by Bethers » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:22 am
I'm sure glad that bathroom isn't far, Karen. I'm up at least twice most nights - sometimes more - would absolutely hate that! And you are also lucky that they have good shower heads and good pressure. A couple of us were talking here - love this state park, but hate their showers lol - isn't heated, but the ceiling fans are running - sending COLD air down on you in the showers. I realize they have them to control mold, etc, but they need to turn them off when it's cooler out. Then, the one shower I used (saving my tanks as I'm here 8 nights and no sewer connections at the park) that I decided to take there, I froze and the water pressure was terrible. The showerhead was one with different kinds of streams, but only one seemed to work, and badly. Ha - the rest of my showers have been in my rig quickies - and tomorrow I get to take one till the tank is full before I pull out to the dump station.
Your rv guy must love you - all this extra work, building up, etc, is probably going to cost you more than the diference in price of the toilets. Hopefully the finished product will be just what you want. With a working toilet!
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
"He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"