friend's canes :)

Okies, going to be a bum this afternoon - read, relax.

HaveTina, I'm not looking forward to when I head north - and I have a month yet! Weatherwise, that is as I am looking forward to where I'm going!
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Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:20 pm

Well, I just missed my first earthquake!
I went into work at 8 for a meeting this morning and since my hiking adventure with my co-worker and her brother, was postponed until tomorrow, I headed back home and took a nap. Apparently, I slept right thru a 3.7 earthquake near Hemet (where Evie/Pooker lives) at 9:30, which was felt as far west as Carlsbad on the ocean, and in Temecula just south of me. If I would have been hiking this morning, I am sure I would have felt it, too. My girlfriend in Florida sent me an e-mail asking me if I felt it. That was the first I was aware of it! It didn't even hit the news here. But I guess anything under a 4.0 isn't worth mentioning out here. :roll:

Otherwise, it is 80 degrees right now and sunny! Have to go back to work for the afternoon. Have a great day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Postby Echo » Sat Feb 12, 2011 3:23 pm


Well my coffee is finally done with. :( And in about 20 minutes I will do up the dishes, I'm heating water in the micro now for them. Blech! Will be doing house cleaning today too. Oops! Got to do the park bathrooms first thing after dishes then house cleaning! LOL

It's a simply beautiful day out there today. Bright sunshine, a super clear blue sky and a breeze! I love these kinds of days!!! But.... They sure do make me antsy to be off somewhere doing something! Not sure what? But something other than housework that's for sure!!! :lol:

Brent is breaking down his site in prep to moving up closer to the office. Sure am gonna miss him and his wife living in the site behind us... And Shade will miss his puppers. She goes over to visit and play with them. And of course to do other doggy stuff like P on top of their spots! Those 3 dogs about wear themselves out trying to 'one up' each other on P spots! :lol: :lol: Brent says that Kelly and I will have to move too! So that we can still be neighbors. NOT! Ain't moving until we head back to the Lodge in May. ;)

Looking forward to getting our taxes back so that we can get out of here for a day! And also to be able to get the new tires for the TT. Need to buy a jack too. That is number 2 on the priority list to buy!!! Be nice to have new tires but need the jack to get the old ones off first! :lol: Then I will call the RV repairman that does on site repairs to inquire into the cost of doing the wiring on this thing so that we have outside lights for turn, break and running lights! Which of course helps out a lot not to even mention that then we will be legal to move too! :lol: ;)

Soos, I love what you've done to the house. It looks so cozy and welcoming!!! Way to go! Love the view too. :D

OK, second dish of water is heating in the micro so it's 'almost' time to get my butt to work!! Hope everyone has a super great day doing whatever it is that gives you pleasure! Be safe everyone!
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
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