by OregonLuvr » Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:43 pm
I had to chuckle at the big grin on your son's face. I am a Labor & Delivery and NICU nurse and the ER docs at most places are scared sh**less of a pregnant woman. They cant get them up to our floor fast enough. They think nothing of gross trauma, heart attacks, respiratory failure but just have one little pregnant woman stop in their area to breathe thru a contraction and they go bananas.....calling us STAT to ER. HA HA I say good for your son!!!
When those little ones decide to arrive there is no stopping them. Have delivered them in wheelchairs, back seats of cars in the ER parking lot, and in the ER with the doc taking two steps back to make sure we do the delivery HA HA So I was tickled by his big smile.
Emma Tibetan Spaniel