Looks like everyone is sleeping in this morning. I finally rolled out around 8 a.m The girls decided it was get up timea and of course Sassy, needing her pill in the morning is not about to let me forget that. Gotta have that yummy cheese (with the pill inside) you know
So coffee is on and I ate my half grapefruit. Am chomping on a bagel right now. Really healthy breakfast here
I see we are having the "Who's Got the Better Weather Bowl", East (FL) vs. West (CA) and the winnter is....... Botb Barbie and Beth are laying claim to the title
We just might get up to the freezing mark today. Wow, first time in I don't remember when. Cause for celebration
Got to enjoy it cause after today it's back into the deep freeze next week and from what I have heard, it's going to affect those down south a bit too. Once we are over this hump, it's all uphill from here.
Not sure what is going to happen around here today. Know there will be a doggie walk today but otherwise not sure. We took the longest one we have done in awhile yesterday. Walked the shoulder of the highway, down the road just a bit and then picked up the one road we walk on frequently. Let the girls loose so they could enjoy some freedom and the walk. I really don't like walking alongside the highway with them, but the alternative is to try to blaze a path through almost knee deep snow in the yard here to get to the way out back. NOT!
So hope everyone has a good day no matter where it leads for you. Leveda, you are supposed to be starting off on your drean adventure today. Best of luck in your travels and I will be following your blog as you go along.