Weight question

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Weight question

Postby Echo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:42 pm

Kelly and I have been looking and drooling at RV's the past few days. Found a couple that she and I really like. One of the big things that we have really been paying attention to is length and cargo carrying capacity.

We have found a few that we have really liked. The very first one was the Zinger. We both loved it last year when we first seen it. Zinger has a couple that we could definitely live in and with. They have lots of storage of lots of goodies. Kelly posted links to the ones we've found so far that would work for the two of us.

Today they let us out of work early and we went looking again. We went to Greenville, there's a couple of dealers there I wanted to look at. One of them sells used RV's only the other one sells new and used both. We found two at the used dealer that would work for a while. The prices on them were decent. One was $6000 and the other was $6500. Will keep that place on our list to check in the Spring. Then we went to the dealer that sells new and used. There were two down there that we fell in love with. OMG They were both awesome. ~sigh~ I have no idea on how to put links in here so will just have the tell you that they were both Salems by Forest River. I'll leave the super one for last. *****#1 Salem LE 30BHBS, 34' 2" ccc 3411lbs*****, # Salem LE 30QBSS, 33' 2" ccc 4565lbs, Salem LE 31QBSS, 34' 7", ccc 4305lbs and the super one is a Salem LE 32BHDS, 35' 5" ccc 2865lbs. I really want to keep the length under 35'. So while I and Kelly both love the 32BHDs it's over 35' and the ccc isn't that great. But the others are real contenders. I know that 5" isn't much but that ccc might be a stumbling block?

Now to the real question. For all your rigs out there, even the C's and MH's what is your ccc and how close to it are you? Have any of you weighed your rigs to find out?? How important was the ccc to you while making your choices??? If money were no object I do believe that I would get a C. And I have drooled over a couple of beauties!!! And How important was length to you? Did you have a limit that you wouldn't go because of fit???

One of the RV's we looked at today that would really work for us was marked down by 25%. It's a '08' model and they are pushing to get rid of them. If I didn't mind the debt I would be sorely tempted.
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Re: Weight question

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:58 pm

Echo....don't understand the "ccc" weight thing you posted...... :? But will tell you that we've always looked at the "dry weight" meaning what the rig weighs like it is....without stuff added.....ours is 5300 lbs......at 27 ft.......this is important reference as it gives you an idea what tow vehicle to have in order to tow the camper/5th wheel......i.e. our F-150's limit was 6800 lbs....hence it could haul the hybrid and the 5th wheel.....our Toyota Tundra that we have now is rated at 10,600 lbs....so if we wanted to get a bigger camper in the future, we can, and feel comfortable up to that weight........We looked at the Salem, too....nice floor plans.....your choice of length depends on how much room you need......How much room you need depends on how much "stuff" you just can't live without......downsizing your stuff is a must unless you want to use storage somewhere.....

Now that I have you more confused....I'll stop.....but maybe, just maybe, I helped a little....

Have fun shopping and hope you 2 can soon let loose and hit the road...

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Re: Weight question

Postby Echo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:10 pm

Well in between your GVWR and your Dry Weight is usually what they call your CCC. Your cargo carrying capacity. As in how much weight your camper is legal to carry. In that weight you have to figure in your clothing, bedding, pots and pans, dishes, TV's, groceries and all your other stuff. That's why an RV will have a GVWR which is gross vehicle weight rating. That's how much the RV weighs after you get everything you need or think you need all packed into it and your not suppose to go over that. So while the dry weight on the Salem 30BHBS
is 7150lbs the GVWR is 10940lbs, between those two weights is your ccc. It might not always be a perfect match, or perfect math in this case. That's why people will get a bigger truck than what the TT weighs empty. So that they have a wight cushion for all the other stuff.
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Re: Weight question

Postby Echo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:13 pm

Oh and I forgot. Kelly and I will most certainly be downsizing. I want nothing left anywhere in storage with anyone. If it wont work or fit in the RV it's gonna be history. I'm already thinking of who I will be giving most of my dragons to. :cry:

And Kelly has her glass figurines to go thru and find homes for. It's causing her agony.
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Re: Weight question

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:21 pm

Poor, Kelly..... :( Know how she feels.....lucky for me my son has my lace porcelain figures I got in Europe.....and the china.....and the crystal.....told him that there were his inheritance..... ;) :lol: .....so I didn't confuse you..... :) good....gosh, you know what all that stuff means better than I do....... :lol: all I know is that we are legal and our trailer butt doesn't drag on the road traveling...... :lol:

Ernie and I are glad you 2 are shopping and planning......sounds like you'll be making the plunge sooner than later......

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Re: Weight question

Postby Mollysmom » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:27 pm

I've never weighed my RV and am ashamed to say I probably never will - I'm lazy that way.
I did look at the allowed weight I could carry when I was choosing an RV - I wanted to be able to carry lots ! I also watched the empty weight of the RV and the total allowed weight when I was choosing my truck. I think it's really important when you're choosing your towing vehicle - that's where you really want to be sure you aren't pulling more then the truck/car/whatever can safetly pull. Since there's 2 of you I'd think you'd want to be able to bring more then you would if there was just one of you. I'm thinking if you can carry, lets say 1,500 lbs, that's alot of stuff ! I think you'd be OK as long as you don't take up iron work or carry alot of cement blocks.
I don't know if I've helped at all, I think I'm just babbling on and on here - I'm trying to say, watch your "full up" weight when you're buying your trailer to be sure your vehicle can pull it - I wanted to carry lots of stuff so I got a 5er that could hold alot and I got a giant truck that could pull all that weight (and more importantly stop it) -
I just re-read this and it's pretty much useless info but I'll post it anyway just to show I care ! HA !!! I'm trying to help, I just don't know what I'm talking about or I can't express myself well .... I must stop typing now !
Good luck - :oops: :roll: :shock:
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Re: Weight question

Postby Echo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:36 pm

Actually Trudy they are good points. A lot of people don't stop to think of them and then end up in trouble. I know I've seen some trucks going down the road with TT's and 5'ers that made my eyebrows raise, my eyes pop and my throat go dry. Just looking at them you could see that it wasn't a good or safe combination. It has amazed me that more of them don't get pulled over by the cops. Especially the DOT or diesel cops. Road enforcement officers don't notice when a 4 wheelers bumper is dragging the ground because of being over loaded.

