OMG It's morning

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OMG It's morning

Postby Echo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:56 am

Well I see that while I am probably not the first one up I am the first one to post. ;)

I just couldn't bring myself to post a Gooooood Morning in Barbz Morning section. :) So kinda figured I'd do it here instead. Nope haven't read every post so there's no recap of all the goings on. And I just don't have the time or gumption this early in the morning. Sorry :oops: .

But I have my coffee pot on and I do have some cinnamon rolls sitting here waiting for ya'll. And we can tell each other 'what's up' for today. Of course Kelly and I are working today. It's only suppose to be skeleton crews in each department cause the first few days of the month suck. That's why they rearranged everyone's schedule. They made a whole lot of people very unhappy cause this Friday is payday and people who have this Friday off make appointments and run around paying bills and getting groceries. ~sigh~

Any way it's time I got it in gear and finish getting around for work. Kelly's getting dressed and when she comes out of her bedroom it's gonna be a case of "I'm ready let's go" and out the door she will go. Mom will be left in the dust. :lol:

Hope everyone has a great day and stays safe!

Love to all
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Re: OMG It's morning

Postby avalen » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:56 am

yep its morning and I'm on my second cup to get me goin. Kinda groggy this morning.
Its nice to have the door open though and feel the cool air, the dogs are goin in and
out and checking each others dish to see who left what little tiny morsel of food. Its
always Gracie, she thinks she's leaving some for later but then later rolls around and
its gone :lol:
Ok, gotta finish up here and get dressed. Have a good day and be safe.
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Re: OMG It's morning

Postby Barbzeee » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:00 am

Echo my dear, You did good.. and I'm very honored by all of you.. Don't feel bad..I'll be back.. You are not taking my place..just filling in.. so don't feel funny... I'm very proud of all of you...I'm having my coffee and thinking about what you are all up too.. and here I pop up.. so see I'll be back, I promise .

I have lots more to get ready to do and then Sista's look out these fingers will fly through them keyboards and look for all that good stuff... You know moss don't grow on my stones LOL

Ok, now here's something that will have you all cracking up.. I hate my "New CrowN' I look like I could gnaw through a log.. have to go back to this Dentist and tell him .. "Don't cash that Check" this friggin tooth ain't me !" See nothing ever goes smoothly for me...

Now my Zeke is barking and I'm now gone deaf...he rocks my ear drums..cause he's right up to my side of my head sta do something about that....

Off to the kitchen for a refill...and then...mmmmm out in the motor home and put things up..

Be Good and know I'm not that far away.. Ever ...ya hear...

God Bless
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Re: OMG It's morning

Postby Cedar518 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:27 am

Hi Echo,... we both had the same idea, but i went under Zeee's good morning topic. Good morning to you and to everyone! And like Zeee says,... she's ok with us substituting for her for a while,... we'll never do as good a job but we'll keep the coffee brewing!

now, gotta get back to work!

Re: OMG It's morning

Postby asirimarco » Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:20 am

morning to every one. I slept in this a.m. just felt like it. my husband asked me what was wrong - geeze.... he just asked me "What are we going to do today?" I hate that - he's a big boy find something to do. I have plenty to do. Just catching up around the house after being gone for a week. Last nite we went into town and watched a high school girls soccer team play. One of the mothers asked him if he would coach the girl and he wanted to see if she is any good. It appears she is - I don't know anything about soccer, so I just sat there and froze. Don't know what he is thinking about - he knows soccer but knows nothing about 13 year old girls. Will be interesting to see what happens, also can't imagine him running around the field. A case of the mind is willing but is the body? Ran into our doctor there - he has a daughter on the same team. In fact she made the first goal. Doc groaned, when we asked him why he said he had told her that if she made a goal he would give her $100. Pay up Dad.
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Re: OMG It's morning

Postby Getupngo » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:41 pm

Hi Barbzeee, glad to see you this morning.

My day is pretty full. I took an eight-mile bike ride this morning with a GF, am meeting up with another friend at 4:30 and at 7 I'm going to a jazz concert with yet a third. It's a two-shower day. LOL!

Gee ... I'm just the social butterfly today. Just as well ... yesterday I was a slug!

Have a good day everyone!
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Re: OMG It's morning

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:48 pm

Up and on the move at 7am central time..... :o Body is still on eastern waiting for my photos I took today to post on photobucket so I can tell you all about the last 2 days.... ;)

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Re: OMG It's morning

Postby oregontocal » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:49 pm

LOL! I was a slug yesterday also. It's been really, really hot this week - around 98-100 yesterday and today, and it just feels oppressive. Besides the heat, the ants are out in full force, so I got to play ant murderer. Yesterday I hung around inside the RV with the air conditioning on, reading mostly. Decided today not to do that. So, woke up around 5:45 AM, got dressed and out the door. There's a walking/jogging trail fairly close, so I decided to try out my new, very expensive shoes and insoles. The trail is 3.3 miles, and the shoes worked great. And, it was nice and cool that early in the morning.

Got back, took about 10 minutes to pay bills online (love that!), then drove over to my mom's to get my mail, work on the auction quilt, and take her to lunch. Oh, she has air conditioning so that was also a minor consideration. :D

I treated myself to the ECCO shoes so my feet won't hurt at my job with Amazon. Very, very comfortable. I think they'll work out well.

Back to the hot RV, so I think I'll pull up a couple of chairs outside in the shade and finish my book, "Sons of Fortune" by Jeffrey Archer. Tomorrow is the San Diego Zoo with my friend Betty, then a hair trim. Friday is the dentist and three trailer shops at a couple of movie theaters. Keepin' busy.
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