Kitty Update

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Re: Kitty Update

Postby Forestgal » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:21 pm

I got a phone call from the vet this afternoon. I'd already done some checking online to see what the options for treating hyperthyroidism were and so wasn't surprised to hear the same thing from her.

Because Belle isn't a senior cat and is in otherwise good health the vet was quick to recommend the radioactive iodine treatment. While initially expensive (about $1000), the cost of a lifetime of pills (probably 2X/day) and regular bloodtests could eventually match the iodine treatment. Plus, pills would never cure it, just treat it. The iodine route will essentually cure the problem.

This is good for a myriad of reasons, the biggest being when I travel in the summer. I can have friends come in and feed the kitties, but many times they don't see either cat as they're really not stranger-friendly. So having to extract Belle from her various hiding places could be traumatic for her and whoever was conscripted to push a pill down her throat. And I just don't see trying to take her along in the car/trailer. She's never been and I don't want to stress her out now. Plus, if I took her I'd have to take Smudge, and life would just get ugly trying to get him to cooperate. He's a big boy with a definite mind of his own and isn't hesitant to let you know what he thinks of a situation he disapproves of.

So, it's a good thing I'm getting a chunk of $$ from my income taxes. I don't have to do anything immediately, so I'll probably wait until my Spring Break to get her in. She'll have to go to a specialized vet that's about 60 mi. from here and might have to stay as long as a week, depending on how long it takes for the radioactive material to make its way through her body.

In the meantime I'm going to relax -- and be very thankful that she's healthy, relatively young, and it's not a dire emergency.

Thanks again for your support everyone!

Laura -- and Belle

Re: Kitty Update

Postby flick4411 » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:24 pm


While expensive, if it's the long-term fix and long-term less stress on you both, then it's a no brainer--when affordable. I would do the same...they are, after all, our babies. Cheaper than four years of university! :o :lol:

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Re: Kitty Update

Postby sharon » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:35 pm

Good deal, Laura, sounds like that's a good solution. BF's dog has to take thyroid med every morning, but dogs are so easy, wrap the pill in something good and it's gone!
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Re: Kitty Update

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Feb 05, 2011 12:19 am

Laura, I'm so glad your kitty is feeling better and sounds like you are too. Hope she takes the treatment well and will enjoy a long life with you and no pill pushing needed.

I've been wondering about her,but have been so occupied, glad I saw this tonight.

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