Converting water heater to work on electric.

Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby bikerchic777 » Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:46 am

OK...Here are a couple of photos. Not sure if they are the ones I really wanted, but was having trouble uploading my photos from my phone to Photobucket after my phone problems the other day. Hope you can see what we did. The thermostat isn't very accurate so have been trying to get it where I want it. I crawled under there and adjusted it again this morning. I think I have it where I want it now. The first selection almost scalded me :o I'm really please with the job we did, though :D Oh, I just realized I didn't take a picture of the switch. It lights up and is on the front of my night stand. The plug comes through on the bed side of my night stand and plugs into that outlet. I may add more photos later.
The rod is inserted in the drain hole. See the wires coming out of it? We drilled a 1/2" inch hole to run the wires back. Had to run them through the rubber grommet before attaching them. We had to use a bent wire coat hanger to run the wires from the back, through the little hole.
We cut a hole in the styrofoam insulation on the tank and stuck the thermostat on. See the temp adjustment? There is a panel we took off to access this. Will put it back on tomorrow.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Bethers » Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:18 pm

Good job! Glad you got it done. I'd keep that scalding temp - with no kids living with me, love having my hot water too hot so that I have to turn the cold on to adjust. So with the electric, it's that hot. But to each of us their own :)
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby bikerchic777 » Thu Jan 13, 2011 10:07 am

I think I have it hot enough now. I lthink it's about 147. I like it HOTT, too, but it was me I was worried about ;)
Linda, Rags, and Brutus full-timing it in our 2017 Winnebago Micro Mini, Thumbelina.

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