Converting water heater to work on electric.

Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby bikerchic777 » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:06 am

Has anyone converted their propane water heater to also work on electric? Someone told me it's pretty easy and inexpensive to do. I'm interested if you know how.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby avalen » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:26 am

I thought they all worked both ways. You sure there isn't a switch in the tank compartment
somewhere. Mine has one, if I turn it off it only works on propane.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Bethers » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:22 am

No Ava, many don't work on electric. Mine was converted for me. Took the person about 15 minutes. Whenever my electric is paid for, I use this. Mine needs an electric cord - there are conversions out there that don't. This is the less expensive way.

Basically, you open the door to the outside water heater. You have to install a thermostat (I think that's what it is) up next to the outside casing of the correct part of the water heater. That was the major part of the job. There are 4 cables - color coded - pictures following. Oh, and you replace the anode rod with one for this purpose only (which will last a long time) One of the cables goes to the new anode rod. That was it.


That's the whole picture inside. Green wire - ground. White wire (lightish blue connector) to new anode rod. Black wires (red and blue connectors) to the new thermostat. When you aren't using the electric conversion, you take off the wires - except I can leave the red connector - as it isn't connected to the outside power.


That's the new thermostat attached to the gas hot water heater.

The most important part, before connecting - run line through the door.


That runs to my outside electric outlet.

That's it.

Edited to add - when I first reconnect this way - it takes longer for the water to get hot than with gas. But once hot - it stays hot all the time. Love it. And I got it by accident - as a part in my gas water heater quit working, and where I was workamping did this for me so I could have hot water.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby avalen » Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:20 pm

well I had no idea, I'm gonna have to put that on my list for when I shop
for a motorhome to make sure it has the two way hot water system. See
how we learn from each other, this is great info.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Birdie » Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:54 pm

I talked to my main maintenance guy about doing that because he had the 'kit' in his supply area. He said he would do it, but he didn't recommend making the change in that way. We discussed it and I thought it was fixed so that you just hit a switch and it went from one to the other. When he explained what you had to do and why and what might happen if you screwed up, etc, etc. I decided not to go that way. He makes money either way.

So I will get a new unit with an electric switch and a propane switch. I can either sell him my unit for a 'used' or take it and sell it as 'used' on e-bay or give it away. As far as I know there is nothing wrong with my unit. I can't remember to turn the switch to the H/W tank off - go figure. So I am having my tank exchanged next week for a 2-way tank. I think that will be the best way for me. I just can't understand why they didn't put them in these units anyway. I mean, I'd think it would be standard on all Class C units. Goes to show you what I think. I imagine they are standard on all TT. Wonder if they are?
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Bethers » Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:18 pm

What did he think could go wrong this way? The place who did mine has the same on about 15 or so units - and have had them working this way for several years. It's real easy and cost me nothing - cost them only a little bit. Buying a new unit? Would cost me a lot. Curious what he thinks is the problem?

Oh, they can do it with a switch - more work - and if going that way might be easier to change the unit. But I don't use electric unless I'm getting free electric - so still would need to turn it on/off when using it with gas. And because I boondock so much - I don't forget to turn it off. In fact, most days, only turn it on once all day when using gas.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby bikerchic777 » Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:54 pm

Since I don't have to pay for electric here and didn't at my job last summer, it would be nice to have the option to use electric to heat my water. I try to conserve on propane so only turn on my water heater before I wash dishes or take a shower. Sometimes I forget to turn it off right away and I hate to waste my propane. What is the cost of modifying the water heater so it has a switch? I would even be willing to do it Beth's way if it's safe.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:44 am

I bought my 2002 motorhome used and didn't know my water heater was gas and electric until someone on a Coach House forum told me it probably was electric too. It has a rocker switch on the heater itself in the outside door. I also found out I have a heat strip in the air conditioner which is about all the heat I need in this part of the country.

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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Bethers » Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:58 am

LInda, I promise you the way I'm doing it is safe. And easy - and the least expensive way to do it. But go with what works best for you. And it's made a big difference for me, costwise when my electric is paid.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Birdie » Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:52 am

Beth, we talked today about the work he is doing and he said "I want this to be legal".
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Bethers » Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:43 pm

Don't know where he is - but mine IS legal. Can't use it driving down the road - so maybe he's thinking of that. (I did cheat today changing parks - only a couple miles apart, and I didn't disconnect it). That said, if I was buying again, would attempt to make sure I got a rig with one that is already gas and electric. That's the ideal :)
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby bikerchic777 » Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:22 pm

One of the other work campers said he can figure out how to put electric in for me, with a switch, in exchange for me to clean his carpet in his RV. My instincts are saying that I don't know if I should trust his work. I don't know him well enough yet. I would be upset if he botches it up :? I think I had better wait.
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby Bethers » Sun Dec 26, 2010 4:15 pm

Talking about the anode rods - got me thinking about this again - and found this conversion kit with the on/off switch - which if I'd been buying would be the one I would have gotten - instead of the one I have- ... 416&sr=8-1

I was reading the reviews and the one not as good is someone who's water heater is already gas/electric - can't figure out why he bought it :)

I know mine has saved me hundreds of dollars - plus not running out of propane at inopportune times when I have hookups.

This is the one I think I have: ... -1163.html Camping World sells it also (and installs it if wanted) - but the price to buy is $20 cheaper here.

I'm still amazed that some people were told they weren't "legal"
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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby mitch5252 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:21 pm

Acadianmom wrote:I bought my 2002 motorhome used and didn't know my water heater was gas and electric until someone on a Coach House forum told me it probably was electric too. It has a rocker switch on the heater itself in the outside door. I also found out I have a heat strip in the air conditioner which is about all the heat I need in this part of the country.


I didn't know my water heater was both gas and electric until Sharon showed me this fall at the AR GTG...

Sharon, did you tell me that it's REALLY important to remember to turn off that outside water heater switch? Because it will do great harm if it's "ON" and there is no water in the tank, right? Is that also true with gas?

And using BOTH gas and electric really heats the water fast?

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Re: Converting water heater to work on electric.

Postby bikerchic777 » Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:31 pm

Beth...Does that electric conversion kit come with instructions so that I could do it myself? Seriously considering it!
Mitch...When I had elec/propane water heater, the water did heat up faster when I used both at the same time. Just remember to turn off the propane heater when you're done so you don't keep using up your propane ;) I have always heard not to have either one on when your heater is empty.
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