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Postby JudyJB » Fri Feb 11, 2011 7:41 pm

I sympathize with you, Sue. I am so, so, so tired of winter and gassing up my car while freezing.

I have lived in Southeastern Michigan all my life. First, my marriage kept me here, then my kids, and finally caring for my elderly mother for 20 years. I suppose I could have moved when my kids grew up and moved out, but that would have meant selling two places (my mother's and mine), finding a new job, and so much packing up. Then, my mother got so ill with dementia I reached the point where I couldn't have moved her anyway, at least not with a lot of trouble because of her being in a wheelchair and incontinent. She finally passed away last year after what was for her a miserable last three years.

I am 67 and really need to work another two-and-a-half years--mostly because I have no pension and need to both put money aside in my 401K but also wait until I get the highest SS possible. I am working a regular 9-5 job and teaching a double (50 students) online college class. Hopefully, I can continue to teach a few more years even after i quit my "regular" job. I'm on my 21st year at this local college, and so far they seem to be happy with my teaching, although two new department chairs in three years have not been easy to adust to. I tell people I will continue to teach until senility hits, which seems pretty likely some days!

Anyway, I am determined to buy a motorhome in 2.5 years and take off full time. I have been really having a difficult time waiting. I have a fairly easy and very secure regular job, but it is horribly boring, and I just wish I could afford to walk out. Everyone knows I am just counting the days and weeks and months. My cube is filled with photos of my trips to England and Scotland, and I tell people I put them up to remind myself why I am working.

And winter here in Michigan just makes it soooooo much harder! I want to go somewhere I can actually go outside during the day--maybe even actually sit out and enjoy the weather. I think I would be healthier if I had the time and the place to walk and just enjoy life. I enjoy riding my bike, which I can only do here 6 months of the year.

I am really worried about selling my condo and getting at least a little money out of it. Timing this whole thing is also going to be tricky--putting stuff into storage, including my car, packing up, etc. I find myself literally mentally packing up already. Two plus years seems so far away. And that means two more winters to survive!!! Ugh.

I envy the free time some of you have and the freedom to just pick up and go. I guess if I were in your situation, Sue, I would put the house up for sale and get out of the cold!!

Now I have 48 reports to grade before Sunday night. It is drudgery, but wouldn't be if it were my only job. I never get a weekend off, but I really do enjoy interacting with my students--mostly slightly older students. And I do enjoy reading all about those of you on this forum enjoying the good life.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." Mark Twain.
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Joined: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:15 pm
Location: In NV, AZ, & NM for the winter.


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