Shore Power Question

Shore Power Question

Postby flick4411 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:00 pm

The RV is in the driveway facing forward. When I back in, the shore power cord is on the same side as the plug at the house. However, when pulled in front forward, the cord is on the other side. Even pulling it under the rig, the cord isn't long enough to get to the house plug. So I had a large extension cord (originally purchased for garden tools--definitely for outside and high capacity) which I plugged in and had power. I turned on the heater and went and got one of the cats to get her used to being inside. I turned on the TV and sat down reading manuals. All of a sudden, everything cut out. I checked all the fuses, etc., and even turned on the house batteries. Everything came back on just fine. So I figured it was the house power. So i go out to check and found that the extension cord (which was stretched out at both ends but coiled up in the middle) was very very warm at the coil. But neither the house plug end or the end plugged into the RV cord was warm. First, I found the tag that had been on the extension cord, and it clearly said to stretch out the cord. I'd never read that I know about that part. But did the extension fail because it was coiled and got too warm or was it not BIG enough (power wise) to carry the load from the RV?

So here's the big questions: Can an extension cord be used between the RV power cord and a power source? The RV manual says don't use an extension cord. But what if you aren't close enough to a power source? Did I have too small a cord (power carrying/capable wise)? Did this happen only because I left it coiled up and it just got too hot?

I'm open to all suggestions, advice, recommendations. Thanks Ladies!!!!

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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:26 pm


You do have a 50A receptacle at the house, right?

I only have 30A, but I use a made-for-rv extension cord and never had a problem. Coiling is a no-no (I learned that in Ham Radio class, I think.)

Hopefully, you'll get a definitive answer from someone smarter than me about this stuff.

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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby flick4411 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:14 pm

Thanks Mitch! I will never, ever allow an extension to be coiled up again! I believe it's only a 30 amp outlet at the house (also had the adapter on the RV cord), but when the RV cord was plugged in without any extension, all was fine. I really think either the coiling was the problem or the extension wasn't strong enough for the draw. But I'm open to all advice....

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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby mitch5252 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:24 pm


Curious - what rectified the problem?

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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby Echo » Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:57 pm

I think I would vote for the extension cord not being heavy enough for the load. Also the longer the extension cord the less power output. A 25ft cord will give you better consistent power than a 50ft or 100ft cord.

For sure look into a made for RV extension cord that's heavy enough to carry the load that you need. Be a whole lot safer too.
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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:32 pm

I've used a good extension cord many times (including while at my g/f's house for a week just a week or so ago - with absolutely no problems. My rv cord itself is ok to remain coiled inside it's location in the rv (yours might not) but I never let the extension cord be coiled. It might not be pulled straight, but not coiled. I do recommend not using an extenstion cord if you don't have to - so in your driveway, I'd back in if you can reach without it. And I'm more careful about the load I put on with an extension cord. Make sure you check that ext cord after not coiled and make sure no part of it gets hot! If it does, you might need to get a new ext cord.
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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby Forestgal » Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:37 pm

Li, you can get an extension cord just like the one that comes with your rig, and then a "stop-down" adapter for your house power. I'd go that route, just to be safe. I think Echo's right -- you're pulling too much power through a yard-type cord and it could spell trouble. Having another length of your rig's power cord might not be a bad idea anyway. You never know when you might need it on the road (although I don't have one & never have needed it). But if you're going to keep things plugged in I'd be checking out what the safest route to go is.


Re: Shore Power Question

Postby Birdie » Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:38 pm

Li I bought a 25' 30amp power cord just like the one that I have in my rig. I have had to put the two together a couple of times and it handles the power requirement okay even though it is 50' in length. Since you are just starting you might consider it as a future investment. Not good to blow fuse either in the house or the rig. Appliances don't really like that power surge when that happens. Good luck in finding an answer that fits for you.
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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby cpatinjones » Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:07 pm

I also suggest purchasing a extension power cord, just like the one used with your RV. I have seen 30a cords at Walmart in the RV section. Also, Camping World has them too. I have been told by several knownledgeable people to use a RV extension cord. This is my 2 cents.
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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby flick4411 » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:03 pm

What would I do without you all! So lucky to have you! I'm heading out to WalMart tomorrow and see if they've got a 30A extension cord. I didn't know there was such a thing. But I will get one! :roll: :roll:

@Mitch: There was no shore power fix. I turned on the house batteries and thigs were working, so that was verification that it was something with the REAL electricity. So in the end, I took the cat back inside and locked Foo Foo up for the night. I suspect the coiling of the extension I had was at the heart (or heat?) of the problem. I will trash that extension; no sense taking a chance on it for any use. :oops:

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and ideas. I really appreciate it. :D :D

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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby Forestgal » Sat Jan 29, 2011 11:40 pm

Li, you're going to need an adaptor for your cord to step it down to a regular, grounded house outlet. If you don't find what you need at WalMart you might look at Home Depot or even an Ace Hardware ...

And while you're in the buying mood, you might think about one of those power monitors. Can't remember what company I've looked at (and yes, it's on my list, once the IRS pays me back), but I'll find the information and send you a PM. It's not just a surge protector, but also monitors when you're not getting enough juice. Sometimes that can be just as damaging as a spike in electricity, and over the long haul can actually ruin things like microwaves.

Not using any kind of protection is always a crap shoot and you'll get lots of opinions about the need for protectors. Guess it all depends on how big a gambler one wants to be. I've gambled for the past 6 years, but am feeling that the insurance of knowing it's there might be worth it now.


Re: Shore Power Question

Postby mitch5252 » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:27 am


Here's the Surge Guard...I have the 30A version and I wouldn't be without it:

And here's the adapter for your 30A receptacle at home:


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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby Forestgal » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:51 am

Here's another "power protector" that I've seen and will probably get. I've met a couple that sells them at various RV functions.

Re: Shore Power Question

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:02 pm

I got the hardwired one from Progressive..had it installed at my local RV fix it shop. It is invaluable to me as I am pretty much an "electric" coach. Makes me feel much better. I have electric heat as well as propane and the propane only kicks on when the temps drop (like a heat pump) Just filled up with propane after 16months..wahoo OK so I dont cook alot either.

I have an extra heavy duty extension cord for when I am home so I can plug in overnight for the fridge. Bought it exclusively for the RV at the local hardware store and it works great. Its lime green LOL so I never trip over it.


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Re: Shore Power Question

Postby BirdbyBird » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:29 pm

I have the one pictured. In a class C somehow the hardwired in seemed over kill. It has saved me a few times. The last time was when it read out extremely high reading and protected me from plugging in at a state park. I wandered around to multiple sites to see if it was just me but it wasn't. I found it interesting when I walked up to one of the camp hosts and several gentlemen he was talking to and asked if there had been reports of any problems. There were only two vehicles in the loop I was parked in. He said no and kindly drove his cart over to my rig ro check it out. I don't think he believed me until he saw that I had one of the Progressive units. Then he took my observations seriously. As it turned out the surge had passed and was reading normal by the time they got to the site but it saved me when it needed too!
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