Post Christmas Monday

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Post Christmas Monday

Postby flick4411 » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:23 am

Good Morning Ladies! Can't believe I'm up before y'all! And it's already almost 8:30. Everyone must be sleeping in today...

Our winter weather finally abated somewhat last night. No more snow here in VA, but it looks really bad in the NE. The folks in NYC are in bad shape. Heard on CNN that one plane full of people sat on the runway for 9 hours because it was too icy to even go back to the terminal. We only have some wind leftover. The weather "guessers" say we'll have 60 degrees by Saturday! Now that's the way to start a new year...

I still have a number of "to do's" left on my list for my vacation time. Today it's filing and getting my tax paperwork together. I have about four inches of paperwork that needs to be filed or trashed (read: shreaded). So I guess I ought to get started...or maybe I'll get a second cuppa coffee first. :D

Hope you all have a great day...and that you are warm and cosey.

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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby avalen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:50 am

Good morning ladies
feel miserable this morning, sore throat is really trying to settle into a bad cold. Not good,
I haven't had one in many years, can't even remember the last time I had a cold.
Very busy night at the airport, lots of families coming back from the holidays, tips were
Going to try and get Gracie into the vet today as her tummy is still bothering her.
Daughter called yesterday afternoon, her condo is going through a exterior makeover
of the whole complex and they started working on her building. Her condo now is
unlivable and it seems when the place was built there was an exterior panel that was
not even put in but no one could see it as it was under the overhang of the porch. It
was covered by a piece of flashing. Its no wonder she always got a wet wall inside
every time it rained. There is mold and the HOA won't go through with the remodel
until the repair is done and they say she has to pay for it. So the insurance company
is involved and she's going to see a lawyer as the the builders of the complex are at
fault and also wondering why the inspectors signed off on it without that exterior
wall. She's in an HOA nightmare right now but the insurance company will put her
up in a motel room and she called to ask me if I wanted to use it as she is already
staying at her bf's. She's suppose to call me back today and let me know if she got me a
motel room where the girls and I can have a clean place to live. Her theory is...if the
insurance has to pay for her to have a place to live until the remodel is all done, then
I might as well use it.
I also need to clean out my car, it still has some stuff in there from the move and I
should get it out, put it in my storage and then detrash the car. (detrash is a new
word btw, I just made it up) :lol:
Time for another cup of coffee, a little toast and will chase it all down with some vitamins.
Enjoy your day
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby Redetotry » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:58 am

Ummm Ava you might want to think about the motel room, could you leave your dogs alone while you work and the biggest question could your daughter get in trouble for insurance fraud? Hope you and Gracie feel better soon.
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby Colliemom » Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:16 am

Good Morning Everyone,

Well, here we are, the Monday after Christmas. All the hubub of the weekend is over, the presents unwrapped, the food consumed, the fellowship and sharing over, although some of you may still have family around yet. For those of us who had a more quiet Christmas, we had good days also. Although I was alone over the Christmas holiday, I enjoyed the day. Went to church in the mornng to a beautifully decorated altar, lovely music and the fellowship of my fellow parishioners. Then home and out for a nice long walk with the girls. Spent some time working on my scrapbook. Enjoyed the evening chat on Chat Room and then some beautiful music from the Mormon Tabernacle Chhoir and Belmont University on PBS. So it was a good day.

Yesterday being Sunday, was of course a return to Sunday Mass. The home to a dog walk and over to my cousin's for Christmas dinner, one day late. Her family wasn't here till yesterday. There were 12 of us in the house and enough noise to wake the dead. One 2 and a half year old who is of course being a typical two year old. Busy, busy, busy. Prime rib is always the fare on that day and a bunch of desserts to follow. Of course everybody eats too much. They they opened their gifts and of course the kids make out like bandits. After that it was home to bed.

