San Antonio Iced In Friday

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San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby Birdie » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:36 am

Well, we are iced in here in San Antonio. It is beginning to change a little. All the main highways and Interstates in San Antonio are shutdown. That includes I-10, I-35, I-37, I-410, US 281, etc. etc. You will see us on national TV probably. Hasn't been this way since 1885 - that's cold weather and ice/snow this time of year. The last two days gave us a record for the high on a cold, cold day. Never got over 28 the last two days. Oh, well. It will be gone by this p.m. and that is good.

I hope to head out to Louisana tomorrow, but I need to know if our forum Sistah's are iced in, too. So let's hear from you'all, Martha, Carolyn, and Vickie.
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby dayspring39 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:44 am

No ice here... you should have come to the GTG and stayed longer... would have been so nice to see you...
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby Mollysmom » Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:24 am

My sister & her husband are going to be in San Antonio this weekend - hope the weather improves so they can see the sites.
Gotta say though, if it got up to 28 degrees here I'd be outside dancing ! That's warm !!!
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby Acadianmom » Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:31 am

It wasn't too bad here close to the coast. It stayed 33 most of the night and It's slowly warming up. The rain is suppose to move out this afternoon. Most of the snow, sleet and freezing rain was North and West of here. This weekend it's suppose to warm up to the 60's and not rain until about Wednesday.

I heard that I-10 was closed between Lafayette and Baton Rouge because of an accident. Don't know if they ever got that opened up yet.

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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby Redetotry » Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:48 pm

I hate ice and don't even try to drive in it, way too dangerous. But I have to admit I am still chuckling over Diana's post saying Austin is shut down because of 3/4 inches of snow!
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby cpatinjones » Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:48 pm

Roads should be okay late Saturday morning. It is supposed to get to 26 F in my area tonight. It has been raining and drizzlng off and on since Thursday.
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby Birdie » Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:01 pm

We were not supposed to get the ice, just 1-3" of snow. But a bit of warm air snuck in from the Gulf and then when it first started snowing up high, it went thru that layer of warmth and turned to drizzle rain for less than 45 minutes. Then it just spit maybe 1/4" of snow on top of that. So we had ice covered with snow. Was awful around here. Of course, all the sand trucks are in Dallas prepping for the Super Bowl. So we don't got no sand trucks here. They went out to the Bexar County line and shut down the Interstates. But all the towns out of Bexar county didn't have the roads closed. So when folks got into San Antonio proper (Bexar County) the TXDOT had barriers up and shuffled (or attempted) them off the roads. Don't know why TXDOT didn't close the roads all over that were icy. They still had over 100 accidents working every hour from about 6:30 until after 10:00 a.m. with the roads closed. Just Crazy, Crazy, Crazy....Simply do not get this kind of weather and therefore can't deal with it. I need to head south, but probably FL, not TX as Corpus Christi had a mess with the ice this morning, too. They get this kind of weather less often than San Antonio.

Poor Diana in austin got a whole bunch (3/4") of snow. They don't do snow either. Diana hope you and the GD got to play some in the snow.

Karen hope you and Sharon are keeping safe out in K'ville. I see where you have been much colder than us'ns.

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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby ohlucy05 » Fri Feb 04, 2011 5:16 pm

I used to live down near Corpus. They get snow/sleet/ice like this once every 20 years. And people down there do not know anything but fast, break, faster, break, spin-out. It is called lack of experience. And I would bet there are very few plows in the state.

I moved to Virginia 20 years ago and I still pick my times and go slowwwwww.

Most winters in Texas, you get 1-2 freezes a year and it is a hard winter down there if you get 3 or 4 days like that. So I do understand why they are cautious to save lives by closing down with such little weather and yes they will be talking about this storm for years.

What concerns me more is the idea of the rolling blackouts - I have 2 80 year old aunts in all electric houses and they are tough old birds but that is tough to go with out heat or water for any amount of time.

Of course most of you would crack up with Virginia - we get three inches and you would think the grocery store would be off limits for two weeks. And schools call off cause it might snow or ice during the day. They get tired of parents complaining if they close early or open late. I am just saying.

As for all of you with ice and bad weather - my thoughts have been with you.
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby Liz » Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:26 pm

Be mindful of the changing weather and be safe, Birdie.
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Re: San Antonio Iced In Friday

Postby VickieP » Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:02 am

Birdie, there was ice on all the bridges in my area and north of here this morning and they shut them all down till they could get sand on them, they said tonight it would be worse, temps down to 24, but if you leave late they should be clear. They also shut down I-10 at the Sulphur Exit 20 because of ice on the overpass, had the cars exiting then entering back on to miss the overpass.
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