Rolling black-outs in Austin......

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Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby mtngal » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:15 pm

I've been reading a fascinating article about The Times and WikiLeaks all morning, did not turn on the radio until a few minutes ago to find Central Texas experiencing rolling black outs due to high demand and low reserves on power grid. Oh and I was so loving my central air, no more, now it's turned down to 55*. The outages are planned to be 40 minutes or so, but due to difficulty getting lines back online some areas have been out longer. And those without power due to wind are just out of luck because linemen can't work until rolling black outs are over. Austin Energy has an excellent map on their site that shows areas that are out, but not those that are scheduled, so I am just waiting. Brought my down sleeping bags inside so they can warm up!

Wondering how others affected by the storm are fairing? (is that the correct word?)
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby Redetotry » Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:08 pm

Hope things are back to normal soon, did you mean central heat instead of central air!? We were lucky here in So Il with only light snow but it is cold and windy.
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby Birdie » Wed Feb 02, 2011 3:28 pm

Diana, they told us here in San Antonio Bexar and Guadxxx County that we, too, would be affected by the rolling power outages. So far we haven't gotten turned off yet. We do have some 'medical dependents' on our 3 block area. They won't drop it on those folks, unless they provide a generator to keep them alive. We haven't gotten any moisture yet. They keep forecasting for tomorrow (every day is a tomorrow) and day after tomorrow. Today they said, Thursday night and Friday we could get up to 3" of snow. Guess the gulf area is getting ready for 'winter storm watch'.

It hasn't been a fun week, yet. Well, I have been having fun setting up my new wireless printer. So now I am ready for a good book. So think I'll go get my KOBO and wrap up in a blanket and read a little bit.

Others of you out there, yes you FL ladies it will catch up to you this week so enjoy now and everyone else be safe, stay dry, keep warm and have fun doing something.
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby mtngal » Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:00 pm

I love my air too, but yes, I did mean to say HEAT! At home I have only fire place, so it's a bit of a chore to keep warm, that said, it's MY choice and I like that better!

Birdie, they are suspended for today, but maybe be resumed tomorrow. People here are hoping for snow, it's such a novelty. Stay warm. :)
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby Birdie » Wed Feb 02, 2011 4:11 pm

They (CPS-utility) were taking a bit of "heat" for telling people to not report outages. Then when radio stations reported downed trees that people were not reporting 'they' (CPS) apparently got their panties in a wad. So glad that is cancelled, but it may get worse if the weather worsens as predicted or slightly as bad as predicted, then we can expect more rollers to come.

You know this just doesn't happen here in the winter. Never this cold this long. Normal winter is a total of a week below freezing and that's spaced over 3 months. I think Austin may have 10 days below freezing for winter.

You know we can't even pull out and head to Port Lavaca as they are in the winter storm watch area. Bet those folks are gonna freeze their behinds right off. That will be cold with the humidity.

Keep warm girlfriend.
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby Bethers » Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:05 pm

I guess I need to be happy that I ended up deciding to stay in FL and not head to TX. Hope you all can stay warm and comfie. And just keep telling yourself - it won't last.
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:08 pm

The wonderful thing about rv heaters running on propane they don't need electricity. I've got my water hose disconnected. It hasn't gotten over freezing all day here in Kerrville. I think by tomorrow we can ice skate on the pool.
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby asirimarco » Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:57 pm

Got a call earlier today from our friend - He got stuck in Phoenix and his connecting flight to Indy was cancelled - finally managed to get a flight into Louisville and drive to Columbus - about 20 miles from our house. Stayed there in a motel overnight. Says the news isn't telling the whole story it is a lot worse. Our whole county was without power for almost 24 hours. All businesses are closed. Nightmare for power crews - bringing them in from the Carolinas even.
Got an email from his girlfriend and he went up to house and all was okay. Waiting to hear frrom him again. It is now snowing there instead of icing. And this was the winter I swore up and down we wouldn't go to Mexico - glad he won. Its cool here - only 67 ......
Everyone take care of yourselves and hope things warm up and settle down soon.
I wondered about central air???? We know what you meant to say.
Guess we'll be staying here longer - now that I feel good its okay.
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:56 pm

retiredhappy wrote:The wonderful thing about rv heaters running on propane they don't need electricity. I've got my water hose disconnected. It hasn't gotten over freezing all day here in Kerrville. I think by tomorrow we can ice skate on the pool.

You know, I was wondering about long will the furnace fan run on one battery? Here's the dumb part of the question (SHUT UP, Vickie!) - the furnace will do nothing to provide heat without the fan running, right? I have very little experience running the furnace and it has always had the fan going. I figured in a pinch, I would use the Coleman heater (1# bottles)... ? ? ?
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Re: Rolling black-outs in Austin......

Postby Liz » Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:52 pm

Wow, you Texas people (& others) are really getting slammed. Hope it warms up for you soon. So far, so good here in FL, but know the cold will be here next week. I'll be home by then.
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