Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby flick4411 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:26 pm

Yep, that's me! Trouble maker who traveled all the way down to FL (wow, that was some that astronaut lady, I had to have the adult diapers, sports drinks, rope and tape), found Beth, and then threatened her with being tied up and taped down and forced her to say Mitch was 100% right. Does this strong, intelligent, and independent group of women honestly believe that our own dear Beth would say such a thing without being under severe duress? :o :shock: :o :shock: And if you're reading this and asking why I had to have the diapers on the trip, keep in mind that I had to make this trip in one night, down to FL and back to VA today. Foo Foo shouldn't be driven that fast--and besides, she's still winterized so I wouldn't have been able to flush! :D :D

I did have to do a car switch while on the road. First car, Red, fast, and expensive: Image

But then I was going so fast that I blew the I thought I'd better get one a little less I got a little round car...slow and steady, sort of like Mitch:


And now on to the Super Bowl...

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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby VickieP » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:27 pm

Li, I thought the old car was so you'd fit in down in Florida! :o :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby flick4411 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:47 pm

Oh yeah, that too! :o :D :P

Li Lammert
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby AlmostThere » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:03 pm

Forestgal wrote:

And while we're at it, I just got this delightful addition.
Some friends I was traveling with last summer use it and it's really, really nice. I'll always keep a length of old sewer hose in my bumper, but this is what I'll be using from now on. Very easy, and very little chance of something going wrong (read: leak, disconnect at the wrong time).[/quote]

Laura, I just watched a Youtube video on this. Looks pretty slick, but the one video looked to be the maker of the product doing the video and he had quite an extra setup with the water hose and lots of pressure. In another video it looked to be an every day lay person dumping and the sewer moved very slowly thru the hose and he kept tapping it to get it flowing. The first guy did say it would take longer to dump using the 1" hose vs the regular sized. I confess that I didn't watch either videos till the end so don't know about storing the hose afterward. Guess I should do that before making the plunge. ;)
Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby VickieP » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:37 am

The only problem I see with that, other than it seems really slow, is the fact that most dump stations I've used, don't have a water connection that you can hook a hose to. They either have a strange looking one on a tall pole at the COE cg's or they have a short cut off piece of hose already attached to the connection to rinse things or sometimes no water at all. It would work okay at a site that has sewer.
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:25 am

You bring up a good point, Vickie.... ;)
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby Forestgal » Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:01 am

All good points. I traveled with a friend last summer who used the sewer solution exclusively. She brings a "Y" adaptor for the hose bib and hooks up 2 hoses -- one for drinking water & the other to run the sewer solution. I watched her several times when she was dumping, and I don't know that it's really much slower than using a regular 3" hose. It worked without a hitch every time.

If I have to use a dump station I'll probably use the old 3" hose, but at most stations I've been to out here there's usually a non-potable water faucet so that's not an issue.

As I mentioned (I think), I'm keeping a length of 3" hose for those times where it just doesn't make sense to use the sewer solution. But from what I saw last summer it's a great system and much more fool-proof than those big slinky-type hoses.

I'm going camping in 2 weeks. If I use it I'll give you all a report. I can't remember if we have sewer hook-ups or not at the campsites.

Laura -- and Jed

Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby AlmostThere » Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:20 am

Forestgal wrote:All good points. I traveled with a friend last summer who used the sewer solution exclusively. She brings a "Y" adaptor for the hose bib and hooks up 2 hoses -- one for drinking water & the other to run the sewer solution. I watched her several times when she was dumping, and I don't know that it's really much slower than using a regular 3" hose. It worked without a hitch every time.

If I have to use a dump station I'll probably use the old 3" hose, but at most stations I've been to out here there's usually a non-potable water faucet so that's not an issue.

As I mentioned (I think), I'm keeping a length of 3" hose for those times where it just doesn't make sense to use the sewer solution. But from what I saw last summer it's a great system and much more fool-proof than those big slinky-type hoses.

I'm going camping in 2 weeks. If I use it I'll give you all a report. I can't remember if we have sewer hook-ups or not at the campsites.

Laura -- and Jed

With pictures, right!? :P
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby Birdie » Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:28 am

What I have attached when dumping is a hydroflush. It also uses another hose. For the spots where they have a cutoff hose at the dump station, I take that hose off and put my hose on and after dumping I put their hose back. That seems to work best for me.

I do have a second sewer hose. I have a hole in the side of my rig for a 3" hose and I have one in there that doesn't have the end to be screwed on the dump in the ground because that won't fit down into the rig. So I could see me with one of those things and keep the one that slides down in the rig. I know the hydroflush is very good at blowing water up into the black tank. It usually takes at least 4 times for the water to be clear enough for it to be acceptable for me to stop. So for now I am satisfied with my setup. When I had the TT I opened the window in the bathroom and put the hose in to add water to the tank and the drain a second time. I don't have a window in my bathroom now but the hydroflush works fine. But I think that extra money will go into the Aklaska travel fund.
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Re: Cables and bumpers and surge protectors, Oh My!!

Postby Bethers » Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:21 pm

Sewer solution and other similar products are meant for when you are hooked up at a cg - not for use at dump stations. Now, if no one is behind you at a dump station, you could do that - but the purpose of them is for when you are connected, to keep that connected also. Dumping isn't really a problem or difficult - even using the regular sewer hose. But I do use something similar to the sewer solution when connected long time - to help keep the tanks clean.
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