So today I am not even going to stand on a scale. My tummy knows it has gotten a bit larger of late. Time to scale back on the munching. Just finished a light breakfast and am heading into Hobby Lobby for some scrapbooking stuff so I can continue on my project.

Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here. Sun is up and sky is clearing. Temp right now is about 12 degrees and the tree branches ae covered with hoarfrost from last night being clear. Sure doesn't feel like winter in a way, as we have not had any snow or other for a while now. Just a few flurries and maybe a little light snow shower in the area. This will be a busy week up here too ,as snowmobilers, skiers, etc. will be decending uoon the north country to partake of their favorite sport. And others to enjoy their 2nd homes "up north" for the holidays.

So I wish you all a grand day today, no matter what you will be doing. As for me, I'm off....
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby Nasoosie » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:14 am


I cannot believe how wickedly cold it is down here this morning. It got down to 27 deg. F. for most of the night last night, with a steady 30mph gale wind blowing and gusts to over 50mph the weather news said this morning. It is not much warmer this morning and I am dressed in long undies, sweat pants, turtleneck shirt, sweatshirt, and fleece jacket as I sit and try to keep my hands warm enough to type out here on the porch. I came to the house to go inside to do my morning computer stuff, but found Melissa still here, and in a very foul mood. So I opted to sit out here on the porch and freeze my butt off. I need to get back inside the trailer where my furnace is running. It is colder down here right now than some winter days back home, and it is getting no warmer as the day goes on. That is why I am thinking it would be so much easier to drain my water again rather than worry about it. It's NOT like it should be down here----and that is why I wish I had no water in there! It is literally freezing all day and all night, and is supposed to be the same for the next day or two.

I can't type any more now---too danged cold. I'll try to get on here this evening, if the mood inside the house changes. Or I may go back to my house and leave my furnace and hot water heater on----it's too cold to drain pipes and blow them out today, as I had planned.

I hope you all are having better weather than this!
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby Echo » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:41 am


Brrrrr! Have been up about an hour or so. It was quite chilly outside this morning when I took Shade outside. Temp was 28f and with the damp air it felt colder. Suppose to be worse by the end of the week tho. Weather website is saying it will go down to the single digits. Not really looking forward to that!

Li, loved the snow pix in the other post. I think it's beautiful after a fresh snow fall when it lays on the trees like that and there are no foot prints to mar the smooth pristine look of the snow. My BFF in Maine is ecstatic over her snow. They are having a blizzard up there and under a blizzard warning until 6pm est. She calls herself " The Snow Witch". I love the snow too but not the freaking cold that comes after. LOL

Ava, so sorry sweetie to hear that you are feeling crappy. Not fun at all when you have to go out everyday and work. Be sure to take extra good care of yourself!! Lots of Vit C and a nice hot toddy in the evening might be the ticket! Or at least the hot toddy will make it seem so! ;) Bartender at the American Legion in Elmira NY where I grew up would make me a 'ginger brandy and lemon' if I felt like I had a cold coming on. Let me tell ya after 3 of them I sure 'felt' better. ;) My landlord in Me. swore by hot blackberry brandy. LOL I bet he felt better after a couple of them too. :lol: :lol:

Not much going on here today. Ran out of propane Christmas night just as I was ready to put a pan on the stove for supper. ~sigh~ Didn't get over to fill the other one up as I forgot!! We finished fixing supper in the microwave. Was gonna go get the tank filled yesterday but was reminded that it was Sunday. Dang it! Filling the tank at Ameri Gas is like $17.??, taking the tank to the grocery store to swap is well over $20. grrrrr The maintenance guy here brought over one of his spare tanks and hooked it up so we could have gas to cook with and to run the fridge. He's a super nice guy!! Ended up not using any for cooking but only for the fridge. For whatever reason the dang fridge will not go over onto electric? I am almost positive that the boss man had it on electric up at the Lodge! Will have to call him and check it out.

