Herschel is still in FL

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Herschel is still in FL

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:56 pm

Herschel here:

I am still enjoying the weather of Florida. The GHL and the rest of us have been lingering here and wandering there. After Blue Cypress Lake we headed over to Fort Pierce and did the dog beach thing that I posted then Peaches' nice hooman came and picked up the GHL and they went off somewhere down the road. I missed Peaches but the GHL seemed to have had a good time. She came back with a new hat and two purses. She said something about needed the one for when she went back to work in March.....though why she would want to do that, Remi and I have not figured out....something about more gas money. Is that important? And again that would explain one purse but she hasn't explained why there were two. Well, maybe she mumbled something about "what a good price" and "it will go with basic black dress pants" but we weren't really buying it. Next time I ask for extra treats from the store I'm going to be a little more pushy. Anyway I found her camera and tried to figure out what was going on :) where ever it was they went.

I recognized these guys. They had been walking all over the campground.


And well where ever they went Sarah must have showed up, too. I recognized Sarah right off and they are standing in front of some water with a bunch of other people? How could they look like they are having so much fun when they forgot to take us dogs with them....hummmm? Maybe they were putting on a good front for us at home. I know they must have been missing us, terrible. Us? Well don't tell but we were just sleeping the whole time. Well, except that time Remi barked at the dogs that went by, but it was only that once and he stopped real quick like when I reminded him that he was suppose to be a good dog and brave..... Well, here are the hoomans in the city.


And it looks like there was a horse there, but I remember seeing those horses at the GHL's cousins and this one looks pretty underfed...


And there were some pretty flowers......I don't know what this all means but I know it will be awhile before I see anything like this in Ohio.


CLICK on this Video....
And mayby some of you pups can explain this one to me. At least now I know they must have been hanging around town, buying stuff, watching people, listening to music and it looks like food may have been involved


Well the very next day we up and drove north to stay in Sabastian Inlet State Park. The GHL was very proud to have looked on the internet the noght before and find one site open for one night. Well.....apparently she would have been prouder to have remenber listening to the news about the "fish kill" :roll: :o ...you guessed it :D as we drove closer and closer it became more apparent that the Inlet was the area in the news. Reminded me of our trip to Key West last January after the fish freeze. Well the one night was already paid for and depending upon the breeze....or maybe we just adjusted.....I was feeling sad for the dogs who had hooman's registered for two week.... :?

This place is suppose to be great for fishing but the hiking trails are too far away from the campground and well it has that beach thing about "NO dogs allowed" But there were some pretty birds.



And Sarah found us.



And these look sort of like the wood storks that Liz found ?



And look at what the GHL found on the beach.





And I heard Sarah and the GHL lady talking about traveling again tomorrow. Something about cruisin' sunshine or sunshine cruiser? Whatever it is we get to find it tomorrow. Sarah is staying back on the mainland tonight and we will meet up in the morning and head east towards Orlando.

ps: the GHL wouldn't let me take pictures of the dead fish...she said they would smell too much and when folks click on in the morning their stomachs would be better with just the smell of coffee and toast..... ;)
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby VickieP » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:49 pm

Herschel, you should tell the GHL next time she should turn her camera the other way and maybe we'd get a glimpse of her friends dancing
to the music! :D
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:40 am

There was that one song and dance back at the FL gt that the Hooman's talked about......"You put your Foo Foo in, you put your Foo Foo out....you put you Foo Foo in and you shake it all about.." I don't think they ever got much farther than that because all I hear was peels of laughter.... :lol: :lol: Does Weatherby know about that song? The Hoomans would not explain.
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby Liz » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:18 am

BirdbyBird wrote:There was that one song and dance back at the FL gt that the Hooman's talked about......"You put your Foo Foo in, you put your Foo Foo out....you put you Foo Foo in and you shake it all about.." I don't think they ever got much farther than that because all I hear was peels of laughter.... :lol: :lol: Does Weatherby know about that song? The Hoomans would not explain.

Herschel, didn't the GHL tell you that what happened at Silver River was supposed to stay at Silver River. :lol:
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby Colliemom » Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:51 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:09 am

Woof Woof :? :roll: ? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby sunshinecruiserTN » Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:01 am

Looking forward to company. Unfortunately they don't allow big dogs in my park but close by will be good. Hope the weather holds up for our visit.
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Re: Herschel is still in FL

Postby Travelinana » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:32 pm

I have been without satelite all morning due to the little bit of snow we got last night. When it finally came back this was my first stop and what a treat with Herschel narrating the girls day away and of course the beach and birds. Herschel, what about a job with discovery or animal planet...your hooman could update the home on wheels abit, and of course a limo always awaiting to carry you to location :o :D
I always say I hope the coming winter will bring us one pretty snow. Most of us old timers feel this way, remembering our childhood and our occasional days to play in the snow and play we did until we were pulling up grass and a little dirt to make a snowball. I have had my snow this year and we have a prediction for 6 inches tomorrow. It is so pretty and I can admire it from my big window or take the dogs out for a walk. Snow is snow and so many of you have posted breathtaking pics and I love them. I took pictures of a 2" but I'll post some of the 6". About once every 10 years we get a foot of snow but we also go many years without a single flake but can experience the dreaded ice storm every couple of years. We had one 2 years ago that left several counties in central AR looking like a bomb had been dropped. Trees were peeled down the center of their trunks like the jolly green giant and his ax had been at work. We drove up into the mountains to check out a little cabin and while there a couple of limbs came barreling down taking out a side mirror, headlight and dents all over.. Kind of an expensive trip to check out other damage :roll: :(
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