Very Sad - You might not want to read this

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Very Sad - You might not want to read this

Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:20 pm

Here's a report on a NC shelter (how can it be called an animal "shelter" when it appears they spend a lot of time euthanizing? Anyway - more than once they have not properly euthanized - ... dead-pets/
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Re: Very Sad - You might not want to read this

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:25 pm

How tragic! Can't believe they went and euthanized that poor puppy after what it already went thru! I hope they can either turn that place around or shut it down for good! Unfortunately, for every one of these we read about, there are hundreds more out there doing the same things or worse. So sad that these people have no compassion for animals. They have no business being in that line of work! So sad :cry:
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Re: Very Sad - You might not want to read this

Postby bikerchic777 » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:24 pm

That is just sick! What is wrong with people? Wish we pet lovers could afford to save more of these poor animals with no-kill shelters.
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Re: Very Sad - You might not want to read this

Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:16 pm

Me, too, Linda. The humane societies I worked with aren't all "no-kill" because they will euthanize for reasons of really ill health or aggression, however, they will not do so because it takes too long before a forever home comes around. Here's a quote from them "our core commitment: As long as it takes. Every adoptable animal who comes through our doors is free of any limits of time or space; we will find a home for that animal no matter how long it takes."

They get NO gov't funds and it can be a struggle - but it's NOT necessary to euthanize just because of space or time - which is how most of them do it. No excuses - it makes me sick. How can you treat animals inhumanely and consider yourself a humane person or part of a humane organization?

OK, I best shut up - could go on forever on this.
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Re: Very Sad - You might not want to read this

Postby flick4411 » Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:04 pm

I agree with the person who posted that the vet who "forgot" should also be sedated and dumped at the land fill for 72 hours and see how the vet feels. Just awful; but until people get their animals spayed/neutered and we shut down all (i repeat all) non-registered puppy/kitten mills, this will continue. Makes me sick... But we all need keep talking about this subject, awful as it is, so we can help educate people about spaying/neutering and not buying from pet stores unless sponsored by rescue groups.

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Re: Very Sad - You might not want to read this

Postby Nasoosie » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:31 am

Thanks for the heads-up warning, Beth----and I cannot read it or see it.....I just can't. That we humans breed people who are so heartless just kills me, and I can't stop crying when I allow myself to think about what goes on out there in so-called "rescue land."

It makes me want to throw up.
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