Ok, time to take the puppy outside again and also I need another cup of coffee! Hope everyone has a good day and be sure to stay safe. Especially if your in any of the areas that got the snow. Not everyone, even the born and raised there locals are good drivers in the stuff!!!

Love to all
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby avalen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:50 am

Redetotry wrote:Ummm Ava you might want to think about the motel room, could you leave your dogs alone while you work and the biggest question could your daughter get in trouble for insurance fraud? Hope you and Gracie feel better soon.

theres no insurance fraud, they need to find her a place to stay, staying at the boyfriends
is not a permanent thing, its just temporary until the insurance decides whats going to
happen with the condo, and if it wasn't for the girls, I'd be staying at her condo as well.
I have my expen and kennel which I would set them up in so there would be no accidental
getting out the door. But yes, that part scares me.
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Dec 27, 2010 11:56 am

My concern would be whether the motel allows dogs left unattended in rooms. Many don't even if they allow dogs. So make sure you check on that. The main concern is for barking dogs. If the girls don't bark, and you leave the do not disturb up (when I managed motels, we wouldn't allow housekeepers in a room with a dog, even kenneled - unless the owner was there - and remember, I'm a dog lover!). Dogs don't like strangers coming in their space, so make it as safe an environment for you, the girls, and the motel folks.
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby avalen » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:14 pm

Bethers wrote:My concern would be whether the motel allows dogs left unattended in rooms. Many don't even if they allow dogs. So make sure you check on that. The main concern is for barking dogs. If the girls don't bark, and you leave the do not disturb up (when I managed motels, we wouldn't allow housekeepers in a room with a dog, even kenneled - unless the owner was there - and remember, I'm a dog lover!). Dogs don't like strangers coming in their space, so make it as safe an environment for you, the girls, and the motel folks.

thanks Beth, that part I really had NOT thought of. So guess we'll only use the room on
occasions to get a good hot soaking bath (he keeps the HWH set down to minimum warm) and relaxation away from Mr. HP
Although the girls are not yappers, they have been known to bark when somebody knocked
on the door and I certainly wouldn't want to be subjected to that myself if it were a neighbors
dog. Thanks for the heads up.
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby Liz » Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:52 pm

Nasoosie wrote:GOOD MORNING ALL!

I cannot believe how wickedly cold it is down here this morning. It got down to 27 deg. F. for most of the night last night, with a steady 30mph gale wind blowing and gusts to over 50mph the weather news said this morning. It is not much warmer this morning and I am dressed in long undies, sweat pants, turtleneck shirt, sweatshirt, and fleece jacket as I sit and try to keep my hands warm enough to type out here on the porch. I came to the house to go inside to do my morning computer stuff, but found Melissa still here, and in a very foul mood. So I opted to sit out here on the porch and freeze my butt off. I need to get back inside the trailer where my furnace is running. It is colder down here right now than some winter days back home, and it is getting no warmer as the day goes on. That is why I am thinking it would be so much easier to drain my water again rather than worry about it. It's NOT like it should be down here----and that is why I wish I had no water in there! It is literally freezing all day and all night, and is supposed to be the same for the next day or two.

I can't type any more now---too danged cold. I'll try to get on here this evening, if the mood inside the house changes. Or I may go back to my house and leave my furnace and hot water heater on----it's too cold to drain pipes and blow them out today, as I had planned.

I hope you all are having better weather than this!

So, Sooos, have you gone for a swim yet today? :lol: :lol: Sorry, couldn't help that. The good thing about Florida winter usually only lasts a few days and then warms back up to 70s. Of course, there was last year...
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Re: Post Christmas Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:42 pm

Ava, you should try Zicam for your sore throat. That stuff is wonderful!! It really works great to knock out a cold in a hurry! I swear by it. It comes in lots of different forms so you can choose what you like, from tablets, to lozenges, to nasal swabs, etc. I like the disolving tablets myself, especially the orange ones. My colds never last more than two days with that stuff.
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