All in all it's always better to have a bigger truck than you need. A little extra in the truck department is always a good thing.
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Re: Weight question

Postby Echo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:38 pm

Nope Lori you didn't confuse me yet. I know about GVWR'ings and that stuff. I just don't know what kind of CCC I need to be looking at. With two of us and stuff for the two of us how much CCC will we need???

I confuse myself!!! :lol:
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Re: Weight question

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:43 pm

Hence, the big truck....like our Tundra......yeap.....seen those folks that the tongue of the TT and the back bumper of the tow vehicle are either dragging or almost dragging on the road......too much stuff, too little vehicle, and have they ever heard of a weight distribution hookup.... :roll: with sway bars....oh, we followed 1 of those along Route 98 in Florida one time.....scary stuff!!! :shock: :shock: ......

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Re: Weight question

Postby Bethers » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:49 pm

Your CCC is important, but I look at the total weight I can be - but I'm not having to tow it. Remember, the rigs you're looking at are going to require the bigger and more expensive trucks. And, as Trudy just said, you'll have to make sure you get a weight more than the top weight your trailer with everything in it will weigh.

Now, to confuse you further - the weight to tow, will be less than the weight to live in. Why? Because you have to add YOUR weights into that CCC also.

All this said, I've been reading for over 3 years on this, and have read some people say they have always been overweight and so what - and others who swear that you best watch your weights. I think you have to be reasonable and careful and it's important to be careful, but I don't weigh myself often, although I have weighed my rig - was fine then. Not sure at the moment.

Also, your weight can really go crazy if you carry too much water (in your water tank, waste tanks, or even in bottles in the rig - water is heavy.)

As to maximum length - that'll depend on the types of places you like to stay and how far in advance you want to try to get into some places. Many of the older cg's and many state and city parks can't handle the larger rigs or only have a small amount of spaces to handle them. The smaller you are, the easier it'll be to find a space.

That said, you need to do what'll work best for you.

Also, you mention some C's you'd like. Remember, the C might not be more expensive than the TT or 5th wheel - especially if you're looking at those you're mentioning - because you're going to need a really heavy duty truck to pull them - and those are going to cost bigger bucks, also.

As to that 25% off price - the rule of thumb with most rv's is you can get 20-35% off any new rig at just about any time (with some brand exceptions) - so that isn't such a great deal - unless they bargain it down. A new RV loses 35% or more of it's value when you drive it off the lot (one of the reasons I have trouble buying new unless the price is really exceptional).

Glad to see you doing your homework and hope I've not confused things even more :)
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Re: Weight question

Postby MsBHaven » Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:31 pm

I can't discuss the weight issue since I know very little about it. Getting around 25% off is normal from what I have read....so I would think you should get more than that in this current economy. I'd suggest you haggle a better deal. When I went to the rally in Ohio, I could have gotten Ms"B"Haven weighed for $50.

Great news that you and Kelly might be getting an RV in your future!!!
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Re: Weight question

Postby snowball » Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:30 pm

You know that you can bring on board some of your collectables I don't have as much of some and more of others but you want some and you will want to feel like it is home,. when we went looking for ours. We looked at 'wall space' for pictures we wanted to take with us and yes we are more than likely over weight but hopefully not to bad...
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Re: Weight question

Postby Cedar518 » Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:10 am

Echo, I've always read that you should keep your trailer's gross weight (dry + ccc) to no more than 80% of your tow vehicle's rating. That was for safety. So there is another thing to consider. However, if you are going to park it for now and not be traveling a lot, you could stretch that point. But if a lot of road miles is in your future I'd remember that advice. I've seen that more than once in Trailer Life magazine's techy articles.

Re: Weight question

Postby Echo » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:12 am

Hey all.

First thing, Margie don't even think of paying $50 to get your rig weighed!! Holy mackerel! That is a horrible price. Any truck stop out there will weigh your rig for under $10. Look in your phone book for public scales and call them. $50 is outright robbery.

As to CCC I know that I have to figure in mine and Kelly's weight. And Shade too, might have to put her on a diet. Or shave her? I swear that 80% of her weight is hair!!! LOL Get rid of all the hair & I might be able to sneak a few more dragons on board! ;) And I will have to figure into the CCC of the truck the weight of any motorcycles for me or for the both of us. That's one reason that I want to get a smaller bike, plus it will be easier to load a smaller bike than what I have right now. So yeah before I get to carried away I will weigh out the entire rig, truck, TT, the two of us and a full tank of fuel. Find out what it weighs then start adding up the weight of bikes, stuff and gear and subtract it from the CCC. ~sigh~

I was wondering tho what everyone's CCC was and what they might guess all their stuff weighs and where in that CCC they might think they are at. Do ya think you have lots of wiggle room on the CCC? Do ya think you've packed heavy? Does anyone think they are at the max of their CCC and might be pushing it?
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Re: Weight question

Postby AlmostThere » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:23 am

Remember to add the weight of your water, too!! Water is heavy, around 8 lbs a gallon. When we traveled we made sure our tanks were fairly empty, only about 1/4 full. No need to be pulling the extra weight if you don't have to. Saves on your engine, brakes, gas etc., as well.
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